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Author Topic: XXL gym in goyt mill  (Read 11885 times)

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Paul Bennett

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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2015, 01:20:21 PM »
Just done some research of my own, and some very dodgy things being said on the interwebs. I'm going to keep my nose out.

Dizzy Penguin

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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2015, 12:54:30 PM »
So, there was a wall on hibbert lane spray painted with "XXL grass", and the gym just changed hands. Anyone know what's going on there?

I'm not the best detective in the world but this came up via a twitter search:

A bit of noseying and the guy who posted it is referring to Ali Young who is being blamed for the "Martinez out" graffiti at Everton's ground, from what I can gather it's just because he posted a picture of himself by it.

What it has to do with XXL I have no idea, but then the guy who posted it (Simon Barnard) seems to manage New Mills on a computer game (from reading tweets further down) which suggests he's local to the area and I'd imagine it's all related SOMEHOW... but don't ask me how... that's as far as my detective skills go I'm afraid  ;D

Paul Bennett

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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2015, 12:38:31 PM »
So, there was a wall on hibbert lane spray painted with "XXL grass", and the gym just changed hands. Anyone know what's going on there?

Paul Bennett

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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2015, 10:56:49 PM »


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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2015, 07:09:28 PM »
And while I'm at it, I do other forms of excersise, Im happy with my social life, and I value moments of peace and solitude in this crazy, noisy, overcrowded, overconnected world.

It's an interesting mechanic I've noticed. When you ask "how do I enjoy this one thing more?" Or "how can I improve x?"  You will always get people saying, forget X, do Y.
It was the same when I asked advice on making purchases, planning a career, making important life choices or just choosing what to have for lunch. There must be a name for it somewhere. Anyone trained in sociology/psychology?

Selective exposure theory?


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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2015, 05:57:11 PM »
If for at least half of the year you leave home for work in the dark and arrive home in the dark, and have busy weekends, then walking opportunities are limited. That's why the gym is a great outlet for exercise. Plus you get the flexibility of doing cardio and resistance.

Paul Bennett

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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2015, 05:32:34 PM »
Sorry if it caused offense: it just slipped out - basically I am totally bewildered that anyone should want to use a gym to exercise when we have so much nice countryside to exercise in on our backsdoorstep.  Long may you pound the treadmill in the warmth. I suspect our tracks will never cross.

Apology accepted, no harm done :-).
I do go for walks, but for my job.

Paul Bennett

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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2015, 05:31:17 PM »
And while I'm at it, I do other forms of excersise, Im happy with my social life, and I value moments of peace and solitude in this crazy, noisy, overcrowded, overconnected world.

It's an interesting mechanic I've noticed. When you ask "how do I enjoy this one thing more?" Or "how can I improve x?"  You will always get people saying, forget X, do Y.
It was the same when I asked advice on making purchases, planning a career, making important life choices or just choosing what to have for lunch. There must be a name for it somewhere. Anyone trained in sociology/psychology?


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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2015, 05:31:07 PM »
Marplerambler DID tell me to get a life. That was rude, I was pointing it out.
Besides, the best excersise is the one you will do, not the one that works for someone else that you won't do.
Sorry if it caused offense: it just slipped out - basically I am totally bewildered that anyone should want to use a gym to exercise when we have so much nice countryside to exercise in on our backsdoorstep.  Long may you pound the treadmill in the warmth. I suspect our tracks will never cross.

Paul Bennett

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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2015, 05:07:38 PM »
Am I an old cynic, or are Paul Bennett's posts advertising for the XXL gym?

No, but I'm open to offers over £1,000,000 :-)

Paul Bennett

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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2015, 05:05:45 PM »
But if you dress properly and you are walking you won't be cold. I don't walk much now because of a hip problem but when I was younger and walked with IVC there was always someone interesting to talk to. Or get a dog, you'll be fighting off other sociable dog walkers.

And Marplerambler was trying to be helpful so why did you need to be rude? To be honest I know lots of people who would tell YOU to get a life if your sole attempt at exercise was solitary gym working out.

Marplerambler DID tell me to get a life. That was rude, I was pointing it out.
Besides, the best excersise is the one you will do, not the one that works for someone else that you won't do.


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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2015, 04:40:20 PM »
The gym above Marple Baths is absolutely tiny. You can't compare it to XXL. Best local council gym is at Stockport Sports Village in Woodley.


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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2015, 07:39:11 AM »
Am I an old cynic, or are Paul Bennett's posts advertising for the XXL gym?

They're not very good adverts if they are! Hardly make the place sound friendly and welcoming.

But for balance, in case anyone is interested, the prices for the gym above the pool are £18.99 per month for a minimum of 12 months, or £23.99 per month for no commitment (although you have to specifically ask about this as they don't advertise it).

chicken lady

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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2015, 11:29:42 PM »
Am I an old cynic, or are Paul Bennett's posts advertising for the XXL gym?

My login is Henrietta

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Re: XXL gym in goyt mill
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2015, 10:39:27 PM »

Hate being cold, busy on Thursdays and Sundays. Have a life thanks
But if you dress properly and you are walking you won't be cold. I don't walk much now because of a hip problem but when I was younger and walked with IVC there was always someone interesting to talk to. Or get a dog, you'll be fighting off other sociable dog walkers.

And Marplerambler was trying to be helpful so why did you need to be rude? To be honest I know lots of people who would tell YOU to get a life if your sole attempt at exercise was solitary gym working out.