Paul Whittaker Plumbing

Linked Events

  • Marple Pool Drop-in Event: March 13, 2020
  • Marple Pool Have Your Say Online: March 18, 2020 - April 17, 2020
  • Marple Pool Drop-in Event: March 25, 2020
  • Marple Leisure and Community Hub Consultation: December 02, 2020 - December 31, 2020
  • Marple Leisure and Community Hub Consultation: January 01, 2021 - January 04, 2021
  • Display of Community Hub Proposals in Library: September 04, 2023 - October 02, 2023
  • Community Hub Online Consultation: September 04, 2023 - October 02, 2023
  • Marple Leisure and Community Hub Consultation: September 12, 2023
  • Marple Leisure and Community Hub Consultation: September 19, 2023

Author Topic: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed  (Read 129021 times)

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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #348 on: September 27, 2023, 07:10:13 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park have submitted their response to the Marple Active Community Hub Consultation

Full details are here:

We've also included a round-up of suggestions of how you may wish to support what we are saying in your own personal responses to the consultation.

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #347 on: September 04, 2023, 12:10:43 PM »
The Marple Community Hub consultation is now live on Stockport Council's web site.

The attached images are screenshots from the consultation documents and there is a lot more information within it.

It is recommended you make an effort to properly understand what is proposed, visit the displays in Marple Library and speak with council officers on Tuesdays 12th and 19th at Marple Library.

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #346 on: August 31, 2023, 07:28:28 AM »
Feedback from Community Hub Stakeholder Meeting 30 August 2023

Friends of Marple Memorial Park / The Marple Website attended a Stakeholder Meeting / Presentation yesterday afternoon with several other local groups.

We submitted in advance a 24 page report outlining our frustration at the lack of consultation with us over the last two+ years and a list of more than 40 questions.

The presentations were generally very encouraging and answered many of our concerns directly.

Afterwards we had a sit-down session with leaders of the project team to go through our questions for well over an hour. We were further encouraged by the answers provided and the discussions that took place around issues that are still unresolved, or uncertain, due to the stage the project is currently at.

We were very pleased with the way the team engaged with us during this session and were further encouraged by their assurances that going forward from here Friends of the Park WILL be engaged throughout the design, planning and build process as Key Stakeholders in the park.

Community Consultation

The next steps begin week commencing 4th September (next week).

On Monday the online consultation goes live. Details and links will be shared once available.

Also early next week, every household in Marple North and Marple South and High Lane (plus some areas just outside) will receive a leaflet explaining what is happening and how to take part in the consultation. This will include how to access paper versions of the consultation for those who don't do the Internet.

The scheme will be displayed downstairs in Marple Library from 4th September until 2nd October, so it will be accessible during Open+ Hours.

There will be attended sessions at the library on Tuesday 12th September 2023 (from 3pm to 8pm) and Tuesday 19th September 2023 (from 10am to 3pm). Council staff will be on hand to answer questions and record feedback. We would urge you to attended one of these if you can.

Consultation on Highways Work too

In addition to the consultation on the Community Hub scheme in the park there will be two elements of consultation on Highways work.

This may possibly cause some confusion because (as we understand it) the first element is works linked to the Community Hub. This part covers improvements around the town directly related to the Community Hub scheme and improving access to it. This is work that (subject to consultation, planning and costs) will be done alongside the Community Hub build.

The other element is a consultation on wider and less advanced Highways proposals that are not currently funded, not linked to the Community Hub and will not take place in the same timescale, if at all. This is really the next step in a wider and as yet unfunded scheme evolving from the consultation some time ago that included the Gyratory Scheme that many people got upset about. 

Hopefully this will be better explained than I have in the consultation documentation itself.

So, at last it is time for Marple people to have their say. Don't miss the opportunity!

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #345 on: August 27, 2023, 09:47:40 AM »
Another update from Stockport Council on 21 August...

Note: if the displays in Marple Library are upstairs then they will only be accessible during staffed hours (not Open+)

Marple Leisure & Community Hub Update – August 2023

Further to the announcement that the council has secured £20m worth of Capital Levelling Up funding towards the Marple Active Communities Hub a further update is now available:

In our July update we informed residents, stakeholders and the community that an engagement process was about to begin and we are now able to share details of this.

At the end of August we are holding a series of stakeholder meetings with community groups that we have previously engaged with. These will be used to present the latest plans for the scheme and provide an opportunity for feedback to be given. Invitations to these events are being issued now.

We will also be hold two public engagement events which all residents can attend. These sessions will operate on a drop in basis and the design team and Council staff will be on hand to answer questions and record any feedback. These sessions will take place at Maple Library (Memorial Park, Marple, SK6 6BA) on:

• Tuesday 12th September 2023, from 3pm to 8pm.
• Tuesday 19th September 2023, from 10am to 3pm.

For those members of the public who cannot make either session, there will be a display of the proposals within Marple Library between Monday 4th September and Monday 2nd October.

Additionally, an online version of the engagement will also be run available between Monday 4th September and Monday 2nd October, where the public will be able view and comment on the proposals.

All residents of Marple North and Marple South Wards will shortly receive a letter and flyer with details of the proposals and details of the engagement process.

It is planned that the current library will relocate to a temporary facility prior to the main construction works starting. The demolition of the existing library building will not take place until planning has been received for the new Hub. The Council is still in the process of finalising details of the location for the temporary facility.

The Council realises that local organisations and residents will have many questions about the new facility. We have setup an email address to collate local enquiries and concerns so we can respond to these at the appropriate time with project updates.

You can contact the project team via email at
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #344 on: August 13, 2023, 07:54:38 AM »
Pause on Marple Pool Demolition requested: Marple Civic Society ask council to pause and consult!

Marple Civic Society has written to Cllr Mark Hunter (Leader of SMBC), Caroline Simpson (Chief Executive) and Marple Ward Councillors @Geoff Abell, Alexander, @Steve Gribbon, Macalister, Senior and Thornley, asking them to pause hasty plans to demolish Marple Pool in October this year and to consult with the Marple Community over potential ideas for the building's future.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #343 on: August 05, 2023, 06:43:11 AM »
DC/089228 Application to demolish Marple Swimming Baths submitted

A planning application for demolition of Marple pool indicates it will be done in October this year: DC/089228 | Demolition of existing two storey swimming baths building and surrounding site, to include clearance of site and making good areas with hardcore finish (Prior Approval Application). | Marple Swimming Pool Stockport Road Marple Stockport SK6 6AA

To see the application search for DC/089228 on the Planning Portal here:

Members of the public can comment on the application if they register.

I have asked the following question with regard to the plaque(s) in the building:

Can you please ensure that the commemorative plaque(s) relating to the pool's donation by the Macnair family are saved and stored for safe keeping and future use in the community. I cannot find any reference to these and other memorabilia in the building that may be of significance to Marple's heritage. Can you please contact me to advise and confirm how this will be dealt with.

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #342 on: July 15, 2023, 06:40:27 AM »
Stockport Cabinet Meeting 27th June 2023

Thanks to the vigilance of Marple Civic Society it has been possible to find more detailed information on the progress of the Marple Community Hub in the public domain.

Several reports were discussed at the council's Cabinet Meeting on Tuesday 27th June.

The discussions can be watched back via this link:

The reports and documents that were included are:

Marple Community Hub Cabinet Meeting Summary Sheet: Link

Marple Community Hub Main Report Cabinet Report: Link

This is the main 10 page report updating the Cabinet Members.

EIA Marple Active Communities Hub: Link

This is an undated Environmental Impact Assessment.

Equality Impact Assessment Marple Leisure Hub: Link

This is quite an old document from June 2021 and seems to be out of date but is nevertheless interesting.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #341 on: July 14, 2023, 06:47:32 PM »
Another update from Stockport Council yesterday...

The definition of the word shortly (as used in the March update) has been redefined and they are now working at pace!

Marple Leisure & Community Hub Update – July 2023

Further to the announcement that the council has secured £20m worth of Capital Levelling Up funding towards the Marple Active Communities Hub we can update residents as follows:

The Council is working at pace to bring the new facilities to fruition. The Council is currently in the process of putting in place a professional services team to progress the detailed design of the project.

Over the coming months the Council will begin an engagement process to inform a forthcoming planning application. The engagement process will cover the final design of the Leisure and Community Hub itself, as well as walking, cycling and highways improvements to be delivered at the same time, all of which formed part of the funding bid.

Engagement will also be taking place on a wider scheme of highways improvements within Marple and this feedback will be used to inform future funding bids. A significant amount of community engagement has previously taken place on the project and the intention is to build on this, but still allow residents, stakeholders and partners the opportunity to shape the project.

The intention is for a planning application to be submitted during Winter 2023, allowing construction works to begin in Summer 2024 and the new facility opening in Winter 2025.

Demolition works to the former pool building are also planned to take place. The final timeline for this is under development and will be shared with residents in due course. This part of the project will be subject to a separate planning approval process.

In addition, it is planned that the current library will relocate to a temporary facility prior to the main construction works starting. Further announcements on the timing of this will be made in due course and will be linked to the timescale for construction of the new hub. During the build period, alternative library provision will be provided for Marple residents.

The Council realises that local organisations and residents will have many questions about the new facility. We will not be able to answer all of these immediately, but we have setup and email address to collate local enquiries and concerns so we can respond to these at the appropriate time with project updates. The email address is
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #340 on: March 25, 2023, 05:36:55 AM »
Further update made by Stockport Council yesterday...

Marple Leisure & Community Hub Update – March 2023

Further to last week’s announcement that Stockport Council has secured £20 million worth of Capital Levelling Up monies towards the Marple Active Communities Hub

The Council is continuing its work to bring the new facilities to fruition. We will shortly announce timescales for pre-planning engagement with local stakeholders and residents followed by the submission of a formal planning application and then indicative timescales for the construction of the new facility.

The project will deliver a new swimming pool, library, fitness studio, community spaces and new cycling and walking routes. The hub is a long-standing ambition of the local community since the former Marple Baths had to close five years ago.

The Council realises that local organisations and residents will have many questions about the new facility. We will not be in a position to answer all of these immediately, but we have set up an e-mail address to collate local enquiries and concerns so we can respond to these at the appropriate time with project updates. The email address is

Following the announcement of the successful funding application, the Council will be progressing with plans to demolish the former pool building. No future use has yet been determined for the site.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #339 on: March 16, 2023, 06:15:32 AM »
Hopefully good news for Marple!

We're told artistic impressions are not accurate and consultation with main interest groups including Friends of the Park will start soon.

Here's the latest announcement made by Stockport Council yesterday...

Green light for flagship new Marple community hub as council secures £20 million funding

The building will be made from sustainable materials and use the very latest low carbon and energy technology

Funding for a new community hub with a pool, library, gym, community space and play park has been approved for Marple.

Cllr Mark Hunter, Leader of the Council said: “I’m delighted we have finally secured £20 million worth of Capital Levelling Up monies towards The Marple Active Communities Hub. This is such great news for Marple and for Stockport.

"This will provide a much-needed new leisure, health and community space for the borough - in the heart of Marple. I’m excited to see the health and economic benefits this hub will bring to Stockport along with community pride. This is just one example of where we have listened to the community and have taken action to provide a facility that local people have wanted in their area for a long time.”

The project will deliver a new swimming pool, library, fitness studio, community spaces and new cycling and walking routes. The hub is a long-standing ambition, of the local community, since the former Marple Baths had to close five years ago.

Cllr Colin MacAlister, Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration at Stockport Council, said: “This hub is going to make a huge, positive impact on the prosperity, health and wellbeing of the residents of Marple and the borough. Marple has an older population but also has its share of social housing and is geographically isolated.

"This new hub will really help to address the increasing health inequalities in Marple, adding to people’s quality of life, living longer and better and provide fabulous new facilities for the community.”

In addition to delivering health and wellbeing benefits, the new complex will generate footfall and create new jobs, attracting people back into Marple centre.

Importantly, the building will be made from sustainable materials and use the very latest low carbon and energy technology.

The project will also include improved cycle and walking routes linking the hub to the centre of Marple and the Memorial Park as well as improved parking provision.

The next steps will be to review the project details ready for submitting a planning application this year.

The following images are artists impressions of what the new hub will look like:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #338 on: January 22, 2023, 08:22:37 PM »
That cheque was shredded at the point Willy started to speak up about the Government. Hopefully now people will see this for what it is/was. A ploy to buy the silence of a few marginal MPs.
Exactly. I note Leek got £17 million to "level up Leek Town Centre through a refurbishment plan that will upgrade the old market halls for new business use, upgrade the public library and museum, and create a "swimming facility". Their MP is also Tory - Karen Bradley - but she seems much more compliant than Mr Wragg. She only voted against 0.9% of motions in the past 2 years whereas with Willy it was 10% (source The Public Whip).


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #337 on: January 20, 2023, 12:23:27 PM »
Of course there isn't any money.

That cheque was shredded at the point Willy started to speak up about the Government. Hopefully now people will see this for what it is/was. A ploy to buy the silence of a few marginal MPs.

Never trust a tory!


It seems there's no Levelling Up Funding for Marple Community Hub and Swimming Pool 😧 What happens next?


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #336 on: January 19, 2023, 07:14:22 AM »
It seems there's no Levelling Up Funding for Marple Community Hub and Swimming Pool 😧 What happens next?
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #335 on: March 26, 2022, 11:44:53 PM »
Here's are a couple of examples from smaller councils than Stockport. Less than a million quid, possibly much less if you salvaged the showers, pool filter system and heating.

Even using fag packet maths 1million over let's say effectively 10 years since closing to a new pool sounds pretty reasonable at 100k a year


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Re: Marple Swimming Pool currently closed
« Reply #334 on: March 26, 2022, 11:08:46 PM »
So bulldoze it and save on costs, put up a temporary pool in its place!. That would not cost millions and atleast return a facility we as council tax payers deserve.

On what basis do you know the price of a temporary pool?  Are you a pool design expert?