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Author Topic: Marple in Action - The Future  (Read 35619 times)

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Re: Marple in Action - The Future
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2013, 10:16:25 AM »
I for one will be very surprised if this is the end of MIA.

If, I was in their shoes I think that I would "hang around" at least for a couple of years until the issues regarding both Hibbert Lane and Trinity Street are resolved. Although there is no reason why they can't publish some account figures as Osdog suggests. In fact they owe this much to all the donors and I'm sure that they will do so in due course.

I have to say that MIA can "cock - a- hoop" all they want now and good luck to them with it. Nevertheless, their impact is questionable, I don't believe that ultimately they have had any influence on either ASDA  or CAMSFC.  In addition to which some of the postings made on this site in the early days on their behalf were absolutely idiotic and did more to support ASDA's cause than to challenge it. I do though believe that these postings were mainly down to one renegade individual who they should have reined in earlier than they did. From my soundings Councillor Kev's barnstorming 5 minute speech on the night did more to defeat ASDA than all the MIA parades and petitions put together. Asda themselves were absolutely flattened by it. 

It does though have to be recognised that MIA have been an absolutely tremendous,without equal, vehicle for raising awareness. I can't see how anybody could have sneaked in and built a superstore on Hibbert Lane without anybody noticing but we do read about these things actually going on and without MIA who knows what may have happened ?



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Re: Marple in Action - The Future
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2013, 08:49:41 AM »
Good point you have made about MIA and the funds Osdog.

It would be interesting to see how the money has been used.

Just a thought, if there is any money left over from all the street collections etc then perhaps it can be given to the Friends of Marple Memorial Park.  I'm sure it would be spent wisely and it would then benefit the whole community.


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Marple in Action - The Future
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2013, 09:31:09 AM »
Now that it looks like ASDA have pulled out - what is the future of MIA ? 

Will you disband it?  It seems that the only function it had was in relation to the ASDA / supermarket building...  for example it had no connection with the Chadwick Street development.

I'm not being awkward - but I just wondered what was going to happen, and what the plans are for any monies left after this is over (if any).  Will a statement of account be given, showing how the funds were spent.  It seems that a reasonable amount of money was raised over the time, and I think people may like to know how their money was used in a bit more detail.

Thank you