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Author Topic: Marple  (Read 4804 times)

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« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2004, 06:03:01 PM »
Believe me, it is!  I'm the one locking them up!


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« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2004, 10:58:29 AM »
Since when was getting arrested and kept overnight in a Police cell a 'cosy lifestyle'?  Unless, of course, you believe what you read in the Daily Mail.............   '<img'>

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« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2004, 02:17:57 PM »
I appreciate the comments re something has to be done with regard to these "idiots" that a) burgle houses in Marple, and b) ruin the lives of others by the constant swearing, spitting and criminal damage caused by these ignorant morons, but the Police can only do so much.  Unfortunately we now live in a society where everyones defence including these criminals is "that's a breach of my human rights".  This country is certainly going downhill and we are a slave to the European Community to which we have joined.  The Police do all that they can, whilst being swamped with paperwork. (Once a criminal is arrested you can be rest assured that the police officer arresting will be taken off our streets for at least 4 hours in which they will be completing their paperwork for this moron - obviously the paperwork is to confirm that the moron is treated in a manner that does not breach his Human Rights).  In this day and age the criminal has more rights than the every day law abiding citizen.  The criminal once arrested is taken to the relevant police station where they must be fed and watered every few hours - the police officer does not have time to eat or drink.  Surely this is a much more cosy lifestyle for the criminal, go out at night, get drunk, cause mayhem, get arrested and know that you will be looked after for the night.  There is surely something wrong somewhere?


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« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2004, 09:26:02 AM »

The snollygosters to who I referred, are those who make the decisions on our behalf and tell us of the wonderful work that they do for the community, who love to be photographed. go to dinners, travel abroad  at our expense, and be seen in church.

They are of course not all like that, just some of them.

This is a personal opinion.

You misunderstood my usage of the word, but perhaps it was my use of grammar that was not correct.


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« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2004, 06:12:50 PM »
A "Snollygoster" is a shrewd, unprincipled person, especially a politician. It's one of those extroverted and fanciful words that originated in the fast-expanding United States of the nineteenth century.

These days it’s hardly heard. Its last burst of public notice came when President Truman used it in 1952, and defined it, either in ignorance or impishness, as “a man born out of wedlock”. Many people put him right, some quoting this definition from the Columbus Dispatch of October 1895, with its splendid last phrase in the spirit of the original: “A Georgia editor kindly explains that ‘a snollygoster is a fellow who wants office, regardless of party, platform or principles, and who, whenever he wins, gets there by the sheer force of monumental talknophical assumnacy’.” But an American dictionary fifty years earlier had defined it simply as a shyster.

The origin of the word is unknown, though the Oxford English Dictionary suggests it may be linked to snallygoster, which some suppose to derive from the German schnelle Geister, literally a fast-moving ghost, and which was a mythical monster of vast size—half reptile, half bird—supposedly found in Maryland, and which was invented to terrify ex-slaves out of voting.

Now, you can't say that this forum isn't educational, but I think that the orignal use of the word in this thread was't quite right. "Yobbo" would have been more apropriate.


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« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2004, 11:10:03 AM »
Snollygosters - expand please?? or has this forum turned into call my bluff!!


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« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2004, 06:46:47 PM »
Lastnight sat 7th I had just gone to sleep when I was woken by a load of noise outside I Looked out the window to see 5 young men and 1 young woman walking down our road with a bag of bottles, as they finished each one they smashed it on the road and path this was at 12.30am.

When I went to the shop today I could see all the glass they had left behind and it looked like they took an empty bag home with them for all the mess they made.


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« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2004, 02:01:58 PM »
Well I see that the animals have been at it again.

The travel agent on Market St had it's window smashed in overnight on Friday, as did the telephone booth.

Just how much longer are we expected to endure this criminal behavior.

How much longer are we going to have to put up with lager swilling, swearing, and spitting in our path.

When will the magistrates take a firmer course of action and put these villains out of circulation, community service!! thats no punishment.

Or do we just accept it, reduce our quality and standard of community life?.
Shall we just throw civic pride into the overflowing waste bin of disappointment and despair.

Could we have a public meeting with the Chief Constable and Local Superintendent in MARPLE. I also think that Marple would be a suitable topic concerning urban crime on a TV pro gramme. Its about time that the snollygosters were brought to account.

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« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2004, 12:59:50 PM »
James,I couldnt agree more...the police know who these scum are,they just sit back and make a token jesture whenever a robbery occurs.

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« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2004, 08:28:58 PM »

I am an ex Ridge College student. I have lived up and down the country and have come back here to live, raise a family and take advantage of what looks, on face value, a very attractive place to live.

However inlight of a recent burglary whilst we were asleep in our bed and an instance of a man with a knife running past our back garden my advice is 'forget the police'. Take any masures you see fit to defend yourself.

Thats no disrespect to the policemen involved they simply have ineffectual powers in resolving ordinary peoples problems.