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Author Topic: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?  (Read 45869 times)

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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2016, 10:30:06 AM »
The Tory Group wanted to use the transisional funding to reduce the council tax. That would have meant it was unavailable to put into maintain services and supporting parks.  It's quite simple you can't use funding twice by wanting to use it to reduce the CT you were therefore suggesting cuts in funding to parks.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2016, 07:53:34 AM »
Your points are well made Geoff although I do think you could have also mentioned the Stockport Tory Council's group budget proposals which would have meant cuts in funding to parks in Marple . Something the Tory never seem to mention in Marple.

I won't enter into a debate on here about the budget so this will be my only post on it. However, I will mention the Conservative budget proposals and correct the mis-information that is out there thanks to our Lib Dem colleagues. @wheels at least if you are going to spout off, check your facts. Despite what some leaflets may say, our Budget proposals would not have meant cuts in funding to parks in Marple. The Stockport Conservative group proposed that the additional 1.75% increase in Council tax was rejected and the shortfall of £1.3m was bridged utilising the funds from the £4m of underspend in the last financial years accounts. The money for the parks came from the Conservative Government transition grants of £1m this year and next year. Our proposal did not touch this proposal. 

In summary - The budget shortfall for 2016/2017 was £1.3m

Lib Dem led Council had a £4m underspend this year

The Executive allocated £7m to reserves in nine months in 2015/2016

This increased the reserves to £64m, from £20m in 2010

The Executive increased Council tax by additional 1.75% above social care precept which raises £2.3m, £1m above what is needed.

In these times of austerity, your Lib Dem led Council has managed to grow its reserves from £20m in 2010 to £64m in 2016 (an increase of 305% and annual growth rate of 17.28%, which is significantly above the rate of inflation). Why is this? Why are the people of Stockport being used as a bank by the Council? I understand there have been necessary cuts in the budget and choices have to be made but the situation may not be quite as bad as is painted. If I could increase my savings by 305% in 5 years while at the same time my income was falling, with the same level of bills, I would be a very happy man and would indicate to me that for the last 5 years I have been a very wasteful man in terms of what I spent my money on.

At the last Marple Area Committee, Cllr Candler stated that to bring all of Stockports parks up to standard, the Council would need to be spend approx £1m. This is 1/64th of the reserves of the Council, and yet we struggle to get funding for parks in High Lane, Marple, Mill Brow and for Middlewood Way.

So while your Lib Dem Councillors continue to cut services and blame austerity cuts, they have managed to grow their bank account significantly. Your local Conservative Councillors will keep campaigning and challenging them to stop playing their political games at the expense of Stockport residents and to spend the significant amounts of money they have on the services people need.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2016, 12:24:15 AM »
Your points are well made Geoff although I do think you could have also mentioned the Stockport Tory Council's group budget proposals which would have meant cuts in funding to parks in Marple . Something the Tory never seem to mention in Marple. 

If anyone wants to see a party in disarray I suggest they watch it with their own eyes by watching the webcast of the last council meeting and watch the Tories trying to face three ways on forced academisation.  Much to the delight of all the other party's in the council.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2016, 10:00:38 PM »

William Wragg and Michael Taylor- like their policies or not, at least they said what they stand for and stuck to it. I wish i could say the same for fellow candidates in this upcoming local election.

I must say that reading some of the threads on here, there isn't much positivity in regards to the future. Its more, which Lib Dem Cllr has jumped ship, defected here, another bullying scandal there- and its pretty depressing.

Whether I am voted in or not, Marple's representation can be better than Stockport Lib Dems - a party in disarray. They are the biggest shower in politics.

Party in disarray?  Like the national Tory party?  Be careful what you say, young Mr Dowse!

In the last few years all parties in Stockport have had defections (including yours) with the exception of the Heald Green Ratepayers.

I'd like to think that we are both caring yet pragmatic in the Stockport LDs.  In spite of £21 million cut from government, we've managed to renew the roads, save a bus, investigate parking and actually put the money forward to support parks.

Also I've been to a number of Neighbourhood Plan meetings.  Have you?  (As you said in a leaflet)

A shower?  I would say we are clean, positive, strong and full of ideas.  Are you?

(That was a political outburst.  But I dislike innuendo and half-truths.)


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #40 on: April 24, 2016, 06:20:50 PM »

bsolutely poor comments  form somebody who seeks to be a futuristic local civic leader. Just really proves Kevin Dowling's manifesto about party politicking. If young Dowse is the political future for Marple, oh dear!


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2016, 10:26:22 PM »
Hi @JMC , Im assuming that this is in reference to me, as I think I am the youngest candidate in Marple South by by around 35 years i have been told.

Incidentally, I am inclined to agree with you. I think, for many young people in politics, playing up to an image of themselves of having 'real world' experience, is all too easy. I for one have never said i had a business background- I work for an SME. Obviously the beauty of working for a small firm is that one minute you can be filing paper-work, the next minute speaking to senior level management of clients or suppliers. I would also like to add that I have worked in numerous environments, from MMP where I am today to an Almshouse in London- and even a pub in Strines (cue local boy credit). I jest..

I haven't been ambiguous in what I do, or what I stand for; I put forward an address of what I want to do with Marple, and what my vision is. If people like it, they will vote for it. If they don't, they wont. Thats democracy. But with reference to who I live with and my age (and there are many inaccuracies there) I think its irrelevant. In my opinion, we had two candidates who shone out at the general election. William Wragg and Michael Taylor- like their policies or not, at least they said what they stand for and stuck to it. I wish i could say the same for fellow candidates in this upcoming local election.

I must say that reading some of the threads on here, there isn't much positivity in regards to the future. Its more, which Lib Dem Cllr has jumped ship, defected here, another bullying scandal there- and its pretty depressing.

Whether I am voted in or not, Marple's representation can be better than Stockport Lib Dems - a party in disarray. They are the biggest shower in politics.

Some interesting points there. I can see where you are coming from and appreciate the response. You are right that the focus should be about what candidate's visions are. It will be interesting to see what the turnout will be like and the result.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2016, 08:15:38 PM »
How do we find out more about the candidates not on here? Especially for Marple South.

Looking back over previous results, the Tories haven't normally done well so be interesting to see what happens. Eg will people turn back to Lib Dem for example?
Lisa Smart seems to be sticking around and very involved in local groups etc.

As an aside, I am skeptical of candidates saying they have a business background if only working a number of months (coincidently in the same place as another councillor) and having left college very recently. I am not saying teenagers cannot be good councillors as they can (just look at Mhari Black). But they should make their circumstances clear in my opinion. However if too many Tory MPs and candidates live at home with parents they may come over as a tad not in the real world!

Hi @JMC , Im assuming that this is in reference to me, as I think I am the youngest candidate in Marple South by by around 35 years i have been told.

Incidentally, I am inclined to agree with you. I think, for many young people in politics, playing up to an image of themselves of having 'real world' experience, is all too easy. I for one have never said i had a business background- I work for an SME. Obviously the beauty of working for a small firm is that one minute you can be filing paper-work, the next minute speaking to senior level management of clients or suppliers. I would also like to add that I have worked in numerous environments, from MMP where I am today to an Almshouse in London- and even a pub in Strines (cue local boy credit). I jest..

I haven't been ambiguous in what I do, or what I stand for; I put forward an address of what I want to do with Marple, and what my vision is. If people like it, they will vote for it. If they don't, they wont. Thats democracy. But with reference to who I live with and my age (and there are many inaccuracies there) I think its irrelevant. In my opinion, we had two candidates who shone out at the general election. William Wragg and Michael Taylor- like their policies or not, at least they said what they stand for and stuck to it. I wish i could say the same for fellow candidates in this upcoming local election.

I must say that reading some of the threads on here, there isn't much positivity in regards to the future. Its more, which Lib Dem Cllr has jumped ship, defected here, another bullying scandal there- and its pretty depressing.

Whether I am voted in or not, Marple's representation can be better than Stockport Lib Dems - a party in disarray. They are the biggest shower in politics.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #37 on: April 17, 2016, 06:28:29 PM »
Why haven't I seen any Labour, UKIP or Green Party posters in North Marple?  I have seen some Lib Dem and Conservative ones, and of course the Kevin Dowling ones which I have to say look bright and conspicuous whereas the others are badly sited and tiny (in the case of the Conservative posters are easily mistakable for Edward Mellor For Sale signs at a distance)! These small and unimaginative posters almost seem like an afterthought rather than a rally to arms in the competition for votes.  OK there are other elements to an election not just the posters but it says something about this one when a one man band (independent) is easily winning against two political heavyweights!  I also saw a car yesterday with a Kevin Dowling poster on its roof - you have to hand it the man for his original ideas in this political race.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2016, 03:04:03 PM »
How do we find out more about the candidates not on here? Especially for Marple South.

Looking back over previous results, the Tories haven't normally done well so be interesting to see what happens. Eg will people turn back to Lib Dem for example?
Lisa Smart seems to be sticking around and very involved in local groups etc.

As an aside, I am skeptical of candidates saying they have a business background if only working a number of months (coincidently in the same place as another councillor) and having left college very recently. I am not saying teenagers cannot be good councillors as they can (just look at Mhari Black). But they should make their circumstances clear in my opinion. However if too many Tory MPs and candidates live at home with parents they may come over as a tad not in the real world!


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #35 on: April 15, 2016, 10:40:26 AM »
Thanks for resolving that for us John.

OK, so we have 3 candidates for Marple North signed up to the forum and we know a little about each of them.

@JohnBates Conservative

@Malcolm Allan LibDem

@Kevin Dowling Independent:

Where are you Ray Jones (UKIP), David Rowbottom (Labour) and Trevor Smith (Green Party)?

For Marple South we only have one candidate signed up:

@TomDowseMarpleSouth Conservative:

So come on Grahame Bradbury (UKIP), Colin Macalister (LibDem) Graham Reid (Green Party) and Sheila Townsend (Labour), come and say hello!
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #34 on: April 15, 2016, 09:24:46 AM »
The Elections office at the council have confirmed the UKIP candidate has been correctly nominated. The form has been seen and checked in addition.

Kevin Dowling

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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2016, 05:42:04 PM »
I do have that paperwork, but seemed logical to assume council website would have most up to date info. We wait to see ......

I agree the website should be the most current. However as I said the form referred to was dated 8 April which was after the nominations had closed. So you have either got your paperwork in complete and timely or you haven't. As you say ....'we wait to see.' 


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2016, 02:00:31 PM »
Yes, there seems to be a little confusion here.

As John says the candidate is validated on the council website, so he is correct. Yet on the other hand I have (I'm looking at it as I write this ) a paper copy of "statement of persons nominated," dated Friday 8 April, which is one day after the nominations were closed. In the column marked, " Reason why no longer nominated," it clearly states against the UKIP candidate, " No Consent to Nomination" So in that sense admin is right.

My agent has just phoned the council for clarification and the person she spoke to was 'unsure.'  The person who presumably is 'sure,' is not in until this afternoon. We will try again later in the day.

So it's a bit of a palaver. In addition to this all candidates should have received the form I refer to in Monday's post and obviously John hasn't.

So we haven't even started yet and we could be forgiven for saying...what a way to run an election.

I do have that paperwork, but seemed logical to assume council website would have most up to date info. We wait to see ......

Kevin Dowling

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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2016, 10:28:32 AM »
Yes, there seems to be a little confusion here.

As John says the candidate is validated on the council website, so he is correct. Yet on the other hand I have (I'm looking at it as I write this ) a paper copy of "statement of persons nominated," dated Friday 8 April, which is one day after the nominations were closed. In the column marked, " Reason why no longer nominated," it clearly states against the UKIP candidate, " No Consent to Nomination" So in that sense admin is right.

My agent has just phoned the council for clarification and the person she spoke to was 'unsure.'  The person who presumably is 'sure,' is not in until this afternoon. We will try again later in the day.

So it's a bit of a palaver. In addition to this all candidates should have received the form I refer to in Monday's post and obviously John hasn't.

So we haven't even started yet and we could be forgiven for saying...what a way to run an election.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2016, 10:07:47 PM »
I've heard on the grapevine that Marple North UKIP Candidate Ray Jones did not complete his "Consent to Nominate" form in time and will not be able to take part in the election.

Does anyone else know if this is correct?

He still appears on list of nominated candidates on council website at present.