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Author Topic: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?  (Read 45934 times)

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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #59 on: May 02, 2016, 10:23:39 AM »
Yes it's a very good question salemoorgirl and you've a right to know.

As to the first part of your question How Much? It is not easy to answer.  Firstly it depends on what sort of campaign you wish to ruin (was that a Freudian slip?) and also if you are part of a political party and how large/small the party is. If you wish to have, say 50 posters and a delivery of 2 sets of leaflets to all the dwellings in Marple North as I have,  (John, Malcolm, you now know the full strength of my campaign) then provision of those would probably cost approx. £1000.00. However you then have to deliver the leaflets and erect the posters. 

The second part of your question is easier. There is no money from the public purse allocated for local/parliamentary elections although many think it would be fairer if there was.   

Where does the money actually come from then?  Does that mean that the candidate with the most money has the best chance of winning the election?

Kevin Dowling

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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #58 on: May 01, 2016, 02:57:39 PM »
How much money does it cost to run a local election campaign?   

Where does the money come from, is it taken from the  public purse?

Interested to know. ....

Yes it's a very good question salemoorgirl and you've a right to know.

As to the first part of your question How Much? It is not easy to answer.  Firstly it depends on what sort of campaign you wish to ruin (was that a Freudian slip?) and also if you are part of a political party and how large/small the party is. If you wish to have, say 50 posters and a delivery of 2 sets of leaflets to all the dwellings in Marple North as I have,  (John, Malcolm, you now know the full strength of my campaign) then provision of those would probably cost approx. £1000.00. However you then have to deliver the leaflets and erect the posters. 

The second part of your question is easier. There is no money from the public purse allocated for local/parliamentary elections although many think it would be fairer if there was.   


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #57 on: May 01, 2016, 02:24:53 PM »
How much money does it cost to run a local election campaign?   

Where does the money come from, is it taken from the  public purse?

Interested to know. ....


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #56 on: April 29, 2016, 11:43:51 AM »

You must be the only poster/reader on this website who doesn't actually know the real identity of Wheels. We just don't say anything about it and we allow him to think that he's incognito.

Thanks - everyone has now told me!  We try to preserve the air of anonymity - except for the political aspirants.  Which is a bit sad really. 

I am interested if @corium gets something out of it.  I've had to know a lot more financial detail since being elected.  I suspect Kevin had even more exposure when he was a LD exec member, so he knows what he's talking about.     

Kevin Dowling

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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #55 on: April 28, 2016, 10:34:20 AM »
Here's a direct link to the report: (nearly lost the will just trying to find it!)

Thank you admin, your work and technical expertise is appreciated. Good luck Corium.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #54 on: April 28, 2016, 09:15:44 AM »
Hello Corium,

Then read the briefing paper "English Local Authority Reserves June 2015." This will better inform you. The only downside is that you are likely to lose the will to live, halfway through the read.

Here's a direct link to the report: (nearly lost the will just trying to find it!)
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Kevin Dowling

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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2016, 08:10:20 AM »
I don't know so perhaps someone can enlighten me. Is there a level of reserves councils must keep & if so how does Stockport measure up? For charities there is clear guidance from the Charity Commission - it should be 6-12 months of turnover so is there something similar for councils?

Hello Corium,

If you visit which is The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting. Then read the briefing paper "English Local Authority Reserves June 2015." This will better inform you. The only downside is that you are likely to lose the will to live, halfway through the read.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #52 on: April 27, 2016, 06:53:02 PM »

Getting the balance right between spending the reserves and building the reserves up is a difficult one.

I don't know so perhaps someone can enlighten me. Is there a level of reserves councils must keep & if so how does Stockport measure up? For charities there is clear guidance from the Charity Commission - it should be 6-12 months of turnover so is there something similar for councils?

Kevin Dowling

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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #51 on: April 27, 2016, 06:28:20 PM »
Sounds good Kevin,

Perhaps we should ask your mother to take up the post being made vacant by the council's retiring finance officer.

Interesting theory Simone, but Alas she passed away a few years ago and is now in the great jam jar in the sky.

chicken lady

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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #50 on: April 27, 2016, 05:16:56 PM »

You must be the only poster/reader on this website who doesn't actually know the real identity of Wheels. We just don't say anything about it and we allow him to think that he's in cognito.

I wish there was a "like" button!
Does he really think he's incognito?


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2016, 12:55:15 PM »
Sounds good Kevin,

Perhaps we should ask your mother to take up the post being made vacant by the council's retiring finance officer.

Kevin Dowling

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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2016, 11:51:50 AM »
Tis a pity that our locally elected LibDem and Conservative representatives seemingly take every opportunity to distract themselves and their electorate with party bashing.

I am no financial expert but my take on this is:

I do understand why a Council needs to have some money 'set aside' for a rainy day. Some people may argue that the rainy day has arrived, in fact every day is a rainy day as this Conservative Government continues to batter local government with more responsibilities and associated costs at the same time as reducing the amount of money coming from Central Government. I think its called Revenue Support Grant'.

Much of what Councils have to do now means working in completely different ways - such as with people in the NHS on joining up Health and Social Care. This is a good thing to do and should help to both reduce costs and improve the lives of people who are caught up in a currently confusing health care system. But all those changes and many others won't happen overnight so 'one off' monies will be needed to help that transition. So, in this example, a 'one off' sum of money or 'earmarked reserve' is a prudent thing to have.

Ear Marked reserves are like having the set of jam jars my mother used to have. She had one jar, for say a 'holiday fund'; one to pay for repairs to the washing machine if it broke down or a new one; one for replacement shoes for all her kids etc. But if she needed money urgently, she would take the money from the holiday fund jar as that was the least important things in her life, but she would also try and start putting money back into that jar.

So, sometimes, having money set aside for a 'rainy day' can become an obsession. Deciding whether it really is a 'rainy day' and we need to dip into our savings is what we pay our local government officers to advise our locally elected members to decide.

But once the reserves are spent, what happens then if, for example, there is a sudden increase in the numbers of children coming into care or we have a succession of really bad winters and the gritters need to be out every night for 4 months of the year?

Getting the balance right between spending the reserves and building the reserves up is a difficult one.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #47 on: April 27, 2016, 08:02:25 AM »

You must be the only poster/reader on this website who doesn't actually know the real identity of Wheels. We just don't say anything about it and we allow him to think that he's in cognito.

I am afraid your unknowledge doesn't say much though, about local Councillors being in touch with their community.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #46 on: April 25, 2016, 02:56:12 PM »
The Tory Group wanted to use the transitional funding to reduce the council tax. That would have meant it was unavailable to put into maintain services and supporting parks.  It's quite simple you can't use funding twice by wanting to use it to reduce the CT you were therefore suggesting cuts in funding to parks.

@wheels  - you obviously know something about council funding!  You don't work for SMBC do you?
@CllrKennyBlair - I am grateful that the Conservative group did put forward an alternative budget for once, so we can see the difference in emphasis.
From memory, you planned to put up council tax by 2%, plugging the gap with the 900K transitional funding and an anticipated underspend in some depts.

But in council every speaker on your side (except Annette) mentioned reserves as an argument.
Our auditors would not like us to dip into reserves too much (tempting as it is).  There are guidelines for this as Steve H (our retiring finance officer in the council) reminded us all.  Reserves are more or less as they were.

Your group was talking about Earmarked Reserves (my capitals) - money set aside for projects.  There are more of these as we try to pool budgets and find better ways to save money.  We do have to cope with the £21 million we lost this year alone.  IN addition to all the previous years.  Perhaps Earmarked Reserves should be called something different - Earmarks Funding, perhaps?

I do recognise that the nation should try to balance its books.  But local government is proving to be the easy whipping boy.  Lord Porter, a Conservative councillor and the chair of the Local Government Association said in Nov,
“It is wrong that the services our local communities rely on will face deeper cuts than the rest of the public sector yet again, and for local taxpayers to be left to pick up the bill for new government policies without any additional funding.”

As Kenny knows I do try to stick to facts!  As does he, to be fair.


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Re: Who are the Candidates for Local Councillor in May 2016?
« Reply #45 on: April 25, 2016, 12:26:37 PM »
The Tory Group wanted to use the transisional funding to reduce the council tax. That would have meant it was unavailable to put into maintain services and supporting parks.  It's quite simple you can't use funding twice by wanting to use it to reduce the CT you were therefore suggesting cuts in funding to parks.

Don't let the facts stand in the way of a good argument! No we didn't. We proposed using the £4m underspend to reduce the Council tax.