Crikey Its got active here since I put a post on ages ago!

I absolutely hate NUHOPE. When kids stop getting notes home about good work and get notes congratulating them on not having detentions there is something very wrong.
However... it was a regime introduced by a particularly badly chosen(in my opinion) and incredibly unpopular head teacher who has thankfully gone.
The new head was a deputy then but I don't think we can presume it was a regime he supported wholeheartedly! Since becoming head the regime in my opinion is not as strict, some teachers as before over do it, others, as before, totally ignore, generally it seems more relaxed. I think it will disappear or be overhauled in the next year or so.
Going on what kids think, the new head is someone they respect and is popular with kids and staff alike. He needs time to get stuck in. I've recently seen how well hes dealt with a situation where very amusing but disrespectful pictures depicting MH teachers were posted on the internet. He and his team showed great professionalism, excellent balance and sense of humour but also discipline in dealing with that situation. As a result the kids involved were punished but accepted that punishment with grace and the staff gained great respect as a result. I think we give it time.
I find him approachable and friendly, as are all the deputy head and the current management team. This is not how I felt 3 years ago so I'd suggest if anyone has worries about their children and NUHOPE then call and discuss. There is not just teaching staff at the school but a large array of support services for children internal and external that can help kids with all sorts of issues.