Marple Glass and Glazing

Author Topic: Stockport owed £5,585,000 In uncollected council tax  (Read 3208 times)

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Re: Stockport owed £5,585,000 In uncollected council tax
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2008, 07:11:42 PM »
And Stockport council owe everyone £90 each. When the so called pole tax was in force £30 each year was factored into the pole tax for the so called "can't pay, wont pay" The govt knew that certain people would not or could not pay this tax. Therefore to compensate for this the £30 was added to everyones tax. As quite rightly pointed out by  Marplian Stockport kept on after the non poll tax payers and was bosting about having over 90% collection records for the poll tax. This then means that the £30 you and I paid and the £30 the "Can't pay, won't payers also had £30 collected in taxes. This meant the council actually made a profit from the "poll" tax which is illegal. I asked the council for a rebate years ago and was told the money was transfered over to the new council tax and that without it the new tax would be far more than it was. I say the council still owe all poll tax payers £90 rebate because the poll tax ran for 3yrs.


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Re: Stockport owed £5,585,000 In uncollected council tax
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2008, 05:40:14 PM »
Yes, but Stockport is one of, if not the only council that does not 'settle' outstanding taxes. They are constantly recovering all outstanding council tax.


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Stockport owed £5,585,000 In uncollected council tax
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 04:10:54 PM »
Stockport is number 13 in the list of councils with £5,585,000 in uncollected council tax. from 2007-8
source of information Dept. for communities and local govt. acrobat needed to download.