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Author Topic: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April  (Read 19258 times)

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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2014, 12:25:40 PM »
I heard it really bad last night about 1 AM. Sounded like the motor on a canal barge but having got really annoyed and turned everything electrical off in the house I went out for a walk up towards the Goyt and couldn't hear a thing. Come 6 this morning I could hear what I thought was the pump on the central heating running only to come down and remember I switched the system off last night.


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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2014, 11:59:10 AM »
Thank goodness other people have heard this   I thought I was going mad.   Particularly bad last night  but had been going on for sometime   Wakes me constantly   Have reported it to SMBC   We will see what happens

Rudolph Hucker

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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2014, 05:35:11 PM »
falcon: Factories are getting away with what exactly without permission?



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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2014, 04:59:37 PM »
Printers Drive, off Station Road Strines. 


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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2014, 03:24:48 PM »
could you tell me where the OP is, and cardiem factory is, think its time people suffering  alll met up, to try and get the council  to act, factories are getting away with no  planning permission.


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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2014, 03:14:14 PM »
Been having problems with low frequency noise near Goyt Mill in Marple for over 3 years, contacted environment dept town hall, and Andrew Stunnell, but  nothing has happened, over the passed few weeks the noise has worsened, now motor noise running all day, very loud during night,  We also get problems at 6am in morning, and approx 3.15pm afternoon. have been to mill, nursing home on Buxton Lane, College, put letters in neighbouring houses, but no one contacts me, our house hums all day, and causes headaches, and health problems, would like to know if you find it. I think we need to complain to our councillors.


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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2014, 05:34:32 PM »
The obvious suspects - have you checked that, OP?
Indeed I did, they told me they leave their printers on 24/7.   But it doesn't seem all that noisy outside there at night?  Also a little baffled as to why the noise would suddenly start at 6AM this morning when it's closed over the weekend, unless machines are running on timers!?

Baffled  ???


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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2014, 02:33:25 PM »
Cardiem factory most likely.

The obvious suspects - have you checked that, OP?


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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2014, 11:09:35 AM »
Thanks for the replies! The noise seemed to quieten down on Easter Monday but returned this morning at 6am, waking me up.   Still going now.

I don't think it's an electrical substation, sounds more mechanical, although admittedly difficult to tell at such a low frequency.   Very strange and very frustrating. Not everyone can hear it, depends how sensitive your ears are at low frequencies I imagine, but it's incredibly loud to me (and no, it isn't tinnitus!)


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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2014, 01:25:27 PM »
The noise could be an automated CNC machine running over night stamping out components.

Cardiem factory most likely.


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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2014, 03:57:11 PM »
Hello, you may be looking in the wrong place for your noise source, I am an industrial electrical engineer with many years of experience, low frequency humming noises often come from electrical substations, I am assuming there is one of these in Strines, they are often an older brick built structure with transformers outside but sometimes inside not visible. Worth a look, these sub stations can make noise depending on the current electrical load, temperature etc.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2014, 07:43:37 AM »
If it persists you could report it to the Environmental Health people at Stockport Council via this form:  http://www.stockport.gov.uk/2013/2994/19672/19710/reportnoisnuisance


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Re: Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2014, 05:41:02 PM »
woodnotes -

There have been a couple of noise-at-night-related posts in the Marple area that you may find useful:





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Constant 'humming' noise in Strines since Saturday 12th April
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2014, 10:21:31 AM »
Hi there, first post on here.

We live on Mill Green in Strines and have been experiencing a low frequency humming noise reverberating throughout the house since Saturday April 12th.  It's a deep and incredibly irritating drone that never stops and is leading to anxiety and a complete lack of sleep.  Especially noticeable in the evening and at night.  Yesterday (19th) it was particularly loud.

We know it's not coming from our house - with electricity turned off in the house the noise continues and neighbours 50m away are experiencing the very same issue.

It sounds like it's possibly coming from local industry. Perhaps a very large ventilation fan somewhere.

Is anyone else experiencing this and any ideas what could be causing it?  Any suggestions on what to do?  It's causing a lot of stress here so hopefully it will go as quickly as it came.  Thanks!