I cant see how it would be divided either, before they put the net curtains up, you could see in, and there was a lovely big kitchen downstairs .
I think the garden only looks ugly because nothing has been grown up the fences yet , I do think it will look very different this time next year ( fingers crossed that its finished ) .
The junction is, I agree, a complete nightmare, and even with the new drive, it still looks like it could be a headache getting a car in and out , but its got to be better and safer than it was before.
As for funding, like I said, its getting way too confusing for me, with conflict of figures from different directions.
Maybe I should speak to the landscapers at seventeen windows , I may have more of a chance of getting them to do the fencing and landscaping in my garden than Ive had with the THREE local companies Ive had to come and quote me for work who cant be even bothered to come back to me

...... and thinking about it , maybe I could sell a bit of the land at the bottom of my garden , its very very near a well used path , I'm sure I could come up with an idea why they might need it .... In FACT, I might as well say my goodbyes now, because If I become a millionaire from it, then all I can say is ADIOS, my new villa awaits me