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Author Topic: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA  (Read 269955 times)

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EmmyJane Designs

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #389 on: February 05, 2015, 06:04:51 PM »
One of the reasons we moved to Marple was for the shopping, independent shops that is.
I agree with Henrietta that the food and perishables bought from our local shops is of high quality.
For example I buy a couple of sausages from Littlewoods butches and my mother in law will buy a pack of cheap 'walls' from a supermarket. She will eat half the pack, whereas I only need 2. The local butchers sausages will be full of high quality meat and flavour, not just fat and left over bits.

I also use the health food shop for refills of 'ecover' products. Which ends up cheaper than a supermarket.

People will always moan that they haven't the time to shop locally. This may be the case. However I enjoy the exercise, bumping into friends and neighbours, the fact that many of the local traders know my name and in some cases will give you samples to try or a little extra meat.

If we don't shop locally the very face of Marple will change imo 

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #388 on: February 05, 2015, 05:18:35 PM »
when asda comes they are having a fish counter . so you will be able to compare
You will indeed but in common with other supermarkets, Asda's fish will have wandered all round the country from supplier to main distribution centre to local distribution centre before it gets anywhere near Marple. The fishmonger on Market Street gets his fish virtually from the quay.  And if Asda's wet fish counter is as stinky and the fish as "tired" looking as that in the Morrisons in Hyde the last time I was in there, the fishmonger on Market Street has nothing to worry about!

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #387 on: February 05, 2015, 05:11:02 PM »
What worries me is that there are a large number of elderly people in Marple who walk to the co-op to do a small shop and although they could buy many of the items from a local independent shop there are lots of other essentials that they won't be able to buy easily. e.g. Washing up liquid, detergent, cereals, biscuits etc.

8 weeks is a long time to be shut.
Washing-up liquid and detergent - the hardware shop next to The Bull's Head on Market Street, the convenience store on Church Lane where the off-licence was, the shop on the corner of Dale Road, the Co-op at the filling station.

Cereals, biscuits, etc. - Iceland, the convenience store on Church Lane where the off-licence was, the shop on the corner of Dale Road, the Co-op at the filling station.

Just to name a few.

8 weeks is Asda's fault, not the Co-op's. And if you are so concerned about Marple's old people and their shopping will you be volunteering to do their shopping for them when you go out of the village to do yours? Or to give them a lift into the village?


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #386 on: February 05, 2015, 05:01:36 PM »
Yes, but if the produce lasts twice as long as the supermarket you only need to shop half as often. In any case, when was the last time you went into a supermarket for a loaf of bread and a container of milk and came out with only what you went in for?

Just after Christmas I was asked to cater for a brunch party for 20people with a special request for a fish dish. I priced smoked haddock and priced it at the fishmonger's in Market street and 3 supermarkets. The fishmonger was better quality and cheaper than buying it as numerous small packs of "bits" that Tesco, Sainsbury's and Morrisons had on offer and on top of the cost of the fish, I'd have had to factor in the price of petrol to go to a s/market outside Marple to get it.
when asda comes they are having a fish counter . so you will be able to compare

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #385 on: February 05, 2015, 04:59:00 PM »
So only all small retailers are honest and provide good products are services. Is that the case Duke, that's leaving aside their unwillingness to move into the current century.
"So only all small retailers are honest and provide good products are services" No, they aren't but if they aren't they don't stay in business. Most of the independent retailers in Marple who have stood the course have done so because they give good service and value for money. Just remember that "value  for money" and "cheap" at not synonymous.

Be careful what you wish for.

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #384 on: February 05, 2015, 04:50:44 PM »
And it has the added advantage that you can spend up to twice as much per item by shopping with with local traders.
Yes, but if the produce lasts twice as long as the supermarket you only need to shop half as often. In any case, when was the last time you went into a supermarket for a loaf of bread and a container of milk and came out with only what you went in for?

Just after Christmas I was asked to cater for a brunch party for 20people with a special request for a fish dish. I priced smoked haddock and priced it at the fishmonger's in Market street and 3 supermarkets. The fishmonger was better quality and cheaper than buying it as numerous small packs of "bits" that Tesco, Sainsbury's and Morrisons had on offer and on top of the cost of the fish, I'd have had to factor in the price of petrol to go to a s/market outside Marple to get it.

Victor M

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #383 on: February 05, 2015, 04:47:06 PM »
What worries me is that there are a large number of elderly people in Marple who walk to the co-op to do a small shop and although they could buy many of the items from a local independent shop there are lots of other essentials that they won't be able to buy easily. e.g. Washing up liquid, detergent, cereals, biscuits etc.

8 weeks is a long time to be shut.

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #382 on: February 05, 2015, 04:37:58 PM »
Maybe it's a great opportunity to try out Marple's independent shops for a lot of the stuff you would normally get from the Co-Op. A lot of people aren't doing a "big shop" anymore apparently. They are shopping more often and just getting what they need. Just an idea.
Here, here! "That's a good idea, son" as the comedian used to say.

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #381 on: February 05, 2015, 04:34:51 PM »
allready are on some wines .
Not looked at the wine section this week but they have always had good deals on wine for (and I don't drink rubbish!)

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #380 on: February 05, 2015, 04:31:17 PM »
That's just business as usual for the Marple Co-Op isn't it? Hence why the store is being sold.
The Co-op is being sold because of changes brought about due to overall company financial problems caused by miss-management in another part of the company.

Duke Fame

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #379 on: February 05, 2015, 10:26:40 AM »
So only all small retailers are honest and provide good products are services. Is that the case Duke, that's leaving aside their unwillingness to move into the current century.

Did you get an English O'level at comprehension? Not sure where you concluded that from anything I posted.


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #378 on: February 05, 2015, 12:14:45 AM »
So only all small retailers are honest and provide good products are services. Is that the case Duke, that's leaving aside their unwillingness to move into the current century.

Duke Fame

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #377 on: February 04, 2015, 10:32:59 PM »
Why would anyone go to shops when they have a keyboard.

Because they care what they put in their mouths

Duke Fame

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #376 on: February 04, 2015, 10:32:17 PM »

And it has the added advantage that you can spend up to twice as much per item by shopping with with local traders.

Seriously? I spend a little more at Archers but I don't eat a lot of bread so go for the quality but Greggs and Greenaughs is far cheaper and Still better than the Co-op or an Asda. Both butchers are better value than supermarkets, both greengrocers are better quality and Wilsons is  a fair bit cheaper and the fish guy is a different league to the vac pac stuff that supermarkets offer (in fairness Moggys is good).

In short, it's a lot cheaper to go local.

Middle wood

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #375 on: February 04, 2015, 04:41:35 PM »
Entirely depends if it's better than what I use now. I hardly use the Co-op but do use the butcher.s, green grocers and local cafés. I have the advantage of being close enough to other supermarkets at various days in the week. So the choice is mine!