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Author Topic: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed  (Read 61775 times)

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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #107 on: July 07, 2012, 12:06:03 PM »
Well I have just got bank from the presentation and I must say I was surprised by the number of people there and the wide age range.

All the ASDA/College staff were interacting with people and you had to wait to ask your question. Everyone seemed totally engaged and were asking perfectly sensible questions.

My gut feeling from a about an hour there was that most people were in favour of the development. I accept that that is a very small sample.

I went along broadly sceptical but came away less so.


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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #106 on: July 07, 2012, 11:44:36 AM »

compared to



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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #105 on: July 07, 2012, 11:30:04 AM »
I am good at getting you three to bite,  you have got to give me that !   Are you three lads coming down to ask questions ?  Sorry the  4 of you  ;D perhaps Wheels can come on his bike  ;)

Ah.. you were joking all along.  ::)

I don't feel the need to ask questions Miss Marple. I have seen the proposed drawing, I understand the proposed drawing. I will wait for the ACTUAL plans to be available via planning.. THEN decide to protest or sit back and let it happen. I'm pretty sure I've said that for the last year.

Seriously though.. maybe MIA should be more proactive rather than reactive.


And on the issue of open space, any application will need to comply with Council policy, which put simply, is that there should be no net loss of open space as a result of any development proposals

The above is taken from communications with SMBC planning   I think comply and should be is concerning, but that's my opinion  ;)

Does it concern you that the plan shows that there will actually be much MORE open space on the Hibbert Lane site?


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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #104 on: July 07, 2012, 11:14:51 AM »

I agree with most of the content in your response. It was measured and intelligent like most of the stuff that you write but also unlike some of  the neurotic posts made by others on this site. You are quite right traffic management will be THE issue here.

There is one point of disagreement though, 4/5 years ago I safeguarded a friends flat in Manchester it was near the ASDA opposite Man City's ground. There was delivery traffic coming and going all day and night and despite the fact that the flat was 5 floors up and double glazed the noise pollution was very significant and was a major disturbance particularly in the early hours of the morning. I have to say that this store is a much larger store that the one planned in Marple but conversely the flat referred to was much further away from the store than the houses in the Hibbert lane environ will be from the the Marple Store.     

Miss Marple

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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #103 on: July 07, 2012, 11:12:15 AM »
I am good at getting you three to bite,  you have got to give me that !   Are you three lads coming down to ask questions ?  Sorry the  4 of you  ;D perhaps Wheels can come on his bike  ;)


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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #102 on: July 07, 2012, 10:38:12 AM »
Tricky I have about 200 cars per hour past my house now and so does the New Rose Hill ! And that's without supermarket traffic and their service  wagons !   I have asked Walmart and CAMSFC to monitor my traffic but they have declined.  No wonder !

If you live anywhere near Stockport road you could easily multiply 200 by 5 and still be too low for current conditions. 200 per hour or 3 a minute is a very quiet street indeed. Also why this obsession with Rose Hill school and pollution? That couldn't be more ill informed if you tried and trying to drag this into the supermarket debate is    a low blow.

Lastly, Asda close their Hazel Grove store. Utter, utter fantasy. They only bought the store less than 2 years ago and then spent a small fortune on new access works. Of course they are going to close it!


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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #101 on: July 07, 2012, 10:32:11 AM »

It would be my advise to wait before supporting any proposal, we all need to know the full facts..




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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #100 on: July 07, 2012, 10:30:38 AM »
It would be my advise to wait before supporting any proposal, we all need to know the full facts from ASDA which they appear not to want to give all at once, preferring to drip feed us , mainly hype . 

The irony is unbelievable.


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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #99 on: July 07, 2012, 10:18:27 AM »
I think that there is a strong possibility that ASDA may  close their Hazel Grove Store and if they did god help Windlehurst Rd and upper Hibbert Lane    Be careful what you wish for those who think they will not be effected.  One of the Yes Campaign will now have a roundabout  right outside their front door, if she/he has children this must be a real worry.
It would be my advise to wait before supporting any proposal, we all need to know the full facts from ASDA which they appear not to want to give all at once, preferring to drip feed us , mainly hype .  To say they have no plans for infer structure is infuriating

You base your contention that the Hazel Grove ASDA would close on what commerical information exactly????  You really cannot make continual unfounded statements based on no information whatsoever.

Miss Marple

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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #98 on: July 07, 2012, 10:08:50 AM »
Tricky I have about 200 cars per hour past my house now and so does the New Rose Hill ! And that's without supermarket traffic and their service  wagons !   I have asked Walmart and CAMSFC to monitor my traffic but they have declined.  No wonder !

Miss Marple

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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #97 on: July 07, 2012, 09:45:34 AM »
I think that there is a strong possibility that ASDA may  close their Hazel Grove Store and if they did god help Windlehurst Rd and upper Hibbert Lane    Be careful what you wish for those who think they will not be effected.  One of the Yes Campaign will now have a roundabout  right outside their front door, if she/he has children this must be a real worry.
It would be my advise to wait before supporting any proposal, we all need to know the full facts from ASDA which they appear not to want to give all at once, preferring to drip feed us , mainly hype .  To say they have no plans for infer structure is infuriating

Miss Marple

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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #96 on: July 07, 2012, 09:28:26 AM »
And on the issue of open space, any application will need to comply with Council policy, which put simply, is that there should be no net loss of open space as a result of any development proposals

The above is taken from communications with SMBC planning   I think comply and should be is concerning, but that's my opinion  ;)


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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #95 on: July 07, 2012, 09:21:51 AM »
The staff manning the ASDA/C&MSFC stall yesterday were the most junior of junior and would play no part in any decision making process whatsoever. Most of the the Asda "people" are just part of a London PR rent a group that do "consultations" for a living. It's been said before on this site but this is not a consultation, a consultation is when you solicit a view and take it into account however it fits in with your proposals. That is not what was happening yesterday. What was happening yesterday was just part of a process that needs fulfilling.

As far as "never" building on open space, if you believe that then you believe in pixies and fairies. Whatever is agreed about the open space can be changed at a later date no matter who signs what. 

There is no doubt in my mind that the Asda will bring with it a negative impact on some local businesses although it has to be said that some of these businesses are on borrowed time anyway.

There is also no doubt in my mind that the Asda will bring with it increased traffic. The shopping traffic that currently disperses throughout Marple on its way to various outside supermarkets will then converge on the Asda. How could it do anything else ?  If you live near the store itself then the delivery traffic will be a pollutive nightmare.

However, Marple is not a leafy backwater it is a suburban town that already has it's fair share of ever increasing traffic without the Asda. Stockport Rd, Station Rd and Hibbert Lane already have an abundance of traffic. In fact its hard to see how you can get any more traffic on Stockport Rd in Marple. 

In addition to all this it doesn't matter what we say these decisions are being made for us elsewhere. The only decision you have to make when it is built - will you go in it ?   

I don'tquite understand what sort of staff you expected you say theyare the most junior staff from London in a disparaging way.I am not sure what else you would want or would think would be required???


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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #94 on: July 07, 2012, 08:04:40 AM »

You are on the right tracks with what you say about traffic. In the immediate area to the Asda store, there will be more movements, of course there will. But can Hibbert Lane cope? Probably, its nice and wide and it is, afterall, one of Marple's 'main roads'. Its all very well for people on Stockport Rd, Station Rd, Church Lane & Hibbert Lane to cry foul about potential increased traffic on routes, but thats the risk you run living on a 'min road'. Marple as a community cannot stand still, it must develop and regenerate and in this car obsessed world, I'm afraid that traffic is a by-product of any 'progress'. To complain about it (and this is not aimed at you Simone, just a general observation) is often a shade hypocritical when nearly all of us merrily drive a car wherever we want, with scant regard to the people and properties we pass. And I say this as someone who lives on one of Marple's busier roads.

And this is nub of the arguments on traffic at the Asda site for me. I have some sympathy for the point they make that it is very likely that most of the town already shops at a supermarket at least once a week and given the lack of choice, its pretty certain that this involves a trip down one of Marple's main roads and out of the town (most likely Stockport Road). There is therefore a good chance that the 'net' impact on traffic in Marple as a whole will be relatively 'neutral'. What Asda need to do is sort out the local 'hot spots'. How they achieve this will be the key, as it won't be easy as space is limited. But we can't bury our heads in the sand and pretend that supermarket shopping related traffic isn't already a problem in Marple or at the very least is something that we, as a community, seem to be  happy to 'export' to Bredbury / Hazel Grove, Glossop, etc. MIA's estimates of traffic flow are probably a decent estimate, but the big question is, how many of these are will be 'new' to Marple, and how many will simply be a diversion of those who were previously on a trip out of the town to an existing other store? My guess is that it will be a very substantial number and I'm sure that this is something that Asda will give us 'chapter and verse' on, within their planning application.

I would suggest that a "pollutive nightmare" is a bit of an over-statement. National guidance on traffic related environmental impact illustrates that changes in traffic flow result in relatively small changes in pollutant levels. Normally you wouldn't expect a material change in pollution levels worth looking at in detail until you get a 30% increase in traffic movements over and above the base.

Its a tough nut to crack and I wait with interest to see what Asda propose. It will be one of the key issues that will inform my own decision as to whether I will man the Marple barricades or not.


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Re: College and ASDA's Plans Revealed
« Reply #93 on: July 07, 2012, 07:46:37 AM »
There will be traffic.

But.. MIA have guessed 200 movements/hour

3.33 cars per minute.

And.. wasn't this before the plans were revealed?

The fact it's a relatively small store makes me think that people won't exactly leave the surrounding areas to rush to Asda.

How many people currently travel into Marple to shop at the co-op?
Obviously some do, but  not that many.. I just can't imagine the chaos that MIA predict.

Perhaps MIA should start accepting the fact that Asda will be built, and campaign to get things like landscaping and restrictions on delivery times etc.

What MIA does is and always has been completely irrelevant to what will actually happen.

The decision makers in this will be ASDA/COUNCIL/CAMSFC and maybe Planning Inspector. MIA are just not and never have been on the radar.