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Author Topic: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)  (Read 64377 times)

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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #46 on: June 23, 2012, 08:45:48 AM »
23 June 2012 - 6 & 7 July - Opportunity to tell College/ASDA what you think!

The College and ASDA met with SMBC planners last week at an introduction meeting setting out their plans.

The College and ASDA are holding a 2 day consultation planned for Friday 6th July & Saturday 7th July. The venue has not been identified but we will announce it here as soon as it is known.

SMBC have confirmed that if a planning application is submitted there will be a full Public Consultation Period.

SMBC are sending out a newsletter next week to confirm the current position and to give people the opportunity to attend the 2 day consultation. We will publish it here when available.

Marple in Action will be on Market Street on Saturday 30 June to make sure as many people as possible know about the consultation.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #45 on: June 22, 2012, 07:42:56 AM »

Salford Council approves Asda store on graveyard:

Also: Marple Civic Society Discussion / Q&A Session - Tuesday 26 June 2012

MARPLE CIVIC SOCIETY have arranged a panel discussion and Q&A session for next Tuesday 26th June. It promises to be a lively debate and provide a forum where you can have your say, voice your concerns and get answers to questions about issues that are important to you.

There will be a panel of four: Gillian Postill, Chair, Marple Civic Society; Mick McPhee, Chair, Marple Business Forum; David Hoyle, Chair, Marple in Action and Cllr Andrew Bispham, Local Lib Dem Councillor. David Ackroyd, a member of the Civic Society, will chair the meeting and after a short introduction by each panel member, will take questions from the floor. The session will close about 9pm and there will be refreshments and informal discussions afterwards.

It will be held at Marple Evangelical Church, Queen Street Marple at 7.30pm.

The issues surrounding Hibbert Lane, and probably Chadwick Street, are bound to come up so come along and find out what's going on!
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #44 on: June 07, 2012, 06:09:27 PM »
7 June 2012 - Chadwick Street Car Park

Marple Area Committee last night announced the possible development of Chadwick Street and issued a fact sheet.

Marple in Action exists to oppose the development of a supermarket on Hibbert Lane and does not have view for or against a development on Chadwick Street, other than to accept that it is in the District Centre and the existing retail zone. However, we have made the following points to the Marple Councillors:

  • Any development should be on a moderate scale proportionate to the existing shopping centre.
  • It should be a high quality build with good access, public transport links and parking arrangements.
  • The money raised by the sale belongs in Marple and should be spent in Marple.
  • The Marple community should be extensively consulted before the development is agreed and the views of local residents taken into account.

ASDA Pre-Planning Consultation

We understand that ASDA have started a Pre-planning Consultation with Stockport Planning Dept on the possible Hibbert Lane supermarket development. This is a requirement under section 47(2) of the Planning Act 2008 and allows a developer to seek advice from the Council before making an application. It allows them to:

  • Understand how policies and guidance will be applied to the development.
  • It can identify at an early stage where there is a need for specialist input, for example about urban design, listed buildings, trees, landscape, noise, transport, contaminated land, ecology or archaeology.
  • It saves money in working up proposals, identifying potential problems and sorting them out before an application is submitted.
  • It may indicate that a proposal is completely unacceptable.

So if anyone thought ASDA had gone away THINK AGAIN! Obviously we hope that they will be persuaded that Hibbert Lane is not suitable for a superstore development and forget the whole thing!
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #43 on: June 01, 2012, 01:43:41 PM »
1 June 2012 - Marple in Action's latest newsletter

Here is Marple in Action's latest newsletter.

1 June 2012 - Council's decision on Chadwick Street - Area Committee 6 June.

At the next Marple Area Committee meeting on the 6th June, Stockport Council’s Service Director (Place Management) will be reporting on the Council’s decision with regard to the sale of the Chadwick Street Car Park.

Clearly, this will have a great impact on Marple, and whilst Marple in Action has never expressed an opinion about this, and holds no particular view, it is obvious that the Hibbert Lane and Chadwick Street issues are interlinked. We therefore feel it is only right that the public be made aware of the announcement due to be made.

We are urging the Council to be as open as possible on their plans and to consult widely with the Marple community and so would like to encourage as many people as possible to attend the Area Committee meeting to hear first-hand what is being planned for Chadwick Street Car Park.

The Area Committee meet at 6pm in Marple Library Wednesday 6 June.

Click the link to go to the Council’s website and read the Agenda for the meeting:
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2012, 07:26:29 PM »

( 6pm Stockport Town Hall ) – on the agenda is:


To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Finance)
(Note: this report includes information "Not for Publication" contained within its appendix, which has been circulated to executive councillors only). The report sets out a proposal to dispose of the Council owned site on Chadwick Street, which has been identified as being suitable for a range of alternative uses, with retail A1 being the preferred option. It is the Council's view that the ability of the site to accommodate a larger format development in the District Centre, would help contribute to the range and quality of Marple's retail offer. In addition, bringing in an additional retail operator would help promote Marple as a competitive District Centre, and enhance consumer choice. This would also help generate linked trip opportunities within the District Centre which would help safeguard its vitality and viability.

The Executive is recommended to instruct the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services to enter into negotiations with the party identified numbered 5 in the confidential appendix with a view to securing the disposal and development of the Chadwick Street site for a retail store.

Marple in Action campaigns against a supermarket being built on Hibbert Lane but one on the Council owned Chadwick Street car park obviously concerns us.

Marple in Action have lodged a question for the meeting asking for maximum openness and consultation and said:

"We are very concerned about the complete lack of consultation with the Marple community on this issue and the loss of control that simply selling to the highest bidder would entail. Everyone knows that this proposed sale is a response to the possible planning application for a superstore on Hibbert Lane, Marple but jumping from the frying pan into the fire is not an option.

With proper consultation, we think you would find support for a `small` supermarket on Chadwick Street that would, with appropriate parking and access, enhance Marple's retail offer. It could improve the district centre for the benefit of residents and local business owners as well as provide an opportunity to develop the `Vision for Marple` plans that you will be familiar with. To achieve this however the Councillors need to retain control of who and what goes on the site, and the size and access arrangements. We could end up with a superstore that overwhelms the local shops and small multiples that make up the present vibrant district centre, or a multi-storey car park or even an empty site if the developer can't find a tenant.

We are not saying that Chadwick Street should not be developed but that it should be in a way that benefits Marple not just some supermarket giant!"
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2012, 10:55:45 AM »
Marple in Action wanted to know where candidates stood on the threat to damage Marple by building a giant superstore on Hibbert Lane.

We were pleased to see that that strong support came from Shan Alexander and Martin Candler, for the Liberal Democrats, Annette Finnie and Carl Rydings, for the Conservatives, David Rowbottom and Clifford Stanway , for the Labour Party, Ray Jones for UKIP and Maggie Green for the Green Party. In other words ALL the recognised political parties in Marple are in opposition to the plan for Marple College to sell its Hibbert Lane site to Asda and we thank them for that.

Marple in Action has no political alignment but it is reassuring that Marple's political leaders all recognise the threat to Marple's future that such a development would pose!
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2012, 08:41:34 PM »
LOCAL ELECTION SPECIAL – Marple in Action wants to know where candidates stand on the threat to damage Marple by building a giant superstore on Hibbert Lane.

This is the statement from Green Party candidate, Maggie Green:

01 May 2012 - Maggie Green 2012 Local Election Statement

As your Geen Party candidate for the Local election on May 3rd, I completely support the MIA campaign against the proposed Hibbert Lane supermarket, which will have a negative impact on Marple, in so many ways, (well documented on this website).

Marple people overwhelmingly oppose the proposal, and MIA has been doing a fantastic job in getting our views heard. The Green Party supports genuine localism, and enabling communities to have a real say over decisions that affect them . The way forward will not be easy, given the so-called "localism" legislation, and new planning directives, which seem to favour developers, but the community spirit that has built up around this campaign is really encouraging, and the Greens will continue to support it.

Please note that Marple in Action has no political bias and that these views are those of the candidate(s) only. All candidates are invited to put up a statement for consideration for inclusion on this website.

This is the statement from UKIP candidate, Ray Jones:

01 May 2012 - Ray Jones 2012 Local Election Statement

RAY JONES, UKIP candidate for Marple North Ward states that he supported the campaign to "Say NO to Asda".

Please note that Marple in Action has no political bias and that these views are those of the candidate(s) only. All candidates are invited to put up a statement for consideration for inclusion on this website.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2012, 02:53:15 PM »
LOCAL ELECTION SPECIAL – Marple in Action wants to know where candidates stand on the threat to damage Marple by building a giant superstore on Hibbert Lane.

This is the statement from Lib Dem candidate, Shan Alexander:

27 April 2012 - Shan Alexander 2012 Local Election Statement

I support the No campaign and I am against a supermarket being built on the Hibbert Lane College site. I have voiced my view at a rally and continue to oppose it. Marple District Centre has an array of interesting shops and the supermarket will threaten these shops with closure, which will be a terrible loss to the Marple community.

Marple is a small township and would not be able to cope with the excess traffic a supermarket will attract. I support the action taken by the Marple in Action Group.

Please note that Marple in Action has no political bias and that these views are those of the candidate(s) only. All candidates are invited to put up a statement for consideration for inclusion on this website.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #38 on: April 24, 2012, 08:53:30 PM »
LOCAL ELECTION SPECIAL – Marple in Action wants to know where candidates stand on the threat to damage Marple by building a giant superstore on Hibbert Lane.

This is the statement from the Conservative candidates:

24 April 2012 - Marple Conservative 2012 Election Statement
Conservative candidates Annette Finnie (Marple North) and Carl Rydings (Marple South) are both strongly opposed to the plan to build a supermarket on the Cheadle and Marple College Hibbert Lane site. We believe that such a development would have a negative impact on the district centre leading to shop closures and job losses. Also, the site is unsuitable for a supermarket as it is in a residential area and has limited road access.

We wholeheartedly agree with the Marple In Action campaign and would like to thank all the many volunteers who have worked hard to make our voices heard. They are a testament to the community spirit of Marple.

Annette Finnie and Carl Rydings

Please note that Marple in Action has no political bias and that these views are those of the candidate(s) only. All candidates are invited to put up a statement for consideration for inclusion on this website.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2012, 02:39:28 PM »
LOCAL ELECTION SPECIAL – Marple in Action wants to know where candidates stand on the threat to damage Marple by building a giant superstore on Hibbert Lane.

This is Lib Dem Martin Candler's statement:

21 April 2012 - Martin Candler 2012 Local Election Statement
"Proper planning control is essential for the survival of communities like Marple. There is a widespread consensus in the area that says that we don’t need a large supermarket outside the district centre. Stockport Council’s planning policy says so and I agree with it. Personally, I have always opposed the development of the College site in Hibbert Lane, be it for a supermarket or housing. We all know that there is too much motorised traffic in the village centre now, so a large supermarket or housing estate are in my view equally undesirable."

Please note that Marple in Action has no political bias and that these views are those of the candidate(s) only. All candidates are invited to put up a statement for consideration for inclusion on this website.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #36 on: April 20, 2012, 01:54:51 PM »
LOCAL ELECTION SPECIAL – Marple in Action wants to know where candidates stand on the threat to damage Marple by building a giant superstore on Hibbert Lane.

This is the Labour Candidates statement:

20 April 2012 - Marple Labour 2012 Local Election Statement 
As the Labour candidates in the May 3rd Stockport Metropolitan Borough Elections, David Rowbottom (Marple North) and Clifford Stanway (Marple South) remain clear and firm in their outright opposition to the plan to build a huge supermarket on the Hibbert Lane site of Cheadle and Marple College. Labour stands by the position set out at the Rally in the Park by David Rowbottom that the proposal is an unacceptable threat to Marple town centre and not an appropriate use of the site.

We would like to pay tribute to the excellent work of Marple-in-Action's team of volunteers in leading the fight against this unwanted development. Marple residents are fortunate to have such resourceful and articulate campaigners on their behalf. Their non-partisan approach has succeeded in uniting Marple people to say NO to the supermarket developers and College governors.

If elected, we would continue to work with Marple people and businesses to promote and maintain our town centre as a focus for the Marple community. A thriving town centre is vital for Marple.

David Rowbottom and Clifford Stanway

Please note that Marple in Action has no political bias and that these views are those of the candidate(s) only. All candidates are invited to put up a statement for consideration for inclusion on this website.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2012, 05:22:13 PM »
2 April 2012 - EMPTY PROMISES ON JOBS - Mail on Sunday:

Supermarkets fail to deliver 39,000 promised positions New research by the Financial Mail has found that major supermarkets have failed to create the tens of thousands of jobs they promised. The research reveals that Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda collectively pledged to create 67,000 jobs between 2008 and 2010. But only a fraction of those have been added permanently as chains continue to shed staff through an ongoing cycle of ‘efficiency’. Please see an article in the Mail on Sunday, 4th March 2012:

1 April 2012 - MARPLE FIGHTS BACK against the supermarket threat.

Although no planning application from Asda has yet been received at Stockport Town Hall, Marple is taking the threat head on. Its “Town Team” have put together a bid to be part of the Government's £1million “Future High Street” pilot scheme following the Mary Portas Review. A short video supporting the bid can be viewed here:
Mark Whittaker
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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #34 on: March 18, 2012, 09:35:07 AM »
28 February 2012 - Supermarkets Blight Our Land!

Supermarkets have been blighting our land and lives for too long – Henry Porter in Sunday's Observer explains how supermarkets abuse their power in areas such as as the decline of town centres, the increasing wealth divide, binge drinking, obesity and the problems with the environment and British agriculture . For Hay on Wye read Marple!

24 February 2012 - SUPERMARKETS!

Good News on Asda? - Andy Clarke, chief exec of Asda has said no more out of town hypermarkets for them! Is that good news for Marple? Well probably not as their plans for Hibbert Lane are apparently for a "superstore" only two and a half times size of the Co op Store on the Hollins. What sense can it make to add 44,000 square feet to Stockport's shopping offer when the town apparently has the highest number of empty shops in the country?

The big four supermarkets have plans to grow their sales space by 21% by 2015 whilst sales volumes are set to rise by only 2.3%. This can only make sense if they plan to take huge amounts of business from independents and small multiples.

Meanwhile Tesco has withdrawn a "misunderstood" job advert where they were looking for permanent workers in exchange for expenses and job seekers allowance!

Apologies for the delay in posting. Admin.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #33 on: February 17, 2012, 03:34:58 PM »
16 February 2012 - MP SPEAKS OUT!

Andrew Stunnell MP has again added his voice to the campaign against the Hibbert Lane supermarket plan.

He told Marple in Action - The College provides a first class education for many local young people: indeed my own son benefitted from it. I very much want to see it flourish and continue to prosper in Marple. However disposal of the Hibbert Lane site for retail use to raise capital is entirely the wrong way to achieve that. Such a possibility has already generated a very strong community reaction.

You will have seen that one of the Council’s senior planning officers has publicly offered the view that the site is not appropriate in planning terms for such retail use. There are of course very powerful planning arguments against such a development. Those include the strategic damage it could inflict on the existing Marple shopping centre, as well as the traffic, access, noise and disturbance issues generated by locating such an inappropriate use in a residential area on a minor road.

If necessary, and in due course, I will be making a formal objection to any development application along those lines.

15 February 2012 - COLLEGE COME CLEAN!

Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College have confirmed that they have entered into an agreement with Asda with the view of pursuing a proposal for the redevelopment of the Hibbert Lane campus for a supermarket. This is despite the land being outside of the area zoned in the town plan for retail development.

To date the Council has not received any further information in respect of the timing for the submission of either an application for pre-submission advice or the submission of a formal planning application.

14 February 2012 - A Valentine's Card for ASDA!

A deputation of Marple in Action members visited ASDA HQ in Leeds on 14 February to deliver a 'Valentine Card' to Chief Executive Andy Clarke.

Although MIA were unable to meet with Andy Clarke in person, a message was handed to his aide.

The information pack contained statements from Marple Councillors and MP Andrew Stunell against the proposed retail development of Hibbert Lane and a dossier showing the strength of local opposition.

Mr Clarke's aide assured MIA that the dossier and letters would be placed into Andy Clarke's hands and a response would be sent back to MIA.

Watch this space .....

11 February 2012 - Independent Retail News press release

9 February 2012 - Letter in Manchester Evening News

Reports that Stockport town centre has the highest shop vacancy rate in the country - for a large town centre - has shocked many. But the picture is very different in towns like Marple where there is a still-thriving community with independent shops and small multiples in a vibrant town centre.

At the last count only four percent of Marple shops were empty and new shops and businesses continue to open. All this could change, however, if a new out-of-centre supermarket is built on Hibbert Lane.

Shops in the town centre selling similar products to the supermarket would be first hit and could close down. Once a proportion of retail businesses have gone, there comes a tipping point where visitor numbers to the town centre fall, so threatening the remaining businesses.

People in Marple are determined that should not happen, which is why we are fighting the supermarket plans.

We have the support of local MP Andrew Stunell and, most importantly, the 7,500 people in Marple who have signed petitions against allowing Marple College to sell the land, gifted to the town for education purposes, to create a supermarket business.

David Hoyle - Marple in Action (as published in M.E.N.)

9 February 2012 - Stockport Express Local News

ANTI-supermarket campaigners in Marple have slammed government backing for Asda. Prime Minister David Cameron has given his backing to the supermarket chain's plans to open 25 new stores this year, creating 5,000 jobs nationwide.

But members of Marple in Action, the group set up to campaign against the new supermarket Asda intends to build on Hibbert Lane, say this 'flies in the face of lcoal and national government policy'. They have written a letter to Mr Cameron setting out their concerns about the effect a large supermarket will have on local businesses.

Chairman David Hoyle said in the letter: 'Supermarkets create wealth it's true, but for the executives and shareholders. Money spent in local shops gets recycled into the community; supermarkets extract it.'

8 February 2012 - News Release in National Federation Retail Newsagents trade press.

7 February 2012 - BBC Manchester Radio Interview

Marple in Action's Mick McPhee was interviewed on BBC Radio Manchester about how Marple bucks the trend compared with Stockport Town Centre vacancy rates.

2 February 2012 - Marple in Action writes to David Cameron

Marple in Action writes to David Cameron in response to his recent press statement welcoming ASDA plans to open 25 stores in 2012.

24/25 January 2012 Councillors issue written statements

Cllrs. Candler, Wright and Alexander issue written statements against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane.

18 January 2012 - Marple Area Committee Meeting.

At Marple Area Committee Meeting on 18 January the Chair was asked if the Councillors had any comments to make on the petition and survey information handed over by MIA in December. The Councillors had no comments to make.

16 January 2012 - Cllr. Bispham holds an Information Evening

Cllr. Bispham held an information evening about the Allocations DPD on 16 January 2012. Richard Wood, SMBC Policy Planning Manager, commented on the overwhelming number of responses received from Marple residents.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2012, 01:19:44 PM »
06 January 2012 - Report issued to Marple Area Committee

An interim report detailing the status of Marple in Action's petition and Shopper Survey was presented to Marple Councillors at the December 2011 Marple Area Committee. Click the link below for a copy:
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website