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Author Topic: Friends of Marple Memorial Park  (Read 123653 times)

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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #228 on: January 01, 2017, 08:56:58 AM »
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2016:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #227 on: November 27, 2016, 11:06:15 AM »
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following fundraising efforts since the last full update in August.

We're so close now - please keep helping on our final push to reach that £100,000 total by the end of the year!

In summary, the main highlights are: an extra £100 raised from The Samuel Oldknow, £615 raised at Marple Food and Drink Festival, £240 from Marple Soup, £856 from the Art Auction, another £50 from Marple Tuesday Bridge Club, nearly £40 from Robinson's Brewery / Ring o' Bells, another £750 from sponsored bench refurbishments in the Town Centre, £424 from Grow Your Tenner 2016 (so far), £400 from MP William Wragg's Charity of the Month, £100 from ISWOK Boutique's Fashion Sale and Tombola and a number of other smaller miscellaneous donations and contributions received via Local Giving.

Thanks to our £1 for £1 match-funding agreement with Stockport Council we now only need to raise a further £3,956 to reach our £100,000 target.

For more details visit the Skatepark Project page and scroll down to the fundraising blog section:


Note: Grow Your Tenner is currently scheduled to finish tomorrow at 12noon. There is still £67,000 in their match-pot and still time for a last-minute donation to be quadrupled!

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #226 on: November 19, 2016, 03:57:54 PM »
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2016:

Mark Whittaker
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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #225 on: October 18, 2016, 03:44:51 PM »
Having read the minutes of the park committee and noticed that you are trying to get the bowling green fenced in, is it worth asking Marple Hall School to talk to their kids about the problems caused by playing on the bowling green.  I have told off kids that were playing football on the bowling green.  They were from Marple Hall as I knew the majority of them by name.  They are trying to promote community action especially amongst their Year Nine kids (the majority of the footballers are now in Year Nine) who will have a graduation ceremony at the end of this school year.

If I see them again on the bowling green I will have no hesitation in contacting the school (I didn't last time as I hoped my comments to them and their friends would deter them) .

Good to find you reading our minutes in detail @Deniseam !

I think it will be worth it, yes. Anything that may reduce the problems on the green is worth a try. I will write to Mr Barker. Before I do, are you happy for me to tell him that you can name them if he wants to know more details? I don't mind if you don't want to but it will be helpful to know how I should respond if he asks for more information about this particular incident.

This is the first time we've had any culprits positively identified as Marple Hall students - many of the youths seen and reported before have been much older.
Mark Whittaker
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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #224 on: October 18, 2016, 12:28:45 PM »
Having read the minutes of the park committee and noticed that you are trying to get the bowling green fenced in, is it worth asking Marple Hall School to talk to their kids about the problems caused by playing on the bowling green.  I have told off kids that were playing football on the bowling green.  They were from Marple Hall as I knew the majority of them by name.  They are trying to promote community action especially amongst their Year Nine kids (the majority of the footballers are now in Year Nine) who will have a graduation ceremony at the end of this school year.

If I see them again on the bowling green I will have no hesitation in contacting the school (I didn't last time as I hoped my comments to them and their friends would deter them) .


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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #223 on: October 18, 2016, 06:39:41 AM »
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2016:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #222 on: September 25, 2016, 08:37:56 AM »
The Friends of the Park Tombola page has been updated following this year's Food and Drink Festival to thank all the local businesses who helped us this year.

If we've mistakenly left your business off please let me know so that the page can be corrected.

Mark Whittaker
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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #221 on: September 23, 2016, 05:59:37 AM »
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2016:

Mark Whittaker
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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #220 on: August 29, 2016, 06:42:44 PM »
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following fundraising efforts since the last update in July. We're continuing to make good progress as we chip away at the relatively small total that we now need to reach our target - so please keep helping us!

In summary the main updates are: £80 raised from sale of photos at Samuel Oldknows, £450 from sponsored bench refurbishments in the Town Centre, £50 from Asda Chosen by You, £50 from Romiley and Marple Lions and £150 from Marple Carnival. We've also continued to receive some income from the Grow Your Tenner scheme and a few other minor donations too.

Thanks to our £1 for £1 match-funding agreement with Stockport Council we now only need to raise a further £7,645 to reach our £100,000 target.

Please note that you can still donate to our Appeal here: https://localgiving.org/appeal/marpleskatepark/

For more details visit the Skatepark Project page and scroll down to the fundraising blog section:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #219 on: August 14, 2016, 06:31:25 AM »
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 August 2016:

Mark Whittaker
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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #218 on: July 20, 2016, 06:51:43 PM »
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following fundraising efforts since the last update in May. We've continued to make fantastic progress and we really are within shouting distance now if we can just keep that community support coming!

In summary the main updates are: £941 from the Julian Wadden Treasure Hunt, a third £1,000 grant from Stockport Homes, £394 raised during the #GiveMe5 campaign, £463 raised during Marple Carnival and the Skatepark Jam (some of this was matched during #GiveMe5 too), £50 raised by Marple Athletic JFC, £100 donated by Marple Bandroom (for helping them with maintenance of their garden) and a fantastic £600 donated by Marple Hall School.

We are now so close to our £100,000 target and thanks to our £1 for £1 match-funding agreement with Stockport Council we now only need to raise a further £8,633.

Please note that you can still donate to our Appeal here: https://localgiving.org/appeal/marpleskatepark/

For more details visit the Skatepark Project page and scroll down to the fundraising blog section:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #217 on: July 04, 2016, 11:37:49 AM »
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2016:

Mark Whittaker
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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #216 on: May 20, 2016, 05:57:40 PM »
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following fundraising efforts since January. We've made brilliant progress since the turn of the year and it's great to see that outstanding balance reducing the way it has since Christmas.

In summary the main updates are: £105 from Marple Tuesday Bridge Club, £200 from Asda's Chosen by You scheme, £1,500 from Marple Area Committee Flexibility Fund, £100 from the Nationwide Building Society, £587 from our Easter Raffle and Collection in Asda, £1,000 donated by The Marple Website, £100 donated by Nitrotek Ltd, £1,120 raised by Marple Skatefest II, £187 raised at Hawk Green Maypole Event, £64 donated by Trident Electronics, another £56 from the Ring o' Bells Quiz Nights and £500 from the Rotary Club of Stockport.

This gives us more fantastic progress against our £100,000 target and thanks to our £1 for £1 match-funding agreement with Stockport Council we only need to raise a further £12,198.

Visit the Skatepark Project page and scroll down to the fundraising blog section for full details:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #215 on: May 17, 2016, 07:31:46 PM »
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2016:

Mark Whittaker
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Re: Friends of Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #214 on: April 19, 2016, 04:40:54 PM »
 The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of their AGM held on 11 April 2016:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website