And now it's there on the Council site: ensure your neighbours who don't use the Internet / Social Media know too!Green Bin CollectionsFollowing discussions with our partners, Totally Local Company, we're pleased to announce that our Green Bin collection will operate an ad-hoc service over the next three weeks.
As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, our Green Bin collection was suspended on March 30.
The council has continued to review its service capability on a daily basis in the expectation it can undertake an additional ad-hoc Green Bin collection for our residents.
It currently has the capability to do this and it can announce that it will collect residents' Green Bins from Monday, April 13.
Cllr Sheila Bailey, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport, said: “We are able to do this because of the amazing commitment of our workforce, delivering a key service during the Covid-19 pandemic and I would like to thank them all.
We have trained some extra HGV drivers to boost our numbers and a small number of others have returned to work after a period of self-isolation.
Whilst we are far from full capacity, we believe we can manage a one-off collection.
However, it is important that we keep our workforce as safe as possible during this terrible period. We have put in place a number of safety measures aimed at doing this; increasing social distancing, providing protective equipment and cleaning our vehicles daily.
We also need to limit the opportunities for spreading the virus as well as being able to continue collection of the Black, Brown and Blue bins so we will not be reinstating the Green Bin collection permanently for the foreseeable future.”
The council will provide one collection of the Green Bin to make sure that they are all empty of food. This will ensure that all waste food that has been put in the bins before the rounds were stopped has been collected.
If your collection day is a:• Monday then please put your green bin out on Monday 13th April
• Tuesday then please put your green bin out on Tuesday 14th April
• Wednesday then put your green bin out on Wednesday 22nd April
• Thursday then put your green bin out on Thursday 23rd April
• Friday then put your green bin out on Friday 1st May
Residents are advised to continue to put food waste in their Black Bin until further notice as we will not be emptying the Green Bins again until the lockdown is over.