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Author Topic: Appeal Time Limits  (Read 47372 times)

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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #55 on: May 28, 2013, 10:33:33 PM »
Have you seen the small site at cherry tree romiley were the pub was not the school site that's for Alzheimer's  look how many a fordable  houses they've cramend on that site .look forward to the ridge  development .

I am not exactly sure that I am translating your post correctly, but I actually think, that that development is a big improvement on that big, horrible, scruffy pub that was there and it has the added bonus of providing provides homes for people. Perhaps Amazon you don't want people to have homes as long as you've got a supermarket.


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #54 on: May 28, 2013, 02:16:21 PM »
I think he hears voices in his head! How many times do we have to repeat that MIA were formed to object to a supermarket on Hibbert Lane  because it would be detrimental to surrounding properties and take trade away from the existing shops in the town centre. He says people want a few hundred houses built on there.How does he know this?He also says that if new homes were built, the occupants would have to shop out of Marple.If people don't like what Marple has to offer why would they come? It is unlikely that hundreds of houses would go on that site, Hundreds of multi level apartments maybe. Has he seen some plans? He is obsessed with what he thinks MIA will or won't do. SMBC recieved a small number of objections to a supermarket on Chadwick Street in comparison to the objections to one on Hibbert Lane.

Have you seen the small site at cherry tree romiley were the pub was not the school site that's for Alzheimer's  look how many a fordable  houses they've cramend on that site .look forward to the ridge  development .


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #53 on: May 28, 2013, 02:05:42 PM »
It has been said many times before but there is absolutely no doubt that Trinity Street was a scheme devised by local Councillors with one purpose in mind and that was to prevent ASDA/CAMSFC gaining planning permission for Hibbert Lane. Once that had been achieved then Trinity Street had served its purpose as far as local Councillors were concerned. MIA could have brought the whole population of Marple onto the streets in objection against Hibbert Lane and it would not have made one bit of difference to the planning decision but once the Council came up with an alternative site in the town centre it was an entirely different story. Trinity Street was conjured up to defeat that planning process and not for reality.

The danger of course is that whilst Hibbert Lane remains "fallow" Asda or some other supermarket may always be lurking in the background. They may not be prepared to pay ASDA price but they will always pay much more than a housing developer.

I doubt that the Marple 6 (and this is where the influence lies not with MIA) will trust CAMSFC until something other than a Supermarket is actually being built on Hibbert Lane. So if I was in their shoes I would hold onto the Trinity Street Scheme until that time arrives.

IMHO a 25.000 sq ft Supermarket on Trinity Street is an unsolvable vehicular traffic catastrophe. As JMC says a smaller supermarket would have benefits and I could easily see that happening in due course but the primary aim now will be to shut any supermarket out of Hibbert Lane for good and I believe that that is where the next piece of action will be.

I think that we can expect a very quick planning application for houses to be lodged and pushed through by Councillors for Hibbert Lane and we could even see Trinity Street left exactly as it is for years to come. After all they don't really need it because Trinity St is not about Trinity Street, it never was, it is about Hibbert Lane.        

Brilliant posting '


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #52 on: May 28, 2013, 08:28:46 AM »
It has been said many times before but there is absolutely no doubt that Trinity Street was a scheme devised by local Councillors with one purpose in mind and that was to prevent ASDA/CAMSFC gaining planning permission for Hibbert Lane. Once that had been achieved then Trinity Street had served its purpose as far as local Councillors were concerned. MIA could have brought the whole population of Marple onto the streets in objection against Hibbert Lane and it would not have made one bit of difference to the planning decision but once the Council came up with an alternative site in the town centre it was an entirely different story. Trinity Street was conjured up to defeat that planning process and not for reality.

The danger of course is that whilst Hibbert Lane remains "fallow" Asda or some other supermarket may always be lurking in the background. They may not be prepared to pay ASDA price but they will always pay much more than a housing developer.

I doubt that the Marple 6 (and this is where the influence lies not with MIA) will trust CAMSFC until something other than a Supermarket is actually being built on Hibbert Lane. So if I was in their shoes I would hold onto the Trinity Street Scheme until that time arrives.

IMHO a 25.000 sq ft Supermarket on Trinity Street is an unsolvable vehicular traffic catastrophe. As JMC says a smaller supermarket would have benefits and I could easily see that happening in due course but the primary aim now will be to shut any supermarket out of Hibbert Lane for good and I believe that that is where the next piece of action will be.

I think that we can expect a very quick planning application for houses to be lodged and pushed through by Councillors for Hibbert Lane and we could even see Trinity Street left exactly as it is for years to come. After all they don't really need it because Trinity St is not about Trinity Street, it never was, it is about Hibbert Lane.        


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #51 on: May 27, 2013, 06:28:41 PM »
SMBC recieved a small number of objections to a supermarket on Chadwick Street in comparison to the objections to one on Hibbert Lane.

I think this is, in part, due to stopping Asda being the primary focus. If that is over and a major supermarket wants Trinity then I still think many would object and perhaps start a new challenge. The original argument by many was that they don't want another supermarket at all. Let's be honest wouldn't a 25,000sq tesco be a threat to local businesses as much as an Asda would have been? Won't traffic be awful in the centre of Marple? Won't Lyme Grove residents get people parking down there? How will school kids cross Trinity with lorries approaching.

I can't really see Trinity ever happening and don't know if the council ever intended it to be developed. People will still go out of Marple for their main shop and that is a shame. It would be good for an Aldi to go at Trinity as it isn't too big for the site and would be a good offering for those on a low income. Alternatively a small Asda...


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #50 on: May 27, 2013, 05:47:49 PM »
I think he hears voices in his head! How many times do we have to repeat that MIA were formed to object to a supermarket on Hibbert Lane  because it would be detrimental to surrounding properties and take trade away from the existing shops in the town centre. He says people want a few hundred houses built on there.How does he know this?He also says that if new homes were built, the occupants would have to shop out of Marple.If people don't like what Marple has to offer why would they come? It is unlikely that hundreds of houses would go on that site, Hundreds of multi level apartments maybe. Has he seen some plans? He is obsessed with what he thinks MIA will or won't do. SMBC recieved a small number of objections to a supermarket on Chadwick Street in comparison to the objections to one on Hibbert Lane.


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #49 on: May 27, 2013, 05:18:39 PM »
Would be nice to have a choice of supermarkets without having to go out of marple . Now this has happened idont think any supermarket will want to come to marple . Because they will know they will be objections . From Mia .so Chadwick site is a dead duck as far as development is concerned .

I checked the http://www.marple-in-action.org.uk/ site concerning this.  It states fairly clearly that MIA don't hold a view concerning Chadwick Street.

Have you heard something since to render that statement obsolete ?

Quote from: Marple In Action
Information about  Chadwick Street Development

As a group, we do not hold a view on whether or not a supermarket should be built on Chadwick Street.


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #48 on: May 27, 2013, 04:16:39 PM »
I'm not sure what you think people want on a daily / weekly basis that cannot be sourced in Marple centre. I know this sounds a little 'league of gentlemen' but why would you have to go elsewhere for day to day subsistance.

Don't you think people should have a choice .we have a sort off supermarket the coop with its inflated prices
Would be nice to have a choice of supermarkets without having to go out of marple . Now this has happened idont think any supermarket will want to come to marple . Because they will know they will be objections . From Mia .so Chadwick site is a dead duck as far as development is concerned .

Duke Fame

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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #47 on: May 27, 2013, 01:38:02 PM »
They do because they can't get what they want in marple .

I'm not sure what you think people want on a daily / weekly basis that cannot be sourced in Marple centre. I know this sounds a little 'league of gentlemen' but why would you have to go elsewhere for day to day subsistance.


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #46 on: May 27, 2013, 01:36:44 PM »

New Houses will hardly "ruin" Marple. They will bring a fraction of the traffic movement that a Hibbert Lane Asda would have brought. In addition to which affordable housing is needed - that is if it is affordable. What is affordable housing anyway? if you can't afford it then it's not affordable is it ? Then of course they can all shop in Marple, boost the local trade. The College can use the money to carry out a less grand refurbishment but nevertheless a refurbishment. So it could generally be a good thing all around.

Like the rover stated you live in cloud cukooooo . Land


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #45 on: May 27, 2013, 01:20:39 PM »
Agreed, Amazon is irrational in his thinking. A supermarket with a petrol station would have hundreds of vehicle movements per hour. Trading from 8am until 10pm. He says there is nowhere to shop. What does he think the majority of people in the town centre are doing if not shopping? Amazon has stated on this forum where he lives, and has mentioned coming to Marple to shop!!! He contradicts himself by saying that people who live in Marple have to shop out of town.
They do because they can't get what they want in marple .you  want a few hundred houses on that site ok
Wonder if the people that live near there think so .now perhaps MIA will object to that as well .


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #44 on: May 27, 2013, 11:45:54 AM »

New Houses will hardly "ruin" Marple. They will bring a fraction of the traffic movement that a Hibbert Lane Asda would have brought. In addition to which affordable housing is needed - that is if it is affordable. What is affordable housing anyway? if you can't afford it then it's not affordable is it ? Then of course they can all shop in Marple, boost the local trade. The College can use the money to carry out a less grand refurbishment but nevertheless a refurbishment. So it could generally be a good thing all around.
Agreed, Amazon is irrational in his thinking. A supermarket with a petrol station would have hundreds of vehicle movements per hour. Trading from 8am until 10pm. He says there is nowhere to shop. What does he think the majority of people in the town centre are doing if not shopping? Amazon has stated on this forum where he lives, and has mentioned coming to Marple to shop!!! He contradicts himself by saying that people who live in Marple have to shop out of town.


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #43 on: May 27, 2013, 09:23:51 AM »
No, I live in Marple, the same as you do.

the rover

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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2013, 08:56:12 AM »

New Houses will hardly "ruin" Marple. They will bring a fraction of the traffic movement that a Hibbert Lane Asda would have brought. In addition to which affordable housing is needed - that is if it is affordable. What is affordable housing anyway? if you can't afford it then it's not affordable is it ? Then of course they can all shop in Marple, boost the local trade. The College can use the money to carry out a less grand refurbishment but nevertheless a refurbishment. So it could generally be a good thing all around.

You live in 'cloud cuckoo land'


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Re: Appeal Time Limits
« Reply #41 on: May 27, 2013, 08:38:14 AM »
Tru though you've ruined marple ,.more houses more trafic .nowere for them to shop only out of town .

New Houses will hardly "ruin" Marple. They will bring a fraction of the traffic movement that a Hibbert Lane Asda would have brought. In addition to which affordable housing is needed - that is if it is affordable. What is affordable housing anyway? if you can't afford it then it's not affordable is it ? Then of course they can all shop in Marple, boost the local trade. The College can use the money to carry out a less grand refurbishment but nevertheless a refurbishment. So it could generally be a good thing all around.