Janine Kelly - Yoga teacher in Marple

Author Topic: Candidates support for trouble with Network Rail  (Read 5669 times)

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Lisa Oldham

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Re: Candidates support for trouble with Network Rail
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2015, 02:27:33 PM »
I disagree Simonesaffron.  Everyone has influence and tools at their disposal to help others, and candidates in this election more so than most.   I guess its a measure of the man/woman if they are prepared to use them TO help others or just themselves.

Lisa Oldham

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Re: Candidates support for trouble with Network Rail
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2015, 02:23:14 PM »
The searches and surveys, which I still have, did not question the boundaries and in fact detailed them as bordered by and with hedge/shrubs etc.  In hindsight the registered deeds do look slightly different than the lay of the land but it didn't occur to us to question them and the surveys didn't raise concerns.

Bowden Guy

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Re: Candidates support for trouble with Network Rail
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2015, 11:02:14 AM »
Lisa, I am surprised that, when you bought your property, the searches did not identify the issues you have been writing about? Did you not receive, from the vendors, a site map showing your boundaries?


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Re: Candidates support for trouble with Network Rail
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2015, 07:55:44 AM »
Hello Lisa,

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing a challenging time. I hope that you find a resolution.

It is worth bearing in mind though and will save you time and energy if you understand that these candidates are just that, candidates. They have no mandate, no influence and no power, until they are elected. Then once they are elected they have to toe the party line. The one that is telling you that there is 'nothing he/she can do,' is only being honest with you. Even when elected it is rather surprising to find out that your individual MP is little more than impotent when it comes to issues that he/she can't bring party influence to bear upon.

In my experience you will nearly always find on local matters that your local Councillor, certainly a body of local Councillors is far more influential than a solitary MP.   

Good Luck.

Lisa Oldham

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Re: Candidates support for trouble with Network Rail
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2015, 05:51:44 PM »
Apologies - I'm living and breathing this right now and have harassed several members in the pub already! 

I have a year long fight with my neighbours, Network Rail who after several complaints made by myself regarding damage caused by maintenance work decided to fence across my lawn including removing my 20 yr old shed which BACKED on to an ancient boundary hedge.  Basically 2-3 foot extra into my garden rather than behind the hedgerow.

Regardless of my explanation that I owned the garden and had bought EXACTLY as is 13 years earlier they sent their men to do the work anyway so I was forced to take out an injunction.  I'm told probably the 1st one from a private individual against them!

After a year of them dragging their heels (even though I had a written agreement made 4 days after the injunction was served,) insisting on stays of action every couple of months or so, they have now decided to defend actions regardless of most of the evidence pointing towards the land being still registered to Beazer homes(landlocked bit between NR and my deeds).

This was just after they discovered my free legal advisor had had a massive stroke. They know I can't afford the up front payment of 10-20 grand for legal representation so I have to do it myself.

Thats a very short description, our 3 primary political candidates and our MP have more in depth versions.   Letters from our MP to Network Rail have, I'm told, been ignored! Basically it involves bullying tactics by a tax payer funded organisation, some of the behaviour I've had to put up with is pretty shocking, including terrifying my kids!! 

So.. a tax payer funded organisation which believes it is not accountable to anyone.
and also if looked at in depth an organisation which can in my opinion target members of the public just because they very rightly complained( I was told verbally that it looked like i might have been labeled a troublemaker).
2 a legal system that is now financially totally out of reach of most people meaning that companies such as NR KNOW they can do what they want, which is what they intended to do to me(when I was chasing a man around my childrens climbing frame and telling him the injunction was going in , he said but you haven't done it yet) . Just taking out the initial injunction cost me just short of £500 so thank goodness I still a have a credit card!
Fortunately my costs are relatively low as a result of free legal help up to November, most aren't as lucky as me!

As said before I've asked all candidates to support me, even if its just to write to the Directors of the company(which I've now done twice), or get a bit of media attention for my issue.  However 1 says there is nothing they can do, 1 acknowledged initial email, 1 didn't bother responding. I have invited all 3 round to see for themselves, none have replied to that.

I personally think actions speak louder than words. Anyone can spout all the rhetoric they want but if they don't actually get off their a*** to do something * ANYTHING* to support a potential constituent in a situation which is clearly, when viewed as a whole, totally unreasonable, unfair and clear cut, then what are they really prepared to do for anyone?  As said in my previous post I am probably going to vote tactically this time, and in that case my vote will have to go with the most proactive candidate.   

Bowden Guy

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Re: Candidates support for trouble with Network Rail
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 11:31:08 AM »
A "perfect example" of what, if you don't mind me asking, Lisa?


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Re: Candidates support for trouble with Network Rail
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2015, 05:36:53 PM »
In my opinion Lib dems are notorious for slagging off other candidates as well as taking credit for other peoples actions in their constant stream of expensive newsletters!  In fact it seems to be a requirement in elections for all parties.

Marples an odd place.  I think the Lib Dems have been in power too long locally and often behave in ways that I don't recognise as Liberal Democrat.  I have a tonne of experience of dealing with all parties in different parts of the country and lib dems are often the better behaved and easier to deal with, but not here(except Andrew Bispham whose always been very helpful).    Having said that I find both Andrew Stunnell and Lisa to be very easy to talk to and approachable.

But so many here don't want a Labour person... not cos Michael unpopular but because it seems to comes down to not liking Milliband,  but using the same parameters  it does not compute that they could prefer Cameron.

I'm a Green party member, and always vote for them but I am very much aware how much each vote counts here this time so though I hate to say it I might just vote tactically.

But it also might come to point of who stops rattling on and gets off their backside and sticks their necks out for people in their community and considering my current situation and the outrageous behaviour I've had to put up with from an organisation funded by tax payers, in addition to fact as a single low paid mum the legal system is now WAY beyond my financial ability,  I'd think I was  a perfect example.

Not unsurprisingly the 3 main party candidates haven't yet been very proactive in that even though I have asked for their support.

I will say that only Lisa Smart has replied in any constructive way. 1 other has replied, the other hasn't bothered.

Well, all very confusing indeed.

Lisa Oldham

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Candidates support for trouble with Network Rail
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 02:54:59 PM »
In my opinion Lib dems are notorious for slagging off other candidates as well as taking credit for other peoples actions in their constant stream of expensive newsletters!  In fact it seems to be a requirement in elections for all parties.

Marples an odd place.  I think the Lib Dems have been in power too long locally and often behave in ways that I don't recognise as Liberal Democrat.  I have a tonne of experience of dealing with all parties in different parts of the country and lib dems are often the better behaved and easier to deal with, but not here(except Andrew Bispham whose always been very helpful).    Having said that I find both Andrew Stunnell and Lisa to be very easy to talk to and approachable.

But so many here don't want a Labour person... not cos Michael unpopular but because it seems to comes down to not liking Milliband,  but using the same parameters  it does not compute that they could prefer Cameron.

I'm a Green party member, and always vote for them but I am very much aware how much each vote counts here this time so though I hate to say it I might just vote tactically.

But it also might come to point of who stops rattling on and gets off their backside and sticks their necks out for people in their community and considering my current situation and the outrageous behaviour I've had to put up with from an organisation funded by tax payers, in addition to fact as a single low paid mum the legal system is now WAY beyond my financial ability,  I'd think I was  a perfect example.

Not unsurprisingly the 3 main party candidates haven't yet been very proactive in that even though I have asked for their support.

I will say that only Lisa Smart has replied in any constructive way. 1 other has replied, the other hasn't bothered.