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Author Topic: Don't Panic over "threat to community"  (Read 4804 times)

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Lisa Oldham

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Re: Don't Panic over "threat to community"
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2011, 12:04:41 AM »
I expect its based on planning guidelines.. however I disagree with Adrian, I dont think the outcome of an appeal is a done deal and I doubt they will win unless the community put their own case at the hearing.

In theory, without any other details, an appeal should be unsuccessful based on planning guidance and the fact that the development breaks Stockports planning guidelines... simple.. however its not cos theres politics and politicians involved.   Also I don't think Stockport legal dept has a particularly strong history in fighting appeals! Though this might have changed recently as have not been watching closely!   


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Re: Don't Panic over "threat to community"
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2011, 11:09:19 PM »
My assertion that Stockport as the Planning Authority will refuse the application is based on :
- Council policy concerning the sites use ie not for a large supermarket but is zoned for housing.
- Impact on the established retail base in the District Centre.
- Highway considerations.

Some confusion here, I think!  No-one seriously doubts that the council will reject a planning application for retail use on the Hibbert Lane site.  What marplemum and I both questioned was Adrian's claim to advance knowledge of the outcome of any subsequent appeal.  How do you know that, Adrian? 

My worry at the end of the day is what the College will do as they are strapped for cash

No they aren't.  Their finances are sound, as we know from the accounts which have been posted via links on this forum.

Miss Marple

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Re: Don't Panic over "threat to community"
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2011, 07:33:35 PM »
Adrian what you must try to understand is that this information has only come to light due to a concerned college employee feeling so oppressed by the colleges attempt to keep the plans secret from the public.  It is not often that the community, especially in Marple has the opportunity to mobilise before an application is put onto pre planning.  It has been a wake up call to all elected members, council officials and the likes.  Unlike past decisions made without the knowledge of the community the colleges proposals are now in the open, No more decisions behind closed doors concerning this issue or indeed any others in the future
If it had not been for the courage of a member of staff, way back in April 2011 who alerted myself to this issue, both yourself and the Yes campaign would be none the wiser, until something was posted on a lamp post   I took the decision to publish this on the web so that all that would be effected by this development would be informed, armed with information and ready if need be to take action and be instrumental in any decisions concerning Hibbert lane which would impact in anyway shape or form on their quality of life
MIA will continue long after the fight against the supermarket is over.  What this campaign has proved is the community needs to be heard and that the community needs to be informed and consulted on issues that effect their lives.   

Adrian Taylor

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Re: Don't Panic over "threat to community"
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2011, 04:55:19 PM »
My assertion that Stockport as the Planning Authority will refuse the application is based on :
- Council policy concerning the sites use ie not for a large supermarket but is zoned for housing.
- Impact on the established retail base in the District Centre.
- Highway considerations.

All eminent reasons for not granting such an application, already listed by Paul Lawrence the Planning Manager on a number of occasions. It is also being said that a Tesco or Asda will indeed purchase the site even in the event that they are not given planning approval, in the hope that one day the community will give in as weell as the Planning Authority.
Politicians are giving the impression that the Localism Bill will always safeguard communities, it still recognises that developers have rights as well and are very skilled in presenting their arguments concerning developments, especially if it's deemed to be sustainable.
Stockport will be able to defend their decision in any event.
My worry at the end of the day is what the College will do as they are strapped for cash and their students are commercially of benefit to Marple retailors.
According to their web pages the College is doing very well in generating well educated young people and seem to cope with their existing resources- so where's the problem, what is making the college follow this line.
Can I say that although I disagreed with him,the gentleman who spoke in favour of the supermarket showed courage "under fire". I can understand his plea concerning cheaper products and availibility here in Marple, including the opportunity for employment. Such views need to be respected and addressed.
I am dissapointed that three local councillors have been made to declare their views thus disqualifying themselves from the debate when the application is presented for consideration on it's merits, the time to be open and frank is when the application is on the table and all the facts are known.
So keep calm residents your time will come when the application is out for public consultation and you can let loose with all your objections then. ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Don't Panic over "threat to community"
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2011, 03:58:58 PM »
Adrian is no doubt correct when he predicts that the council will not grant planning consent, but any claim to know the outcome of an appeal must surely be the dreaded 'opinion, rumour or conspiracy theory'.    :o   :o


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Re: Don't Panic over "threat to community"
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2011, 03:31:56 PM »
I am also intrigued and quite perturbed when I read this part of Adrian's statement:

 "I regret that the the local authority is being subjected to a perceived credibility gap in that the view is that the local authority may grant the application, they will not and they will be successful in the event of an appeal."

Adrian, how can you possibly know this?????????? 


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Re: Don't Panic over "threat to community"
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2011, 09:27:28 AM »
Considering that this thread was specifically set up for 'the basic facts together, with source details ?  No opinion.  No rumours.  No conspiracy theories', your confident assertion that SMBC will certainly win against any appeal is intriguing. Tell us more...!

Adrian Taylor

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Don't Panic over "threat to community"
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2011, 08:57:28 AM »
I was present at yet another meeting regarding "the threat to our Community" of a doomsday machine aka the possibility of a Tesco or Asda supermarket on Hibbert Lane as a result of a cash strapped College who wish to reinvest in their other site on Buxton Lane.
A climate of hysteria has been created here in Marple by the retail community and supported by some voluntary organisations and of course a small number of local councillors who will wish to be reelected in the new year. The College themselves refuse to discuss their plight or try to find a solution, with anyone.
No planning application has yet been submitted to the Planning Authority and therefore the planning application cannot be subjected to proper examination in accordance with council policy or likely impact on the community.
Obviously there are those who wish to set down a marker before the process has properly begun.
The real cause of this hysteria goes back to 1992 when government enabled six form colleges to become detached from Local Authority control and were enabled to become independent organisations and were gifted all the land and property previously funded by and owned by the tax payer. Grants could still be obtained of course from central government for educational purposes, but unfortunately the Cheadle Marple College has been unsuccessful in their bids for funding,and now see the only alternative but to sell the "silver" and spend the capital receipt on developing their Buxton Lane site.
Sadly the management and governing body of the College do not wish to share their plight with anyone and do not wish to publicly account for their action to the community, they have thus become a publicly unnacountable body created by government in the 90's under the guise of saving money from the public purse, in effect almost another example of privatisation.
I write as Chairman of the Community Council and as such support all views within our Community, I am also a former Stockport Councillor and was chair of the Planning Committee and have been party to a number of appeals, successfully defended by the Planning Authority.
Any application by the college, no doubt funded by a preferred supermarket proprietor, to build a supermarket on the site would only be considered in the light of council policies, impact on the District shopping centre and highway considerations. The opportunity for the community to truly object to any such proposal would be then made when listening to objections or indeed support as part of the planning process. As the councils officer stated last night the application is not likely be given a recommendation for approval if we are to believe the current aspirations of the college in raising revenue. However the application has not yet been submitted and the precise detail is as yet unknown.
I would ask the community to calm down and let the proper process take it's course and make your views known in a proper manner when the time comes.
I regret that the the local authority is being subjected to a perceived credibility gap in that the view is that the local authority may grant the application, they will not and they will be successful in the event of an appeal. We are being told that a supermarket will persist for years in their desire for permission to build, that is a matter for them as the response will be the same on each occasion. No supermarket chain will give the college any money in any event without the necessary planning approval.
My recommendation is to calm down and let the planning process take place when objectors views may then be properly submitted.
There is of course talk now of a small scale supermarket development in the the towns existing shopping area, perhaps in Chadwick Street car park, no doubt the community here in Marple will wish for a Waitrose rather than an Aldi, we'll wait and see what happens.
So come on Co"Community" stop panicking, yes shopkeepers you have my support and I know it's your livlihoods which might be threatened, consider the consumer here in Marple, and some of you need to smarten your acts up and not just regard the public as a cash machine.