Michelle Reynolds Podiatrist, Marple

Author Topic: mobile phone mast  (Read 24037 times)

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mobile phone mast
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2005, 12:43:36 PM »
Where in Marple Bridge?

Lisa Oldham

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mobile phone mast
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2005, 03:29:24 PM »
blimey.. not been on for a while its been busy

still cant find any planning details about the thing cant find it on the planning database and havent had a chance to phone stockport up yet.

Rachael.. good on you for not choosing that house .. it HAS been proven and accepted that living near to high power lines can increase the chance of childhood leukemia by up to 50%

Bob.. Marple Bridge IS getting a mast didnt you know ?
I would expect a couple more applications there in the future too  If its  a coverage hole for one its probably a coverage hole for all and they dont really like to share..

Some people do knock them down.. quite a regular occurrence but it doesnt get reported much understandably.
We ( Mast Sanity I set it up 4 years ago and am now a trustee) tend to recommend the legal route via legal challenge

I presume its  3G mast or combination of 2G and 3G as they rarely put up 2g on their own now.

Having spoken to many hundreds of people across the country who are suffering as well as many many scientists across the world who believe masts (and the phones) cause major ill health I can assure you there are ill health problems related to living near to masts.  We even have dogs and cats dropping dead all over the place... so the claim that we are nutters and its all in the mind doesnt really wash there.  its interesting (i think) that both animals and people near to masts often have high white blood cell counts

however there are lots of things you can do to minimise those problems.  Email me through the board if you want to know more

the existing vodafone mast on the station is 2G and therefore the emmissions from it vary considerably depending on the time of day and the number of phones in its cell however 3 G works very differently and it will be banging it out all the time at the same level and as such there is more likelihood of ill health appearing.  

It doesnt appear to be operating at the moment - or wasnt last week (I have a microwave meter ) but once it is watch out for increased severe or constant headaches. .sleep disturbances/problems and skin rashes... these are the most common immediate problems that are occurring

it is almost impossible to get rid of a mast once its up BUT if stockport have cocked up in any way.. which isnt unknown then you could challenge it but you will need to find and have a good look at the planning application.  

depending on when the planning app went in you may have a good chance of getting a small amount of compensation if you complain to the local govt ombudsman but you have to show the council cocked up in some major way .

Id recommend you give mast sanity advice line a  call on 08704 322 377 and they may be able to help you - Im a bit behind on current planning stuff  

id also suggest you have a good look a the health studies on this  it really isnt what the media imply just a few studies and lots showing no problem... its actually the other way round most show a big problem.  go to www.mastsanity.org and have a look at the research page. If you are a parent to teenagers have a look at the salford study too.... theres also some good stuff at  www.starweave.com and emfacts.com

now is that starting a debate?


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mobile phone mast
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2005, 06:55:10 PM »
'<img'>   ok Bob  very funny!  had me going! 10 out of 10 for effort  '<img'>
But the big lump of metal is still there!

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mobile phone mast
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2005, 09:43:25 PM »
Thanks Dave for spoiling that one, I suppose all good things have to come to an end though.  I was having a good laugh for a while then.  Tina and Rachel, you girls really are too easy to wind up.


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mobile phone mast
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2005, 04:50:39 PM »
Before we all get too heated, I think 'Bob' may have been having a little joke?   '<img'>


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mobile phone mast
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2005, 09:27:50 AM »
Bob didn't actually say that he did run one.. just that he could run one and he said from the back of it too.

I'm not sure that it would be an arrestable offense? ':laugh:'

(not sure about the mast though ) '<img'>


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mobile phone mast
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2005, 09:26:30 AM »
Unfortunately Tina, I would get arrested, and Im hoping the police will be spending their time arresting people driving Range rovers using a mobile phone at the same time, oh and running a buisness from the back of it!!!


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mobile phone mast
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2005, 09:12:22 AM »
thanks for your responce Rachael, don't suppose you are any good at chopping down a great big lump of metal?  '<img'>


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mobile phone mast
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2005, 11:24:16 PM »
Bob Jenkins, what a load of old nonsense!!!!

Would you still be cheering if you looked out of your window and saw one of these masts?'<img'>

Why do people protest against these masts, surely its not for the sake of it??

Not starting a debate here by any means, and not mentioning certain locations, BUT before we bought our house in Marple, we nearly bought a house in a location nearby, the house had a pilon probably less than 100 metres away, it was clearly visable from the back garden.

We loved the house, it was in walk in condition, the garden was beautifull, but this pilon niggled us, rather than take pot luck, we got in touch with certain proffesors at certain universities (now dont quote me on what they were or who they were called its nearly 10 years ago), my husband dealt with all the enquiries, and the answer that they came up with then, is, there is not enough evidence to prove they cause leukemia, but  there was also not enough evidence to prove they dont, and his reccomendation was to not touch this house with a barge pole.

I think Tina is right to be concerned, I think your remarks are flippant.

Good luck to you running your buisness in the back of your Landrover, It sounds like you are the sort of person who needs  a bit of well wishing from the people  who are joe public like me, I really mean it, good luck!!! just let me know what buisness it is and I know who to avoid!!

But give me the health of my children and my family any day and sod progress. '<img'>


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mobile phone mast
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2005, 07:15:42 PM »
Quote (Guest @ Oct. 10 2005,22:35)
I'm able to have an interference free conversation whilst battling through the hideous rush hour traffic (as long as the local plod dosent stop me).  

Howard, If you read the quote, you will see Bob was suggesting he uses his mobile whilst driving. I was just pointing out that (unless this was a hands free, as his comment in brackets backs up my thought that it's not) he is breaking the law by using his phone in rush hour traffic.


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mobile phone mast
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2005, 03:56:15 PM »
Actually, Tina, it's illiegal for you use your hands to manipulate portable electronic devices whilst in the car - you can still use them. As well as mobiles this also means portable satellite navigation, MP3 players etc. However, if the device is mounted in the car then its perfectly legal to use it.

Here's a good summary:


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mobile phone mast
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2005, 02:58:45 PM »
Thanks for that Bob, but I hope that ONE or TWO don't end up being put up opposite your house without your knowledge!
I'm all for progress and all that, and yes I own a mobile phone and yes I have a great reception too! but it's the unknown downfall i'm worried about, i have children and it is also very close to 2 primary schools.  
But a word of warning Bob, it is illegal to use your mobile whilst driving!

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mobile phone mast
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2005, 10:35:18 PM »
I live in near by Marple Bridge and I can honestly say I'm thrilled that another one of these masts is up, mobile reception is fantastic now, I'm able to have an interference free conversation whilst battling through the hideous rush hour traffic (as long as the local plod dosent stop me).  Stop moaning and standing in the way of progression, masts springing up shows growth and investment.  Things have never been better, I could just about run a business from the back seat of my Range Rover now we have a few of these structures dotted around the landscapes.  I surely can't be the only person who agrees with these can I?

Lisa Oldham

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mobile phone mast
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2005, 01:40:48 PM »
Another one?
theres been one there for several years which Ive tried to publicise on several occasions  
So theyve put a new one up ?  
I dont believe theyve requested planning permission recently
Ill check it out then grab a councillor to find out whats gone on

if it hasnt got permission then you should kick up a fuss.  if you ring the Mast sanity helpline (I set it up so I know its good) on 08704 322 377 they should be able to point you in hte right direction


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mobile phone mast
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2005, 10:05:56 AM »
There is a lovely shiny new mobile phone mast at rose hill train station car park!
I now have a lovely view out of my window. I am so lucky!
I would of thought a letter or something to warn me might of been nice?  '<img'>