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Author Topic: Fighting Dirty  (Read 57887 times)

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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #101 on: October 21, 2012, 08:05:23 PM »
As it now looks very likely that the Hibbert Lane Asda won't happen ......

What makes you think this? I think its looking very likely that it will happen.


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #100 on: October 21, 2012, 07:35:01 PM »
This has been said so many times before. MIA and there petition are totally irrelevant. MIA are not and never were making any decisions about anything.

I saw their tent in Marple yesterday, there was nobody there.

As it now looks very likely that the Hibbert Lane Asda won't happen they have to keep showing their face in order to claim a bit of the victory.       
So what info do you have to say it won't happen . What do you base your assumptions on .


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #99 on: October 21, 2012, 04:50:38 PM »
As it now looks very likely that the Hibbert Lane Asda won't happen

Go on, what've I missed?


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #98 on: October 21, 2012, 04:00:55 PM »
This has been said so many times before. MIA and there petition are totally irrelevant. MIA are not and never were making any decisions about anything.

I saw their tent in Marple yesterday, there was nobody there.

As it now looks very likely that the Hibbert Lane Asda won't happen they have to keep showing their face in order to claim a bit of the victory.       


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #97 on: October 21, 2012, 01:51:01 PM »
Amazon. You have no chance. MIA seem to be boycotting this part of their forum. I am told that they wish to "distance themselves" from the views expressed here by some of their supporters

Simone. Another reason it is important is that MIA have chosen to make it important. Elsewhere on the forum MIA have stated the number of registered voters in Marple North and Marple South wards and quoted their number of signatures and their target as a percentage of that electorate. They wish to obtain signatures exceeding 50% of voters.

While on the subject of the petition, I e-mailed our MP with an enquiry relating to his arrangements for the presentation of the petition at 10 Downing Street. 21 days and two reminders later I have received nothing other than acknowledgements. I subsequently obtained the information by email via the Cabinet Office in less than 24 hours.


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #96 on: October 21, 2012, 01:40:10 PM »
Amazon, what does it matter where they live ?

Do you have to live in Marple to be against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane? If you are against it, you are against it.

My daughter is against it and she lives 50 miles away - So what ? Are you saying that she's not entitled to sign the "petition".

Well, it does, to a point. Arguments against the supermarket that are based on what is best for Marple's residents are undermined somewhat if it turns out that those making the arguements and their supporters aren't actually from Marple.
Thank you .its like being in another town and somebody sticking a board I front of you will you sign this .even you've no interest in signing the petition in the first place .


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #95 on: October 21, 2012, 12:38:32 PM »
Amazon, what does it matter where they live ?

Do you have to live in Marple to be against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane? If you are against it, you are against it.

My daughter is against it and she lives 50 miles away - So what ? Are you saying that she's not entitled to sign the "petition".

Well, it does, to a point. Arguments against the supermarket that are based on what is best for Marple's residents are undermined somewhat if it turns out that those making the arguements and their supporters aren't actually from Marple.

The petition will likely have little (if any) planning weight anyway, as most people signed before actually knowing what the details of proposals were. In such cases the petitions are generally considered to be unrelated to the application in hand.

MIA will probably need to collect another petition once the application is lodged if they want to use it at planning commitee.


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #94 on: October 21, 2012, 10:40:08 AM »
Amazon, what does it matter where they live ?

Do you have to live in Marple to be against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane? If you are against it, you are against it.

My daughter is against it and she lives 50 miles away - So what ? Are you saying that she's not entitled to sign the "petition".

Well, it does, to a point. Arguments against the supermarket that are based on what is best for Marple's residents are undermined somewhat if it turns out that those making the arguements and their supporters aren't actually from Marple.


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #93 on: October 21, 2012, 07:52:04 AM »
Amazon, what does it matter where they live ?

Do you have to live in Marple to be against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane? If you are against it, you are against it.

My daughter is against it and she lives 50 miles away - So what ? Are you saying that she's not entitled to sign the "petition".

Nobody takes any notice of petitions anyway. When they were going to hang Ruth Ellis in the 1950"s  a million people signed a petition against it - we all know what happened to her.

MIA have got nothing else now. They ran out of steam 12 months ago, the petition is all they have if they are to maintain that they have had any influence on the situation, which they haven't. What is just as interesting is how many people that live in Marple have not signed the petition, when they must have been asked a dozen times?   


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #92 on: October 20, 2012, 01:20:11 PM »
Brilliant post alstan.

Marple Inaction were warned countless times on these forums that they were discrediting themselves by scaremongering and this indeed came to a head with that awful newsletter 'template letter'. It was quite staggeringly bad - like a comedic parody of an outraged mob. Usually truth is stranger than fiction of course. They have been 'Fighting Dirty' since day 1 and it has hardly done them any favours.

They have told lies to get people to sign their petition, many of whom were not Marple residents. They have never listened to constructive criticism in any way and completely lacked any foresight, vision or strategy. There was never any transparency in their structure, finances or appointees. To think that they still somehow claim to be the voice of Marple and maybe still have the ear of councillors is quite sickening.

And as for the Big Guns of the Yes campaign??? This campaign is a facebook page with a few associated initiatives. Nothing more than that. Just a bunch of people who a) want a much better shopping option in Marple b) are disgusted by being told what to think by the reactionary and amateurish Marple Inaction c) can see that appropriately sized new supermarkets in comparable local towns do not ruin independent shopping in their centres and d) would rather the money funding any new supermarket went straight into local education.

The Yes campaign does not claim to be the voice of Marple, nor has everyone who is in favour of Asda on Hibbert Lane 'Liked' it.

Can someone from MIA tell us how many people from marple area have signed your petition . . And I mean from marple not Stockport Hyde Glossop etc .have a look through your small list please and let us know .


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #91 on: October 15, 2012, 09:53:48 PM »
Brilliant post alstan.

Marple Inaction were warned countless times on these forums that they were discrediting themselves by scaremongering and this indeed came to a head with that awful newsletter 'template letter'. It was quite staggeringly bad - like a comedic parody of an outraged mob. Usually truth is stranger than fiction of course. They have been 'Fighting Dirty' since day 1 and it has hardly done them any favours.

They have told lies to get people to sign their petition, many of whom were not Marple residents. They have never listened to constructive criticism in any way and completely lacked any foresight, vision or strategy. There was never any transparency in their structure, finances or appointees. To think that they still somehow claim to be the voice of Marple and maybe still have the ear of councillors is quite sickening.

And as for the Big Guns of the Yes campaign??? This campaign is a facebook page with a few associated initiatives. Nothing more than that. Just a bunch of people who a) want a much better shopping option in Marple b) are disgusted by being told what to think by the reactionary and amateurish Marple Inaction c) can see that appropriately sized new supermarkets in comparable local towns do not ruin independent shopping in their centres and d) would rather the money funding any new supermarket went straight into local education.

The Yes campaign does not claim to be the voice of Marple, nor has everyone who is in favour of Asda on Hibbert Lane 'Liked' it.


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #90 on: October 15, 2012, 01:03:45 PM »
not done that much reading since school,
excellent post alstan


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #89 on: October 12, 2012, 10:21:53 PM »
Outstand post alstan which encapsulates certainly my own view.


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #88 on: October 12, 2012, 09:39:13 AM »
I am passionate about the future of education for our maturing children and grandchildren in Marple. It seems to me that the college have a problem and that they have gone to some lengths to obtain professional advice as to solutions to that problem. The route they have chosen appears to be the only one available which might lead to a satisfactory conclusion.

Thank you alstan - well said. 


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Re: Fighting Dirty
« Reply #87 on: October 11, 2012, 09:01:18 PM »
Sleepless, who are the big guns then? I don't suppose you include me but, in case you do, I will come out of the closet.
I have lived in Marple for 33 years and I represent myself and myself alone. I am not part of any group, I feel no need for the comfort of the pack. I have nothing whatsoever to do with the Yes group. My contact with Asda has been limited to questions to their staff at the two public consultations, a letter which was posted in full on this forum and one telephone call regarding the number of anticipated deliveries.
 I first became aware of this issue last July when the posters were put up and I turned to this website for more information. I found none, no information, just an increasing stream of speculation, rumour, fabrication, hyperbole and, sadly, abuse. I soon decided that it would not be possible for me to support a campaign which was expressed in these terms.
Nowhere in my posts have I argued for the building of a supermarket on Hibbert Lane and I have been no advocate for Asda. The closest I have got to expressing a view was on 21st December with a post “Personally I remain firmly on the fence until the facts emerge. If there is a plan to build a hypermarket, an “Extra” or something like it, on the site I will oppose it. If, however, there is a plan to build a supermarket commensurate with the widely recognized needs of the district and with architecture which owes at least something to the vernacular, such as it is, I believe that most of the opposition will simple evaporate."
That remains my position to this day. I cannot take a view on a planning application until there is a planning application to consider.
As you would expect of anyone who was once a governor of a college of further education I am passionate about the future of education for our maturing children and grandchildren in Marple. It seems to me that the college have a problem and that they have gone to some lengths to obtain professional advice as to solutions to that problem. The route they have chosen appears to be the only one available which might lead to a satisfactory conclusion.
Despite my current ambivalence towards the building of a supermarket on Hibbert Lane, I feel bitter towards the MIA campaign, not because of the message it seeks to broadcast but because of the way it has been done, The reliance upon scaremongering, hypothesis, hyperbole etc etc etc. The draft letter to the CEO of Asda set out in the December newsletter was the last straw. The hypocritical pretence that the campaign was all about education. How could any decent, honest, campaign promote something like that, especially when it threatens the future of the young in our community?
So, Sleepless, don’t assume that everyone who is critical of the MIA campaign is an American agent. Some people in Marple, many I expect, have got a brain and can think for themselves.
I hope you have a better night.