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Author Topic: Barclays Bank Marple Branch  (Read 24282 times)

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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #67 on: August 20, 2021, 09:37:49 PM »
Urrrrrr don't get me going about this British attitude about not discussing politics.  I do so agree with you. How are people meant to explore issues and develop their thoughts if nobody ever discusses anything. Then we wonder why we have the government's we have when we have such an uninformedpublic. In France and Germany you can sit in bars and cafes and have perfectly mature debates over a bottle of wine. Here it's a no go area. Unbelievable.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #66 on: August 20, 2021, 09:10:38 PM »
I don't think we can blame our councillors for poor turn out in local elections nor even any of the local parties nationwide as they try very hard to engage. Rather I think the problem is we don't teach civics in this country, and I don't mean politics before the usual people shout, I mean Civics, how government works how, local government work, the role of a councillor or MP. For some reason we expect people to leave school and some how for them to magically understand democracy and all that is involved. 

I don't disagree with any of that. Of course in theory, we all learn how the system works by reading newspapers and talking to people who know, but in practice that doesn't happen, partly at least because of the British thing about never discussing politics. Since politics (or more accurately civics as you say)  in the wider sense is something that affects us all, both at local and national level, it is something we should talk more about.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #65 on: August 20, 2021, 08:55:44 PM »
I use ATMs very frequently as do a great many people. Cash is still the way a lot of places prefer as payment and long may that continue. I use contactless payment when necessary, but I would prefer it if all payments under £50.00 had to be made in cash, or cost more if cash isn't used. That's the way forward I think. Greatly increase the benefit of paying in cash.

Why do you prefer to use cash, I'm not being trying to wind you up I genuinely don't understand why anyone would use cash. I know why I don't use cash my card is faster, more secure, more hygienic, more convenient in that I don't have a pocket full of change. I'm at a loss to know what the benefits of cash are I really am. Its dirty, queues develop whilst people have to fiddle with it, traders have to bank it each day, its more difficult for people to budget. It's a little bit authoritarian trying to dictate how people should pay if they are spending a small amount and I do think it is the users of cash who will have to pay a premium in the future.  I'm not saying that's a good thing but I'm sure that's the direction of travel. I certainly never expect to use cash again.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #64 on: August 20, 2021, 07:29:20 PM »
I understand that point of view, but why bother holding consultations if the results are entirely irrelevant?

Also worth pointing out that our councillors are elected by a small number of people sufficiently interested in local politics to vote. Probably the same people who take part in consultations.

Not all consultations are irrelevant they are however in my view better used for smaller issue such asking a streets residents if residents only parking should be introduced. My experience is people usual say no btw.

I don't think we can blame our councillors for poor turn out in local elections nor even any of the local parties nationwide as they try very hard to engage. Rather I think the problem is we don't teach civics in this country, and I don't mean politics before the usual people shout, I mean Civics, how government works how, local government work, the role of a councillor or MP. For some reason we expect people to leave school and some how for them to magically understand democracy and all that is involved.  Just as I think we fail young citizens by not teaching personal finance but that's for another day.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #63 on: August 20, 2021, 07:14:37 PM »
You don't keep a bank branch open with a full range of services just for a tiny tiny number of people who might have need of it each year. Goodness it would be cheaper and easier for the bank to visit you in your own home sending the correct staff along. Nor do you keep a local branch open which only provides basic services. Increasing people won't accept cash or are not willing to pay in cash I have not used an ATM since March of last year. I expect that will be the next petition forced on people "Save the ATM" we know nobody any longer uses them but lets save them. Very few people use cheques any more and if you do get one they are easily paid in using your phone. The bank branch is a thing of the past.

I use ATMs very frequently as do a great many people. Cash is still the way a lot of places prefer as payment and long may that continue. I use contactless payment when necessary, but I would prefer it if all payments under £50.00 had to be made in cash, or cost more if cash isn't used. That's the way forward I think. Greatly increase the benefit of paying in cash.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #62 on: August 20, 2021, 07:11:04 PM »
I don't think decisions should be made on the basis a few keyboard warriors organising petitions and filling in consultation forms and imposing their will on the rest of the community and then if the decision doesn't go their way continually moaning about the process and seeking to undermine the decision. A council is answerable to its electorate at regular elections which we all have the right to take part in either as candidate or voters. That is your opportunity to hold those who have made decisions you don't like to account, accountability is not available to you on an almost weekly basis. If my views on a particular issue are ignored I understand that is part of the decision making process, I don't moan about it continually I wait until the correct time (First Thursday in May) and cast my vote accordingly

I understand that point of view, but why bother holding consultations if the results are entirely irrelevant?

Also worth pointing out that our councillors are elected by a small number of people sufficiently interested in local politics to vote. Probably the same people who take part in consultations.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #61 on: August 20, 2021, 06:34:42 PM »
I'm a realist, the glass is half empty and the bottom of the glass is missing.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #60 on: August 20, 2021, 06:26:52 PM »
Whilst I would love your optimism of local politics,

Well we all have to know ourselves and know whether we are a half full or a half empty person. Looks like you're a half empty.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #59 on: August 20, 2021, 06:02:42 PM »
Whilst I would love your optimism of local politics, I feel it's more akin to southpark giant douche.

Maybe I'm showing my youth with that particular reference.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #58 on: August 20, 2021, 05:58:32 PM »
It was not possible to get a mortgage except in person. You can only get one online in simple cases. For many, many people it simply isn't possible. In my case it was because the house had underpinning, but there are many, ,many other reasons.

You don't keep a bank branch open with a full range of services just for a tiny tiny number of people who might have need of it each year. Goodness it would be cheaper and easier for the bank to visit you in your own home sending the correct staff along. Nor do you keep a local branch open which only provides basic services. Increasing people won't accept cash or are not willing to pay in cash I have not used an ATM since March of last year. I expect that will be the next petition forced on people "Save the ATM" we know nobody any longer uses them but lets save them. Very few people use cheques any more and if you do get one they are easily paid in using your phone. The bank branch is a thing of the past.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #57 on: August 20, 2021, 05:44:02 PM »
Petitions, consultations, surgeries, it's all talk but nothing seems to make any difference.
In the the case of a high street bank then they're answerable to their shareholders so the decision is ultimately financial but when it comes to consultations on local matters, the council should be answerable to their electorate. Sadly, it seems they're not and they'll just do what they fancy regardless.

If I could just continue #jimblob I don't altogether blame the public for taking this view. Too often politicians of all all parties start petitions, run surveys, call for the council to undertake a consultation exercise and in so do they lead people to believe that they can affect the decision and usually they can't. Often it's just a campaigning tool or even just a simple information gathering exercise. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with that but people should be aware that's usually what it is. The answer really is for more people to get involved in the democratic process, join the party they support, work for that party, have a say in the selection of candidates and seek to influence the outcome of the election. It has always been a concern that the number of people involved in the democratic process in the UK is so so small compared to other democracies and the memberships of of political parties is is tiny.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #56 on: August 20, 2021, 05:30:09 PM »
Mortgages, loans overseas payments etc most people do on line nowadays and would never dream of going to a bank branch for. In fact I can't think of a single reason to go to a bank branch and I'm in the demographic as an old wrinklie that we are continually being told need bank branches. In fact I can't remember the last time I went into a bank branch but its certainly more than 15 years ago. You can't keep a bank open for an ever diminishing number of people. Bank branches are going the same way as video rental stores for the same reason, technology has moved on.

We should see the closure of the bank as an opportunity for an underused retail unit to be used in a better way and for many many more people to use whatever business goes in there than ever would use it as a bank.

It was not possible to get a mortgage except in person. You can only get one online in simple cases. For many, many people it simply isn't possible. In my case it was because the house had underpinning, but there are many, ,many other reasons.


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2021, 05:20:23 PM »
Petitions, consultations, surgeries, it's all talk but nothing seems to make any difference.
In the the case of a high street bank then they're answerable to their shareholders so the decision is ultimately financial but when it comes to consultations on local matters, the council should be answerable to their electorate. Sadly, it seems they're not and they'll just do what they fancy regardless.

I don't think decisions should be made on the basis a few keyboard warriors organising petitions and filling in consultation forms and imposing their will on the rest of the community and then if the decision doesn't go their way continually moaning about the process and seeking to undermine the decision. A council is answerable to its electorate at regular elections which we all have the right to take part in either as candidate or voters. That is your opportunity to hold those who have made decisions you don't like to account, accountability is not available to you on an almost weekly basis. If my views on a particular issue are ignored I understand that is part of the decision making process, I don't moan about it continually I wait until the correct time (First Thursday in May) and cast my vote accordingly


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2021, 05:12:23 PM »
Only £33k a year if you'd like to rent a former bank branch.
   Not big enough for peruga who are now at mellar golfclub any one been there yet .


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Re: Barclays Bank Marple Branch
« Reply #53 on: August 20, 2021, 05:08:36 PM »
Mortgages, loans overseas payments etc most people do on line nowadays and would never dream of going to a bank branch for. In fact I can't think of a single reason to go to a bank branch and I'm in the demographic as an old wrinklie that we are continually being told need bank branches. In fact I can't remember the last time I went into a bank branch but its certainly more than 15 years ago. You can't keep a bank open for an ever diminishing number of people. Bank branches are going the same way as video rental stores for the same reason, technology has moved on.

We should see the closure of the bank as an opportunity for an underused retail unit to be used in a better way and for many many more people to use whatever business goes in there than ever would use it as a bank.