Perhaps the school is simply too big .....The Head appears very distant and i am told has very little interaction with the pupils .
I think you'll find those two facts are inextricably linked. It's a massive school, and now Offerton has closed it's getting even bigger!. The person running it has to prioritise her time ruthlessly. It always goes down well with parents if head teachers are seen chatting with pupils in the dinner queue, but to be honest, it is not the best use of their scarce time. For example, interaction with teaching staff is more important, in my experience.
The Board of Governors are simply non existant .
That's a bit harsh. Exactly what do you expect of them, Giffer? School governors are public spirited people who generously give up their time and contribute their expertise for the good of the community. Mrs Dave was a governor at MHS for several years, and was constantly going to meetings, attending events, and serving on panels dealing with staff and pupil disciplinary matters etc. If you think you can do better, then why not stand as a parent governor?
I think overall my son has made reasonable progress and appears fairly content but i never the get the impression he is pushed to excel - if he is to be believed - and i have no reason to doubt him he gets approx 2 hours a week combined subjects set homework maximum
Don't worry about this - it's called being male

We had two sons through the school, and they were both just like that - doing the minimum necessary for a quiet life! But it passed, and they went on to do well at GCSE and A level, and subsequently at university.