Thanks Chicken Lady

Actually Henrietta I fully support our parks being used in this way. If you look at my comments relating to last years do in Memorial park and in fact many of my comments on this board you will see I'm very much NOT not in my back yard!!
However events MUST be helpful in some way to the community, it must "give back" in some way, financially or otherwise, and it MUST leave the park in the way it found it. Most of all it must NOT cause harassment or irritation or abuse to the regular users of the park.
I haven't personally been abused by either owner or dog.. though I have on occasion tempted fate

If any of them did they wouldn't be doing it again in a hurry! However I know several who have, including some very gentle older people, and one more now!!
I understand ( though I haven't dug myself) that the council charge a nominal amount to the clubs... they then charge more/night ( but less than a camp site) to the dog owners. the council provide toileting... there are no facilities for emptying toilets, waste products etc).. The park keepers work VERY hard the week after to clean the mess up. The huge caravans that turn up not only often ignore the speed limits on the road but are also too heavy for the new road and it is disintegrating rapidly now. The fields if its rained are totally churned up. On top of that I see no reason why people should be allowed to arrive on Thursday and leave on Monday and Tuesday for a dog show that is only on Saturday and Sunday.
And generally speaking Dog poo on the path increases!!
Seems Stockport council is being taken for a ride firstly... secondly us lot.. who get no benefit what so ever!!