Honesty Seeds from Marple Memorial Park £1 packet (all proceeds to the park)Do you remember the amazing display of white flowers in the Marple Memorial Park flowerbeds this May and June?
Park visitors seemed to love them and Friends of the Park have never been asked for the name of a plant so often before.
Well this autumn we've had a great crop of seeds too, and are now selling them for £1 for a packet of approximately 200 seeds to raise funds for the park.
If you would like a packet look out for Friends of the Park in the park on a task day, or call 0161 427 4955 to arrange collection.

Honesty are biennial plants - sow first year, flower second. You could sow some in a greenhouse or cold-frame to flower next year and then plant seeds in late spring to flower year after to keep them going. Leave until the seed pods dry out and turn light brown then give a good shake on the ground for following year, or collect seed by hand.