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Author Topic: Marple Business Forum Support for Marple in Action  (Read 3589 times)

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Miss Marple

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Re: Marple Business Forum Support for Marple in Action
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2011, 05:15:41 PM »
We must also remember that there is no known height restriction and after 10 years they can build on the whole 8+ acres ! Fact not fiction information from planners  :-\

Victor M

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Re: Marple Business Forum Support for Marple in Action
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2011, 04:46:41 PM »
The area that can be built on is 4.8 acres, any additional car park has to be within the 4.8 acres.

Lisa Oldham

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Re: Marple Business Forum Support for Marple in Action
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2011, 09:47:12 AM »
does that 4+ acre development include parking or is it just the store? 


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Re: Marple Business Forum Support for Marple in Action
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2011, 08:55:38 PM »
A Marple Civic Society representative attended the MiA meeting with the college on 27th July. Here is the information that they have put out to their members:

Dear Members,
Re: Proposed Supermarket Development of the CAMSFC 6th Form College site, Hibbert Lane in Marple.
You are likely to be aware that two of the large supermarkets are in talks with the CAMSFC 6th form college to purchase the Hibbert Lane College site in Marple.
The Marple in Action (MiA) community group has been formed to establish the facts, connect with other groups and raise awareness within the community, and campaign against the proposed new supermarket on the HIbbert Lane College site.
The Civic Society is supporting MiA in their opposition to a proposed supermarket development on Hibbert Lane for the following reasons:
    - The adverse effect it would have on Marple as a community and town
    - The substantial increase in traffice through Marple
    - The proposal would contravene the Core Strategy planning regulations for Marple (Stockport MBC implemented the Core Strategy last year which replaced the Unitary Development Plan). The Civic Society    
      were consultated on the Core Strategy and at the final draft stage wrote in support of it.
In line with the Core Strategy, as the proposed site is outside the retail zone, planning permission should be refused by Stockport MBC and the Civic Society will support this. However, the planning application can then be taken to appeal and the decision could be overruled and planning granted as has happened in other cases. Advice from Civic Voice, the national body representing the civic movement, is that early campaign action is required before the planning application stage.
Please read the attached information and if you have any comments we would like to hear from you by return of email.
If you would like to support the campaign as an individual you can do so by accessing the MiA webesite  and taking the following actions:
     - sign the on-line petition
     - complete the shopping survey
     - register for the MiA newsletter to keep up to date with what is happening.

Information/Facts from Meeting with the Principal and Finance Manager of Ridge Danyers College 27th July 2011.

David Hoyle (Marple in Action Chairman/Marple Business Forum) Paula Smith (Marple in Action) and Gillian Postill (Marple Civic Society) attended a meeting with Ms Cassidy, Principal and Andrew Hubert, Finance Manager of CAMSFC (formerly Ridge Danyers College, Hibbert Lane) where the following facts were established:

·   The size of the Hibbert Lane site to be sold is 8.62acres
·   The area that would be developed is 4.94 acres
·   The Principal favours one of the two supermarkets interested in the Hibbert Lane site but said she couldn’t divulge which as this is commercially sensitive information
·   The Principal states that the college needs £12 million for the plan to combine and develop the two colleges on the Buxton Lane site.
·   The College, not the supermarket, will apply for planning permission for a supermarket on the Hibbert Lane site
·   The College plan to submit a planning application to SMBC in October 2011 subject to agreement at their next Board meeting

Marple Area Committee Meeting date 27th July 2011

Paul Lawrence, Service Director, Place Development, Stockport MBC, briefed the Area Committee Meeting with the following information:

·   The council has had talks with the College regarding appropriate uses for the site.
·   Appropriate uses include:
o   Residential
o   Education and community uses
o   Leisure uses limited to existing levels of provision
o   Local retail developments less than 200sq. metres in area may be acceptable
·   A large scale retail development would be refused by Stockport Council as it would contravene the local Core Strategy Planning Policy.
·   The planning application could then be taken to appeal
·   The Council has not had talks with the College regarding a Supermarket on the site and is not aware of any imminent planning application for this purpose

Advice from discussion with Civic Voice, National Civic Movement 27th July 2011

Large supermarkets are well organised with the necessary expertise and financial resources to win applications on planning grounds even though the process can take many years and end up going to appeal.

Areas which have successfully resisted supermarkets have won the battles through early, strong community opposition and public exposure – a ‘heart and minds’ approach.

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Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Marple Business Forum

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Marple Business Forum Support for Marple in Action
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2011, 02:05:40 PM »
Marple Business Forum met last night (Wednesday 3rd August) to discuss this very important issue.

It was unaminously decided at the meeting that the Marple Business Forum should support the Marple in Action group in all possible ways to oppose a retail development on the Hibbert Lane Campus site.

An e-mail has been sent this morning to all members with details on Marple in Action, 'No to Supermarket' posters, printable copies of the petition and links to the online petition, Marple in Action website and Facebook page.

A Press Release was also sent out this morning to councillors, the press, all MBF members, CAMSFC and community groups informing them of MBF's position on the issue.  A copy of the Press Release is attached for your information.

Letters are being written to CAMSFC, councillors and the planning authorities informing tham of MBF's position on the matter and urging them to take the appropiate action.

Funding from the MBF is in the process of being passed to Marple in Action.

Members of the MBF are involved with Marple in Action and will liase between the two groups.  All requests for assistence and/or advice will be freely and speedily actioned.

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