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Author Topic: Dogs not on leads  (Read 5528 times)

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Dogs not on leads
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2003, 08:01:22 AM »
Sometimes a dog or horse can be startled by the unexpected  appearance of a runner.  Maybe it would be an idea to break your stride briefly, Jogger, if you can see that a dog is unsettled and potentially aggressive?

One of the pleasures of living round here is the opportunity for quiet walking, running, cycling, horse riding on the network of footpaths, bridle ways and back lanes.  But we users do need to be considerate to each other, and that consideration cuts both ways.  I agree that owners of potentially aggressive dogs are responsible for controlling them, but sometimes a runner can appear quite suddenly, and it's not always possible to catch the dog in time.  Anyway, if you just pause for a moment and say 'nice doggy' etc I think you'll find it's usually OK.   (This should work around the rights of way and in quiet areas like Gird Lane, but maybe in Brabyns  you'd spend all the time saying 'nice doggy' and would never get any running done!  '<img'>)


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Dogs not on leads
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2003, 01:18:07 PM »
I went on a run early Sat morning on my usual route and got a rather nasty welcome from an alsation on Gird lane,it's lady owner restrained it,then as i ran off she let it go for a second go at me these are big powerful dogs who could do alot of damage to someone.My friend the Red setter also had a go at me in Ernocroft wood but it's owner assured me it just likes running with people(with my arm in it's mouth).One more thing the doggy dos seem to be on the increase check out the wall alongside the river in Brabyns park near the dog waste bin,my observation seems the owner only picks it up when they know someone is watching them.


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Dogs not on leads
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2003, 10:07:32 AM »
Jon1 thanks for your comments and i have taken onboard some of them and they seem to of done the trick(the red setter still wants another bite but i stop straight away so the owner can restrain it).Interested party you seem to know me and my mother in law so give us a clue.Norris thanks for your comment whatever it means,dogs can't do alot of things.

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Dogs not on leads
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2003, 03:42:16 PM »
Take your mother in law with you, she'll scare them off!!! After all she is a bit Dotty!!!

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Dogs not on leads
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2003, 01:44:20 PM »
sorry to hear about your bite - though dogs need to run too !!
i`m not excusing bad behaviour from dog owners, as dogs biting passers-by is generally down to their lack responsibility,
equally, joggers have a responsibility to perhaps allow a little consideration to animal behaviour - ie slow down or walk past the dog ?  the spaces you have mentioned are shared spaces, and its better to have dogs running around socialising than on leads all the time, to expect dogs on leads at all times is both unrealistic and perhaps a tad selfish? there are many more places to run free for you, than there are for dogs off lead (away from farm animals, roads etc) and as long as care is taken by all parties, all feel should the benefit mentally and physically !
you may have noticed that considering the many dogs that are exercised each and every day in both spaces mentioned, the surprising lack of dog doos for you to jog in !! - point being that most owners are resonsible, and they cherish those spaces as much as you, happy jogging  jon1.


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Dogs not on leads
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2003, 02:25:31 PM »
Go to a gym!! Dogs can't do that!!


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Dogs not on leads
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2003, 11:11:00 AM »
I don't normally post on web sites but i'm fed up to my back teeth of all the dogs not on leads around Ethrow and Brabyns park.If you can't control them from jumping up or biteing joggers could you please keep them on their leads.I go jogging everyday around these parks and the last couple of weeks it's got really bad,i've already been bitten once this week by a Redsetter in Ernocroft wood with the owner nowhere to be seen.So please spare a thought for us joggers and control your dogs.