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Author Topic: Town centre foodstore plans submitted  (Read 4803 times)

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Town centre foodstore plans submitted
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2012, 08:57:34 PM »
The following press release has been made by Kirkland Developments today:

Town centre foodstore plans submitted

Stockport-based developer Kirkland Developments is delighted to announce that it has submitted its plans for a new 25,000 sq ft net foodstore at Chadwick Street in Marple town centre. The plans reflect feedback gathered during the public consultation, will create hundreds of jobs and represent a major deliverable investment in the town centre.

Changes were made to the proposals to reflect the views of the community. These include highway improvements along Church Lane to reduce traffic speeds, changes to the junction with Church Lane and Trinity Street to improve visibility and safety and extensive improvements to the landscaping around the site to reduce any impact upon neighbouring properties.

If granted, the proposals will enable residents to do their main food shop in Marple and help to increase footfall to the town centre. A package of significant improvements to the local transport network are proposed which will improve safety and benefit the community.

The submission of the full planning application comes as ASDA submitted its proposals for an out of town foodstore off Hibbert Lane. During the public consultation process it was clear that residents supported Kirkland Developments’ plans, with 91% of 278 people answering ‘yes’ or ‘yes, in part’ to the question ‘Are you in favour of a new foodstore in Marple town centre?’ via the feedback forms available at the public exhibition.

Furthermore, the store proposals have received support from local businesses, including Gill Povall and Pauline Norris, owners of Crafty Ladies on Market Street.

Gill Povall of Crafty Ladies on Market Street commented:

“I think that Kirkland’s plans will benefit Marple town centre, bringing more people in to the town. I co-own the Crafty Ladies shop on Market Street and am certain that more people coming into Marple is a chance for local businesses like mine to increase their trade. Kirkland has obviously listened to the community as they have designed their store and this shows in their plans. I hope that the Council does the right thing and approves Kirkland Developments’ planning application.”

Rod Hogarth, Kirkland Developments’ Managing Director, said:

“I am grateful to everyone who has contributed to the design of our proposals and really pleased to have now lodged our planning application with Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council.

“Our plans will increase footfall in Marple town centre, providing a boost to local businesses and creating a vibrant location for shoppers. We made several changes to the plans to reflect what residents had told us, particularly by improving the local road network and enhancing landscaping around the site to lessen any impacts on the immediately adjacent properties.

“It is now up to Councillors to determine whether they believe our proposals or Asda’s plans at Hibbert Lane are the most suitable for Marple. I hope that members will look favourably on the town centre store and the public backing that it has received.”

For more information, residents can visit www.marpletowncentrestore.co.uk or contact the dedicated community information line on 0161 247 8417.


Kirkland Developments was incorporated in 1987 and is a small but active development company based in Stockport. The company operates across the north west and focusses on retail schemes.
Over Friday 19 and Saturday 20 October, 410 people formally signed in to the Kirkland Developments exhibition events. Further to this, a large number of people chose not to sign in and Kirkland believes the actual attendance figure to be approximately 550 people over the two days.
Answering the question ‘Are you in favour of a new foodstore in Marple town centre?’, those who completed a feedback form at the exhibition answered as follows:
Are you in favour of a new foodstore in Marple town centre?
Yes 155 (56%)
Yes, in part 98 (35%)
No 25 (9%)
Total 278

Changes made to the proposals as a result of the public consultation include:
An extensive package of measures to calm traffic and reduce speeds along Church Lane;
A raised floorplate at the junction of Church Lane and Trinity Street, to increase visibility and encourage drivers to slow down for the junction;
A filter lane on Stockport Road leading to the junction with Trinity Street, to allow for traffic turning into Trinity Street to access the store space to queue and turn safely whilst preventing traffic backing up down Stockport Road;
Kirkland Developments will fund a consultation regarding parking for residents along Chadwick Street, subject to agreement with Stockport MBC;
Kirkland Developments will also bring forward a parking management strategy, subject to agreement with Stockport MBC and the end retailer, and measures to address the parking needs of all end users;
The proposals will lead to the adoption of Trinity Street. This will enable parking restrictions to be enforced, preventing illegal parking and allowing for the introduction of other enforcement measures;
A contribution will be made to local bus services to encourage the use of public transport;
Additional cycle parking will be provided at the Trinity Street level, supplementing that which is already included as part of the rooftop car park, to further encourage sustainable modes of transport and links with the town centre.
Improved boundary treatments where the site abuts properties at Chapel Fields and Walmersley Court and adjoins Chadwick Street;
Further landscaping and banking adjacent to the Chapel Court access road;
Acoustically treated fencing will be provided between the car park and Walmersley Court, Chapel Court and 7 Chapel Fields in order to dampen any potential noise creation;
The introduction of an appropriate boundary treatment to the eastern edge of the car park in order to prevent headlight glare into homes on Chadwick Street
The relocation of the footpath from the car park down to Trinity Street to the left hand side of the road, away from 7 Chapel Fields, with defensible bushes adjacent to the property to deter pedestrians

Here are a couple more images. They are shown at 600 pixels wide below but if you click the links underneath you will see 1000 pixel wide versions.

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website