@Hoffnung I agree with your point on Council motions, as had already been discussed elsewhere on this forum. The motion on Thursday night on Grammar schools was pointless and it was stated during the 'debate'. I have recently written to the Leader of the Council about this very topic.
As to the rest of your points -
Does it really matter whether it was a Lib Dem or a Conservative Councillor who first suggested the cessation of Committee Teas. Does it really matter to the people of High Lane what the party political composition of the government was when the contaminated land grants were halted.
It doesn't matter who suggested it and as already said, we seem to all agree it is a good idea. But if it is a good idea now, it was also a good idea before May when the Lib Dems ran the Council and had the power to implement, rather than just raising it as a good idea.
The point was that they had ample opportunity to implement this when they were in power. I give credit where it is due and do not take credit for things I have not been involved with. Unfortunately, they do take credit for things they have not been involved with and it is fundamentally wrong. A bit like a meeting I had today. I invited the Executive Member for Economy & Regeneration to Marple to look at Marple and see what could be done to regenerate Marple. We walked round the town, talked to shopkeepers, the Civic Society and others. This came about as a result of me questioning the amount of investment in Stockport town centre and a plea not to forget the other town centres in the area. The Lib Dems have been in control of Stockport for 18 years and indeed I believe the previous Exec Member was a Marple Councillor but no plan and no money was ever invested in Marple. (i appreciate that no money and no plan has been made because of one visit, but at least it is now on the agenda and discussions have started) But the Lib Dems wanted to have a meeting today after they found out about my meeting. Why didn't they look at investing in Marple when they were in power? This is not party politicking, it is just a plain fact. Only by me pushing for this, did any meeting take place but no doubt they will try to take credit for it, having done little or no work.
As for the other point, it probably doesn't, but I don't like mis-information being given out. People always, rightly, state they want politicians to be more honest.
Are the Councillors of Marple just going to allow themselves to be whipped into a party stance by their Town Hall and Westminster bosses, whilst housing estates rise from the ground left right and centre?
When we have an extra 4000 houses on our green belt who will we blame. We know who our Lib Dem Councillors and our Tory Councillors will blame - each other.
This has already been covered elsewhere on this forum, but I have not been whipped to vote any particular way, especially on this topic. And I don't have a boss at Town Hall or Westminster. I take my instructions from residents.
Why don't you raise a motion at Full Council whereupon the whole council (all parties, all wards) can debate Stockport's part in the GMSF. This would be a lot more relevant than debating Theresa May's comments on Grammar Schools as you did at the last meeting.
I already addressed the Grammar schools debate above. The GMSF will be discussed I am sure at Scrutiny Committees and at Full Council before being voted on, so no need for any motion at this stage.
In fact our current crop of Councillors seemingly, rarely speak at the Council Meetings. Our previous Councillors may not have posted on this website but they had plenty to say at Council meetings. We seem to have inherited a bunch of silent Councillors currently.
You clearly don't take as much interest as Geoff has given you credit for. Cllr Ingham spoke on Thursday night, as did Cllr Allan and I spoke on three occasions on different topics. All other Councillors have spoken at other Council meetings. The previous Councillors you refer to, Cllr Candler and Cllr Alexander, spoke on a frequent basis as they were part of the Executive, who were questioned on a frequent basis by the other Councillors. In fact, I think I questioned Cllr Candler in one of my first meetings and was accused on here of party politicking. So, if I do speak, i am party politicking and if I don't, i am a silent Councillor.
Whether we like it or not, politics plays a part in local government. I have no doubt that Sue, Geoff and Malcolm want the best for the Marple Area as do Tom, Annette and I. We just have differing views in how that is achieved, and I am sure we probably have different ideas to you as well.
However, I don't really think it would matter what any of the Councillors do or say, you would disagree. I guess it is easy to sit behind a keyboard criticising and harder to get out and actually do something or put forward meaningful alternatives or even come to a Marple Area Committee and introduce yourself to the Councillors and have meaningful conversations. If you don't think the current Councillors are doing a good job, get out from behind your keyboard and put yourself forward.