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Author Topic: Rollins Lane  (Read 4321 times)

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Re: Rollins Lane
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2015, 05:58:44 PM »
I suggest that as the electioneering gets under way we take this opportunity to pressure our Councillors etc to ensure that access to and through Brabyns Park is brought up to the standard of most Stockport Parks. Why should it be so inferior to the Memorial Park, for example?
Access to Brabyns Park via Rollins Lane is inferior to access to Memorial Park because of the legal status of the routes providing access. The legal status of the road to Brabyns Park is 'Adopted Highway' and the council has a statutory obligation to maintain this route to a standard appropriate for access by motor vehicle with appropriate pavements maintained to a high standard enabling all weather access for both pedestrians and vehicles. The legal status of Rollins Lane is both public bridleway and private road, the Council have a legal responsibility to maintain to a standard appropriate for horses - horses hate tarmac and much prefer mud, if you are a walker it is not unreasonable that your boots sometimes get muddy, if you are a cycle you are off-road biking you expect mud, if you are a pedestrian with footwear unsuitable for a countryside track you use the pavement on the main road.If adjacent landowners wish to upgrade the route to a standard for motor vehicles that is up to them.
You can whinge as much as you like and for as long as you like, the general road maintenance bill for the Borough is massive and is used for maintenance of adopted highways only, Rollins Lane has to be maintained as part of the tiny Public Rights of Way budget. The parks budget has been decimated, there is no way parks Department could afford to maintain this back door to the park.  I checked the route a couple of days after your first complaint, the puddle had evaporated away and the rest of the lane was fine. Public Rights of Way section has much more vital work to spend its money on - the Cown Edge Way between the Middlewood Way and Hazel Gove is in a very poor condition and would be much more appropriate for this limited council funding.

If you want to ask questions of your MPs prior to the election ask them why the funding for the splendid idea of funding a cycle route from Compstall to Stockport via Rollins lane, back roads of Marple to the upgraded route dropping to the new Chadkirk bridge and then via Mill Lane and the Goyt Valley was scrapped despite Sustrans funding of the bridge and Public Rights of Way funding of the upgrade of the track down from Marple Dale School  to the new bridge prior to the ConDem cuts. The answer is straight forward enough - the LibDems said **** *** we are implementing massive cuts in the services provided by the Council to the public and we can no longer afford this project, please put your cross in the appropriate box at the next election to indicate whether you approve or disapprove of these cuts.


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Re: Rollins Lane
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2015, 09:12:56 AM »
I suggest that as the electioneering gets under way we take this opportunity to pressure our Councillors etc to ensure that access to and through Brabyns Park is brought up to the standard of most Stockport Parks. Why should it be so inferior to the Memorial Park, for example? Even small, relatively insignificant, parklands in Romiley that cater for a small residential area gets better treatment than Brabyns Park which should provide pleasant pedestrian access between Marple, Marple Bridge and Compstall for the residents of those areas, as well as visitors to Marple who may want to access Etherow Country Park.


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Re: Rollins Lane
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2015, 10:11:32 AM »
Thank you Amazon for saying you will have a go with the Council. I understand that Cllr Candler is the lead Cllr on the proposed maintenance of Brabyns Park and I recently emailed him saying Will you please assure me that in the case of Brabyns Park and Rollins Lane in particular that the needs of ordinary town pedestrians will take priority He has replied :- I am delighted to be able to tell you that the refurbishment of Rollins Lane is in next year’s capital programme.
It is probably an accidental omission on his part that he doesn't mention the needs of pedestrians, but as the Council has always insisted in the past that they only have to cater for horses we still need the pressure on the Council to make the Marple area the attractive place it should be for everyday use.


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Re: Rollins Lane
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2015, 08:20:28 PM »
I regret I have to reply to Marple Ramblers comments.

What I think is based upon what I know! Rollins Lane was upgraded from Public Footpath to Public Bridleway not as a consequence of action from the CTC Rep but as a consequence of a phenomenal amount of work by the then Chairman of Stockport East Area Bridleways Association>

At no time have I cleaned to have been responsible for a change of use from footpath to bridleway, but as a pedestrian I have been contacting the Council about the state of this track for years - long before 2004. In fact I have been discussing cycling issues with Stockport Council - mainly through the Council’s Cycle User Group - for nearly 20 years but as a resident of Stockport. My CTCREP username I chose for this Forum was because I am a member of the CTC’s Right to Ride group. a purely voluntary group created by the Club to enable those interested in trying to improve cycling conditions in the UK to share information. If there is an official CTC representative for Stockport I have never heard of one. As to not being interested in Rights of Way issues, as I have said, as a cyclist I am primarily interested in improving conditions on the road, but I do have some interest in Off-Road routes, such as the one between Otterspool Bridge and Pear Mill, that would allow commuting cyclists from the Marple direction to access Stockport in safety. Such issues I have taken to Stockport’s Cycling Officer Don Naylor at the Cycle User Group who, if necessary, would have taken them to the Rights of Way Group.

 It is my opinion that originally Rollins Lane was the  Compstall entrance to the Brabyns Hall Estate, and due to the width of the bridge was probably expected to allow passage of small carriages. At the time it was probably considered a suitable alternative to the road (roads being little better than tracks) between Marple Bridge and Compstall for Brabyns Hall dwellers and therefore should have been designated a road later in life, not a footpath. I am surprised the Council and the Bridleways Association didn’t realise its importance to ordinary pedestrians wanting to use it as a route to Marple shops and the station and had it surfaced accordingly.

I could go on, but if anyone is interested in my view of this sort of issue you may like to visit Cycle Stockport Web Site    Stockport Council offered all the User Groups the opportunity to show the Council and each other their respective problems. Of the few Groups that did attend the meeting in the Town Hall my presentation is on the Web Site.
When we moved to lower fold now some forty years ago it was then in a bit of a state .but it has been resurfaced about 20  years ago .i do have a photo of the lane but doesn't show the road very well when resurfaced ..part from the iron bridge up is not in bad condition .but like you say it would be a good cut through to Marple if in good condition .keep trying I will have a go as well .with the councill .


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Re: Rollins Lane
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2015, 06:44:56 PM »
I regret I have to reply to Marple Ramblers comments.

What I think is based upon what I know! Rollins Lane was upgraded from Public Footpath to Public Bridleway not as a consequence of action from the CTC Rep but as a consequence of a phenomenal amount of work by the then Chairman of Stockport East Area Bridleways Association>

At no time have I cleaned to have been responsible for a change of use from footpath to bridleway, but as a pedestrian I have been contacting the Council about the state of this track for years - long before 2004. In fact I have been discussing cycling issues with Stockport Council - mainly through the Council’s Cycle User Group - for nearly 20 years but as a resident of Stockport. My CTCREP username I chose for this Forum was because I am a member of the CTC’s Right to Ride group. a purely voluntary group created by the Club to enable those interested in trying to improve cycling conditions in the UK to share information. If there is an official CTC representative for Stockport I have never heard of one. As to not being interested in Rights of Way issues, as I have said, as a cyclist I am primarily interested in improving conditions on the road, but I do have some interest in Off-Road routes, such as the one between Otterspool Bridge and Pear Mill, that would allow commuting cyclists from the Marple direction to access Stockport in safety. Such issues I have taken to Stockport’s Cycling Officer Don Naylor at the Cycle User Group who, if necessary, would have taken them to the Rights of Way Group.

 It is my opinion that originally Rollins Lane was the  Compstall entrance to the Brabyns Hall Estate, and due to the width of the bridge was probably expected to allow passage of small carriages. At the time it was probably considered a suitable alternative to the road (roads being little better than tracks) between Marple Bridge and Compstall for Brabyns Hall dwellers and therefore should have been designated a road later in life, not a footpath. I am surprised the Council and the Bridleways Association didn’t realise its importance to ordinary pedestrians wanting to use it as a route to Marple shops and the station and had it surfaced accordingly.

I could go on, but if anyone is interested in my view of this sort of issue you may like to visit Cycle Stockport Web Site    Stockport Council offered all the User Groups the opportunity to show the Council and each other their respective problems. Of the few Groups that did attend the meeting in the Town Hall my presentation is on the Web Site.


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Re: Rollins Lane
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2015, 08:02:17 PM »
This is interesting, whilst reading the OP statement I had I my head 'paved paradise to put up a parking lot'. I think it's pretty much understandable that country walkways may need a little more sturdy footwear that a pair of brogues and high heals in the weather we've had this week.

I'm also amazed the council have a cycling officer, is this a paid gig?

Don't worry about it Duke: the Joni Mitchell fans already singing along at the gig know why you should think of this! You sing 'paved paradise and put up a parking lot' and we all sing back 'They took all the trees and put 'em in a tree museum and charged all the people a dollar and a half just to see 'em. ' Mmmm... is there a few bob to be made out of this????

You will be utterly mortified to hear that not only does the Council have a Cycling Officer it also has Tree Protection Officers (or some similar job title) who not only hug the trees but also take legal action against property owners to ensure that  the corners of arboreal paradise we are lucky enough to have in Marple are not chopped down or put into tree museums. I really do think it disgraceful that such responsibility should lie in the hands of a public service employee rather than a local tree company which can then be purchased at a bargain price by China or Saudi Arabia.

Ever thought of going into the bottled air business?

Duke Fame

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Re: Rollins Lane
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 03:15:44 PM »
Of course the Council have a cycling office and unlike many authorities in Stockport there is only on Don Naylor drop him an email and indroduce yourself Duke.

Surely this could be a role operated by enthusiastic volunteers


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Re: Rollins Lane
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2015, 07:57:41 PM »
Of course the Council have a cycling office and unlike many authorities in Stockport there is only on Don Naylor drop him an email and indroduce yourself Duke.

Duke Fame

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Re: Rollins Lane
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2015, 09:25:44 AM »
This is interesting, whilst reading the OP statement I had I my head 'paved paradise to put up a parking lot'. I think it's pretty much understandable that country walkways may need a little more sturdy footwear that a pair of brogues and high heals in the weather we've had this week.

I'm also amazed the council have a cycling officer, is this a paid gig?


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Re: Rollins Lane
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2015, 09:08:14 PM »
What I think is based upon what I know! Rollins Lane was upgraded from Public Footpath to Public Bridleway not as a consequence of action from the CTC Rep but as a consequence of a phenomenal amount of work by the then Chairman of Stockport East Area Bridleways Association (SEABA) proving that bridleway rights existed along Rollins Lane which had a legal designation of Public Footpath (FP111 Bredbury & Romiley) when the route became a public right of way in 1952. The Chairman of SEABA was the person who took the appropriate legal action to require Stockport MBC to redesignate this route as a bridleway or waste money by on a legal battle it could not win.
I attended every User Forum for Public Rights of Way in Stockport from 2004 to 2011 and the only user group reps who ever attended these meetings were Ramblers Association, Peak & Northern Footpaths Society, Open Spaces Society, Stockport East Area Bridleways Association (SEABA) and Greater Manchester Pedestrian Association. The CTC never came near, the CTC totally ignored all invitations sent to the CTC rep for Stockport and played absolutely no part in any discussions about this route so don't start making statements that you have been fighting for cyclists in Marple for years. Quite simply, whoever your predecessor was, he didn't give a toss about cycling in Marple or if he did he never turned up to voices his concerns at the Public Rights of Way Access Forums. The only person fighting hard for the cyclist in Stockport up to 2011 was the Stockport MBC Cycling Officer.

The unadulterated rubbish you speak when you imply that the Council has a responsibility to ensure that the route should be maintained to a standard enabling the route to be ‘visited by people wearing everyday shoes and often with pushchairs and infant's cycles’ indicates you haven’t a clue what you are talking about.
The legal status of a route which can be used in poor weather by people wearing everyday shoes and by infant’s cycles is ‘pavement’ which is maintained to a high standard as part of the general road network, not the public footpath network.

Do you not think that this same argument has not been made ten thousand times over the last hundred years as lots of people have tried to increase the value of their property by attempting to get the Council to do the work of paying to improve the track to their land? Just what the Council is required to do is not just laid down in Act of Parliament. It is dictated by case law and such case law dictates that it is not unreasonable that public footpaths cannot be expected to be maintained in a pristine condition on flat lanes such as Rollins Lane which are susceptible to waterlogging. Case law has set precedents about just what is and what is not a ‘reasonable state of repair’. Most importantly it is not considered to be unreasonable that there will be times when you will get muddy boots or have to paddle through puddles on a Public Bridleway. Winter rainfall on soggy ground does not just magically evaporate away.

Where is the water on a long flat surface shaded by many trees and bushes expected to vanish to, ensuring that the infant’s bike and your shoes don’t get dirty on a wet January day? There is only one answer for Rollins Lane and that is ‘down a grid adjacent to a convex metalled surface.’

The Public Rights of Way budget is miniscule compared to that for the general road and pavement network. Just this one project would use up a large proportion of the annual budget for Public Rights of Way section of the Council. The Council's answer is not there is no money available, it is that all expenditure is open to the scrutiny of the Council Tax payer, that the Council doesn’t have a statutory obligation to carry out the work you request and I, as a Council Tax payer, would then be totally justified in stating that my money was being squandered on work which should be directed to work it does have a statutory obligation to carry out.

The Council has a responsibility to maintain this route to a standard appropriate for usage by walkers and horseriders only. As well as being a public bridleway Rollins Lane also has a legal status of a private road facilitating vehicular access to those with legal access (plus authorised visitors) to adjacent property and land.  Just as at Lakes Road, the landowners choose whether they want to maintain the route to a standard appropriate for usage by motor vehicles (and cyclists). If they are prepared to pay for it that is up to them.

Cyclists have had a legal right to use bridleways since 1968 but the Council has absolutely no responsibility of any kind for maintaining a bridleway to a standard appropriate for cycles.

Countryside Act 1968 section 30 Riding of pedal cycles on bridleways para (3) The rights conferred by this section shall not affect the highways authority , or any other person, as respects the maintenance of the highway, and this section shall not create any obligation to do anything to facilitate the use of the bridleway by cyclists.

It sometimes happens that there may be a cash injection from an organisation such as SUSTRANS enabling the construction of a new bridge such as that at Chadkirk. The real problem is that there is no provision of funding for future maintenance of the bridge.

The most useful thing that you could do is stop whingeing and adopt the same attitude as the Ramblers, realise the Councils have suffered massive cuts, cannot wave a magic wand to repair anything and everything and set up voluntary work parties of cyclists to fill in the holes in just the same way as Ramblers groups are now repairing and clearing footpaths and Friends of Parks / Railway stations etc groups are carrying out work on Brabyns Park, Chadkirk and Rose Hill station.


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Rollins Lane
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2015, 04:16:48 PM »
Rollins Lane is the entrance to Brabyns Park from Compstall. 

For years I have been asking the Council to resurface this as it is the best route for Compstall pedestrians to get to Marple Station and Marple. It is also the route between Brabyns Park and Etherow Country park, both visited by people wearing everyday shoes and often with pushchairs and infant's cycles. Always the Council's answer is there is no money available. Elsewhere on this Web Site there is considerable discussion about a proposed new Bridleway in Chadkirk which presumably will be financed by the Rights of Way Department if it goes ahead.  I have just been told by Rights of Way that the Council has two pots of money, one for Highways Improvements, which I would argue could be used to properly surface the off-road cycle route between Otterspool Bridge and Stockport as we need a Cycle Route and there is no way it can be provided alongside any of our current highways, and the other for Planned Maintenance. Obviously while the Council continually ignores Rollins Lane then no maintenance can be planned for it. This money has to be spent before March 31st.

What do you think, and who will make sure this money is spent wisely and for the benefit of the majority?

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