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Author Topic: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station  (Read 25471 times)

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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2012, 10:44:51 AM »
Why would anyone ignore the signs?

Because they are so obviously ridiculous, and are ignored by anyone with a grain of commonsense,  including the Co-op delivery drivers, tanker drivers etc etc.   It's not the law, it's just something dreamed up by a few bossy people in a room at SMBC Planning Dept.

I'm surprised at you, Duke.  I thought you Daily Mail readers didn't approve of the Nanny State.  ;)

Duke Fame

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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2012, 10:20:43 AM »
How can you make the comparison of fly posting with dangerous driving?! Drivers ignoring the no-exit sign are disreagarding the safety of others who abide by it.

I take your point, cripes.  However, this thread started with this query: 
Are the road signs mandatory if on private land? 

There has not been a definitive answer to that question, so we don't know whether those exiting the forecourt on to Stockport Road are breaking the law or not.  But fly-posters definitely are - as indeed are cyclists who ignore red traffic lights! 

Why would anyone ignore the signs? I’d obvious why they are there, the dept of environment make guidelines for garages in order to maintain safety. The fact that you will not receive points on your licence should be irrelevant, if you have an accident, the fault will most certainly be with the chap who ignores the signs. It’s just ignorance.

WRT ‘fly posting’ these must be the politest fly posters ever who take their posters down every Sunday afternoon. It’s no more of a problem than the Marple 10k race organisers with their meddlesome ‘CAUTION runners in the road’

Duke Fame

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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2012, 10:12:33 AM »
Yes Dave, the same Duke Fame who will ignore red lights when cycling....
I'm unlikely to do any damage to anyone but myself on a push bike, you lefties would do well to remind yourselves that you are in charge of a 1 ton killing machine when you can't be bothered to observe some fairly basic road signs. Hypocrites the lot of ya, no better than Diane Abbot pfft.
Us "lefties" (why?) with our "one ton killing machines" may cause damage to others as a result of trying to avoid cyclists who think they can wobble about in a dangerous manner and then blame the motorist.

Damn those cyslits with their wanton wabbling


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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #33 on: January 10, 2012, 10:12:27 AM »
How can you make the comparison of fly posting with dangerous driving?! Drivers ignoring the no-exit sign are disreagarding the safety of others who abide by it.

I take your point, cripes.  However, this thread started with this query: 
Are the road signs mandatory if on private land? 

There has not been a definitive answer to that question, so we don't know whether those exiting the forecourt on to Stockport Road are breaking the law or not.  But fly-posters definitely are - as indeed are cyclists who ignore red traffic lights! 

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #32 on: January 10, 2012, 02:43:27 AM »
Yes Dave, the same Duke Fame who will ignore red lights when cycling....
I'm unlikely to do any damage to anyone but myself on a push bike, you lefties would do well to remind yourselves that you are in charge of a 1 ton killing machine when you can't be bothered to observe some fairly basic road signs. Hypocrites the lot of ya, no better than Diane Abbot pfft.
Us "lefties" (why?) with our "one ton killing machines" may cause damage to others as a result of trying to avoid cyclists who think they can wobble about in a dangerous manner and then blame the motorist.


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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2012, 12:17:39 AM »
I think well see more of the 'Daves' of this world thinking the rules don't apply to them

Is this the same Duke Fame who in a thread about illegal fly-posting wrote 'It's good to see local businesses promoting themselves'?   ::)

How can you make the comparison of fly posting with dangerous driving?! Drivers ignoring the no-exit sign are disreagarding the safety of others who abide by it.


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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2012, 11:55:43 PM »
Just last week, I came down church lane on my bike and being a but busy jumped the kerb and was getting a bit of speed going (I like to get back on the road at the bus stop) ready to slot into the traffic so I need to get up to around 25-30. I check who's turning into the garage as i go and all is clear yet some ignorant person pulls right into my path out of the garage and I miss him by centimetres. You lot are in a world of your own driving in your tin boxes whilst slowly getting more & more obese through lack of exercise. "I'm big boned" I hear you say and before blaming the tory govt for not prescribing pies on the NHS. pfft!

Duke, if you were going down Church Lane on your bike you were going the wrong way along a one way street or you were riding on the pavement, both of which are illegal. Also you seem to have been travelling at a fair speed, 25-30 mph?

If this is really the case then you can hardly blame the driver for not expecting something to be coming from that direction. If you'd been hurt then I suggest that you only have yourself to blame and that, in fact, it was you who was in the wrong.

Or am I just feeding the troll?  ;)

Duke Fame

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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2012, 11:28:21 PM »
My my, don't you like being reminded of how you have publicly stated there are rules you are more than prepared to break when you are attempting to castigate others for the same thing?  As has been perviously stated, the signs in the garage forecourt are advisory, not like red lights.

It's still is very dangerous. Just last week, I came down church lane on my bike and being a but busy jumped the kerb and was getting a bit of speed going (I like to get back on the road at the bus stop) ready to slot into the traffic so I need to get up to around 25-30. I check who's turning into the garage as i go and all is clear yet some ignorant person pulls right into my path out of the garage and I miss him by centimetres. You lot are in a world of your own driving in your tin boxes whilst slowly getting more & more obese through lack of exercise. "I'm big boned" I hear you say and before blaming the tory govt for not prescribing pies on the NHS. pfft!

Steptoe and Son

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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #28 on: January 09, 2012, 09:13:38 PM »
My my, don't you like being reminded of how you have publicly stated there are rules you are more than prepared to break when you are attempting to castigate others for the same thing?  As has been perviously stated, the signs in the garage forecourt are advisory, not like red lights.

Duke Fame

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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2012, 09:10:41 PM »
I think well see more of the 'Daves' of this world thinking the rules don't apply to them

Is this the same Duke Fame who in a thread about illegal fly-posting wrote 'It's good to see local businesses promoting themselves'?   ::)

Yes Dave, the same Duke Fame who will ignore red lights when cycling....

I'm unlikely to do any damage to anyone but myself on a push bike, you lefties would do well to remind yourselves that you are in charge of a 1 ton killing machine when you can't be bothered to observe some fairly basic road signs. Hypocrites the lot of ya, no better than Diane Abbot pfft.

Steptoe and Son

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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2012, 08:58:15 PM »
I think well see more of the 'Daves' of this world thinking the rules don't apply to them

Is this the same Duke Fame who in a thread about illegal fly-posting wrote 'It's good to see local businesses promoting themselves'?   ::)

Yes Dave, the same Duke Fame who will ignore red lights when cycling....


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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2012, 05:51:46 PM »
So it was you who nearly ran into me when I was turning in at the lower (correct) entrance the other day. It would help if those wrongly exiting at that point would at least keep to the left

No it wasn't.  I hardly ever use the Texaco anyway and I am always very careful when exiting.


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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2012, 04:01:43 PM »

The guidelines for garage forecourts and outlined by the DofE. Basically, should be one way, exits should join the flow of traffic, kiosk-end should be the exit tp avoid congestion at the entrance.

Basically, I'm right again, hurray for me.

Whats the Duke of Edinburgh got to do with it?

Duke Fame

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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2012, 02:00:16 PM »
I think well see more of the 'Daves' of this world thinking the rules don't apply to them

Is this the same Duke Fame who in a thread about illegal fly-posting wrote 'It's good to see local businesses promoting themselves'?   ::)

and i'm absolutely right.

The guidelines for garage forecourts and outlined by the DofE. Basically, should be one way, exits should join the flow of traffic, kiosk-end should be the exit tp avoid congestion at the entrance.

Basically, I'm right again, hurray for me.


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Re: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2012, 12:56:34 PM »
I think well see more of the 'Daves' of this world thinking the rules don't apply to them

Is this the same Duke Fame who in a thread about illegal fly-posting wrote 'It's good to see local businesses promoting themselves'?   ::)