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Author Topic: Freedom of information act  (Read 18178 times)

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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2011, 08:22:56 PM »
I'll just get this off my chest then will settle down with a glass of wine to watch Rev.

Were it not for the FOIA we would not know that the Leader of Stockport Council, if he attends a function in Manchester in the evening and has another function the next morning, stays in a 5 star hotel with a chaise longue at my expense. What, I wonder, is wrong with getting the 192 bus home?

In addition, the FOIA lets us know that senior council officers, who don't need them for their jobs, have Mini Cooper S Cabriolets, top of the range BMWs and Audi TTs at council taxpayers' expense. This has been going on since the 1980s. (Evidence available on request).

Also, they spend £23,000 per annum of our money on committee teas - fancy chicken satay and  delicate cream cakes.  A lot of the meetings they are feeding themselves for start at 6pm and end at 6.20. Eat before you leave home or buy a sandwich.  Most of the councillors don't work. What is the problem with eating before they leave home?


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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2011, 07:52:39 PM »
Someone mentioned me and the A6 Bypass on this forum (I suspect a LibDem  councillor).  I don't know if anyone saw the recent Panorama programme on Private Finance Initiative projects or read the Treasury Select Committee report - both very damning of PFI projects. The A6 Bypass was to be built under PFI and was to cost £1 billion. We have had a very, very lucky escape in not having built that - it would have bankrupted the town for decades.

With regards to the A555 Poynton Bypass, they intend to fund it with Chinese money and money from the Greater Manchester Pension funds.  How will those investors get a return on their money?  I don't know and a chartered accountant of my acquaintance doesn't know how it would work either.  I am going to ask Stockport Council.  I expect to get my legs metaphorically slapped as usual for daring to question them.  I shall keep you posted as regards any reply, should I be blessed by receiving one.

It is believed this road will move jobs out of Stockport and into the area surrounding Manchester Airport and its business parks. I wonder if anyone at the Council has considered this possibility.
                And vice versa would bring people in to the new supermarket . ;D 

Miss Marple

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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2011, 06:54:18 PM »
Wonderful to see you on this site Sheila !


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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2011, 06:41:39 PM »
Someone mentioned me and the A6 Bypass on this forum (I suspect a LibDem  councillor).  I don't know if anyone saw the recent Panorama programme on Private Finance Initiative projects or read the Treasury Select Committee report - both very damning of PFI projects. The A6 Bypass was to be built under PFI and was to cost £1 billion. We have had a very, very lucky escape in not having built that - it would have bankrupted the town for decades.

With regards to the A555 Poynton Bypass, they intend to fund it with Chinese money and money from the Greater Manchester Pension funds.  How will those investors get a return on their money?  I don't know and a chartered accountant of my acquaintance doesn't know how it would work either.  I am going to ask Stockport Council.  I expect to get my legs metaphorically slapped as usual for daring to question them.  I shall keep you posted as regards any reply, should I be blessed by receiving one.

It is believed this road will move jobs out of Stockport and into the area surrounding Manchester Airport and its business parks. I wonder if anyone at the Council has considered this possibility.


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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2011, 06:35:34 PM »
Again regarding the toxic waste dump school which opened in September 2011, by half term 25 parents had removed their children due to bullying.  This has since risen to 30 children having been removed.  That was before the ceiling collapsed yesterday:-

I suppose more parents will have lost confidence in it now.

I and local people stated that a 550 pupil primary school was simply too big and there would be bullying.  We asked FOI questions about this but I was banned for being vexatious.  I am still banned.

I learn today that more children are to be taken out and several teachers hate the school.  The three schools it replaced were either excellent or doing very well in difficult circumstances. What they have created is a dangerous school that no-one, not even the teachers, want to attend according to what local people are telling me.  Why weren't the existing three schools refurbished?  I don't know because I am not allowed to ask on grounds of cost.


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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2011, 06:31:14 PM »
Hi Alan

Stockport Council refused to reply under the EIR 2004 on grounds of cost with regards to the toxic waste dump school at North Reddish.  They knew the site was contaminated as they refused three planning applications in 18974 on grounds of contamination. When I tried to point out the site was contaminated (correctly) they banned all questions from me on grounds of cost.  It turned out after one hell of a fight that the site was entirely contaminated with lead, arsenic and deadly brown asbestos.

In addition the cost rose from £5.5 million in October 2005 to £7.5 million in December 2005 to £8.6 million by June 2006 and then on to £9.9 million. Why? I asked.  Don't be vexatious they replied.  One would have thought they would be asking those questions - they weren't.

The didn't remove the brown asbestos properly - just two blokes with a bin bag and a stick wandering around the site:-

Those kids and surrounding residents will  probably get lung damage and possible develop mesothelioma.  One fibre of asbestos can cause cancer. Asbestos cannot be destroyed.  If it enters the lungs it is there for ever.  The body doesn't like it and tries to surround it with tissue. That is when the damage occurs.


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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2011, 03:08:58 PM »
Alan, you can buy me a pint any time! As for the debate at the Ringers, I'm not so sure. Maybe if we don't mention s*p*rm*rk*ts or H*bb*rt L*n*!


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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2011, 02:09:48 PM »
I agree with Dave.

Duke we really must stop all this agreeing - it's very boring.   ::)

Duke Fame

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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2011, 01:52:50 PM »
Dave, I assume that you like me,  are an OAP  as we both seem to spend so much time on here, but I do admire your candour, scintillating wit, your compassion and sensitivity towards others.

How fortunate we are to have this freedom of speech, which is sometimes abused by rudeness and ignorance, but it is always a thought provoking experience to read your comments  interspersed with sincerity, humour and courtesy.

Do you think we could get Mark W  to organise and chair debate as a social evening perhaps at the Ringers on a non political subject perhaps with a view to raising a few bob for the band.

And Dave I don't mind if you a Lib Dem or even a "Labourite" I would still take pleasure in meeting you and buying you a pint (before you buy me one)

Have a nice day

A Marple Question time? Good idea!

I agree with Dave. I'd vote it being a good idea but badly abused in practice.


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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2011, 10:45:42 AM »
Dave, I assume that you like me,  are an OAP  as we both seem to spend so much time on here, but I do admire your candour, scintillating wit, your compassion and sensitivity towards others.

How fortunate we are to have this freedom of speech, which is sometimes abused by rudeness and ignorance, but it is always a thought provoking experience to read your comments  interspersed with sincerity, humour and courtesy.

Do you think we could get Mark W  to organise and chair debate as a social evening perhaps at the Ringers on a non political subject perhaps with a view to raising a few bob for the band.

And Dave I don't mind if you a Lib Dem or even a "Labourite" I would still take pleasure in meeting you and buying you a pint (before you buy me one)

Have a nice day


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Re: Freedom of information act
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2011, 10:24:05 AM »
Alan, you need another button in your poll labelled 'yes it can be a useful tool, but unfortunately it is frequently abused by timewasters'.


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Freedom of information act
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2011, 10:16:14 AM »

"Everyone also has certain rights of access to environmental information under the Environmental Information Regulations.

For example, information about air or water quality, noise and waste as well as any policies, decisions or activities that could affect them.

If you request information about the environment it cannot be refused just because of what it would cost the public authority to comply."