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Author Topic: MLHS November Meeting - 'The Pankhurst Statue' with Andrew Simcock  (Read 938 times)

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Re: MLHS November Meeting - 'The Pankhurst Statue' with Andrew Simcock
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2021, 06:40:05 PM »
Whoops a typo crept in in to the last post.

On 21 May 2014, Emmeline Pankhurst, out of prison on licence, led a deputation of 200 women to Buckingham Palace.

It should of course read as...

On 21 May 1914, Emmeline Pankhurst, out of prison on licence, led a deputation of 200 women to Buckingham Palace.


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MLHS November Meeting - 'The Pankhurst Statue' with Andrew Simcock
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2021, 11:09:31 AM »

Next Meeting (15th Nov) :  'The story of the Pankhurst Statue - Andrew Simcock '

At the November meeting Andrew Simcock will be our guide on an 'armchair' tour of events, such as above, born of a consequence. A consequence that brought into existence a Manchester statue that bucked the trend. That led to six thousand braving a freezing cold December day to welcome home Emmeline Pankhurst – the first female statue in Manchester in over a century. Until the unveiling of the statue, in St. Peters Square, 16 of the 17 in Manchester city centre were of men, the exception being that of Queen Victoria, erected 117 years ago.

Andrew met his friend Anne-Marie Glennon to view an exhibition in the Sculpture Hall of Manchester Town Hall, in 2014, Over a coffee Anne-Marie commented "These (busts) are all men. Where are the women!". Andrew immediately initiated the campaign for a statue, a consequence that brought a statue to Manchester and the subject of the November meeting.

Come along on the evening and hear of the five year statue campaign, of the twenty women on the long list for consideration who made a significant contribution to Manchester and, in many cases, to the country, why the unveiling date of 14 December 2018 was so special, and great deal more !

The arrest of Emmeline Pankhurst outside Buckingham Palace

The story of that arrest:

On 21 May 2014, Emmeline Pankhurst, out of prison on licence, led a deputation of 200 women to Buckingham Palace. Watched by large crowds, they were met by 2000 police officers, some of whom were mounted. Amid violent scenes, over sixty people were arrested. A version of this photograph, which shows a frail Emmeline Pankhurst struggling in the arms of a police officer named Inspector Rolfe (1863-1914), was widely reproduced. Pankhurst was immediately returned to Holloway Prison. Outraged at their brutal treatment that day, Suffragettes enacted reprisal attacks which included the smashing of a glass case in the British Museum.

On Monday 15th November at Marple Methodist Church

Doors open 7:15pm ready for the meeting at 7:45. Access is via the main entrance on Church Lane (opposite Mount Drive) and the meetings will be held in the church itself on the ground floor.

Visitors are welcome to attend at a cost of £3