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Author Topic: Traffic  (Read 6709 times)

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MCC Executive Committee

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« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2003, 09:46:45 AM »
We wonder if Dan Hopwood got anywhere with SMBC and would like to "publish his results", hopefully the dissertation went well.

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« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2003, 11:10:49 AM »
Dan, I go along with the observations made in these replies, but it's important to add that Marple's traffic problems are not just confined within the borders of Marple.  The problems are also in the surrounding suburbs of Stockport - Offerton, Bredbury and Hazel Grove.   So it's getting out of Marple (rather than getting around within Marple) that's the real nightmare.

The root of the problem of course, lies in poor public  transport.  Andy is the expert, and perhaps he knows why there seems to be so little interest in building the 'Brinnington Link' (a new curve at Reddish vale linking the Marple - Piccadilly line  with the Stockport - Guide Bridge line, which would restore a direct rail link between Stockport and Marple, Romiley and Bredbury).  It looks so practical (much more so than the prospect of ever extending Metrolink to Marple), and it would give surprisingly quick journey times from Stockport at any time of the day: Brinnington 9 minutes, Bredbury 12 minutes, Romiley 15 minutes, Marple 18 minutes.  

In your dreams?


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« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2003, 01:05:10 PM »
Thanks Andy, I will contact you when im back for Easter in a week. Thnaks for all your contributions, this has confirmed that traffic is indeed a major problem, and in response i shall be contacting the SMBC and will post results on this site. Thnaks once again. '<img'>


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« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2003, 07:25:40 PM »
Hi Dan, its Andy Bell from cricket. If you need any general advice / assistamce on traffic matters give me a shout as I'm a Transport Planner by trade (private consultancy). I may be able to give you some general guidance on where to look for information.

Briefly, with regards to Marple, I would note the following as major problems:

1) School traffic - a problem nationally but especially noted in Marple. On non school days the difference in journey times in Marple is extraordinary. The location of Marple Hall school at the very far end of the town on the main commuter drag doesn't help.

2) The fact that the A626 / A627 roads are used to some extent as an A6 bypass and meet at a very limited capacity signal junction. Can't be upgraded unless anyone has some serious money. What impact will the A6(M) have if built? This will have been modelled in the SEMMS study (South East Manchester Multi Modal Study) - someone at the council should be able to help you there - try Nick Whelan - he may be able to put you in ouch with the consultants who undertook the study. The local MP, Andrew Stunnel is the Lib Dems transport spokesman and should be able to give you a good idea of the current position of SEEMs funding.

3) Marple has no rail link to Stockport - a criminal piece of transport planning by Beeching, et al! Could the advent of a tram link (using the old rail route) bring any major benefits to Marple by providing a direct link to Stockport (see SEMMs again). Are the other heavy rail options, such as the Brinnington curve, feasible / worthwhile? Also the existing rail service is dreadful - Marple station is poorly located with respect to the town cenre or where people actually live (thats why the car park has had to be doubled in size!'<img'> - and the service from Rose Hill is pathetic the car park is always empty!'<img'>. The Goyt Valley lines are at the very bottom of the priorities for the operator First North Western (but they will tell you otherwise).

4) Buses get stuck in the congestion - no bus lanes exist and there is nowhere to put them anyway!

5) Marple is quite a hilly town - especially Marple Bridge - does this discourage short distance bus / cycle journeys? I bet census information shows a low cycle usage!

That may help as a start.


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« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2003, 05:08:11 PM »
Problems concerning traffic congestion here in Marple have been growing for years- not a helpful statement I know.
Traffic builds up going towards Stockport (and one assumes beyond) very early, certainly around 7.0am and continues until after 9.0am - not all of this is school traffic of course, but as Harry says there is significant drop in volume when schools and colleges are on holiday.
We have a large college and a Secondary School of medium size, both students and staff generate lots of traffic.
Consider possible reasons for traffic in both directions:
- A better way to Stockport and beyond and return, rather than the drudge down the A6 (Marple is a byepass?)
- Not enough local employment in Marple to reduce journey's to work.
- The public do not wish to use the available public transport for many reasons.
- "I own a car so I'm going to use it".
Regarding SMBC:
-They do not know where the traffic is coming from, nor do they know where it is all going- volume is easy to measure- starting points and destination is a grey area - (How can an organisation determine the needs of public transport if basics are unknown)
- SMBC are trying to resolve these matters but the process really is slow, and involves government.
- Policies do consider alternatives to the car for the sake of the environment, BUT other factors are not in place.
Good luck with your dissertation.


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« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2003, 09:16:02 PM »
Dan, I think you can take the lack of response as a sign that nobody knows what, if anything, is being done to address the traffic problems of Marple.

Marple's problems are probably not uncommon. Residents need to leave the town in the morning and return at night, these are the times we have traffic problems. They are probably compounded by the fact that we have a very large school and a sixth form college. The problem is negligible during school holidays.

As more and more homes are built in the area the problem will get worse, as the infrastructure is not upgraded to cater for the growing population. I, personally, will be very interested to hear any comments you get from our council as to what they are doing to address the problems. Perhaps you could publish your work on this site when it is finished.

Good luck with your thesis.

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« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2003, 11:20:59 AM »
I am currently a student at Lancaster University reading Geography. I have decided for my dissertation to focus on the apalling traffic congestion in Marple. If anyone would like to comment on this then it would be great as i need to look at the problems over time and im sure many of you are fed-up of it by now. Does anyone know what is being done to combat it?