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Author Topic: Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station  (Read 24037 times)

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Duke Fame

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Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2012, 06:10:07 PM »
I doubt they are mandatory as they are not the regulation size. By far better to exit onto Stockport Road than the idiots I've seen exiting onto Church Lane and then turning left.

If I see someone coming out through the in door, I pretend I haven't seen them and enter the petrol station in the middle on the road just to make a point.


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Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2012, 06:06:05 PM »
I have seen the Summerfields HGV delivery vehicle doing just that- a fine example.

Actually I watched this the other day because I was curious about why the HGV did this. There's no way for them to turn around to unload from the rear of the wagon if they come in from the Stockport Road side.

However, apart from the delivery truck, it's a dangerous location and people from the south side of Stockport Road have to cross at the lights, especially schoolchildren who are put at risk by these inconsiderate drivers. There is no excuse for vehicles using the wrong entrance other than laziness and trying to save a minute of time. I'd like to see those "dragon's teeth"  traffic management assemblies put in so there is only one way to enter and exit the site along with some other system to force drivers exiting to use Church Lane.


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Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2012, 05:16:36 PM »
I doubt they are mandatory as they are not the regulation size. By far better to exit onto Stockport Road than the idiots I've seen exiting onto Church Lane and then turning left.

I alluded to the "courtesy" no exit sign onto Stockport Rd. I readily accept that this instructional sign is on private property and whilst it might not be enforceable, I think the prosecution would have a strong case if an accident happened there as a result of a vehicle emerging onto Stockport Rd.

As you come out of the Petrol station onto Church lane the blue sign in the refuge indicates for vehicle to turn right thus joining the flow of the one way St. Turning left creates confusion to approaching vehicles and should not be done. Having said that, I have seen the Summerfields HGV delivery vehicle doing just that- a fine example.

So in order to use the petrol station coming from Stockport, Stop in the refuge in centre of road, wait for oncoming vehicles to clear-also keeping your third eye open watch out for the speeders coming round the bend out of Station Rd and then turn in. When you have filled up, go and pay (don't forget to lock your car) and then turn right into Church lane, then finalise your route at Littlewoods roundabout-  SIMPLE- geek!!!!!!!                                                                                            


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Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2012, 03:28:36 PM »
I doubt they are mandatory as they are not the regulation size. By far better to exit onto Stockport Road than the idiots I've seen exiting onto Church Lane and then turning left.


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Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2012, 02:58:27 PM »
there is a mandatory no left turn at the Church Lane exit and a courtesy no exit sign onto Stockport Rd!

Are the road signs mandatory if on private land?  I never use the Church Lane exit as it means going all the way up Church lane to get back home.  I always use the other "exit".

Good question.   I must confess I do the same, and for the same reason.  I suspect that the no exit sign may have been a condition of planning consent.  But that alone doesn't make it mandatory, does it?


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Entering and Exiting the Co-Op Petrol Station
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2012, 02:41:30 PM »

I get concerned now with cars parking on the road and pavement when approaching from Stockport.
The vehicle egress is often obstructed and an additional danger is occasioned particularly with the position of the pedestrian crossing.

I think most of the houses near these shops have a driveway so I would suggest double yellow lines to try and stop obstruction and as Phil says, you can always carry on to the petrol station shop even though there is a mandatory no left turn at the Church Lane exit and a courtesy no exit sign onto Stockport Rd!

Are the road signs mandatory if on private land?  I never use the Church Lane exit as it means going all the way up Church lane to get back home.  I always use the other "exit".