2022 / 2023 Season of talks with Marple Local History SocietyThe Society generally meets on the third Monday of the month from September to April, apart from November and December this year, when the meetings are held on the second Monday of the month.
Doors open 7:15pm ready for the meeting at 7:45. Access is via the main entrance on Church Lane (opposite Mount Drive) and the meetings are held in the church itself on the ground floor.
The church includes a hearing aid loop system which is most effective for people sitting near the side walls and in the rear pews of the church.
Inaugural meeting: Monday 26 SeptemberDelayed by a week due to the Queen's funeral, the season starts with a talk on the history of Buxton’s Crescent. The Society will follow this with a visit to the town on Wednesday 19th October. This meeting starts earlier than normal, from 7pm, for enrolments and membership renewals. It's the perfect opportunity for anyone interested in signing up for the first time.
To learn more about what's going on check out the
Society's latest newsletter and sign up for future issues if you'd like to.
The full programme for this season is as follows:- 26th September: Trevor Gilman - The Story of Buxton’s Crescent.
- 17th October: Nigel Linge - The Hidden History of the Red Telephone Box.
- 14th November: Neil Sheldon - Alan Turing.
- 12th December: Mark Llewellin - It’s Behind You! The history of pantomime.
- 16th January: Judith Wilshaw - Brabyns Park.
- 20th February: Frank Pleszak - The High Peak Dambuster.
- 20th March: Joanna Williams - Miss Lydia Becker—Suffragist, Scientist and Trailblazer.
- 17th April: AGM & Anthony Burton - Gaskell and servants.
To learn more about Marple Local History Society visit: