Paul Whittaker Plumbing

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  • Marple Naturalists Meeting: September 06, 2023
  • Marple Naturalists Meeting: October 04, 2023
  • Marple Naturalists Meeting: November 01, 2023
  • Marple Naturalists Meeting: December 06, 2023
  • Marple Naturalists Meeting: January 03, 2024
  • Marple Naturalists Meeting: February 07, 2024
  • Marple Naturalists AGM and Member’s Talks: March 06, 2024
  • Marple Naturalists Meeting: April 03, 2024
  • Marple Naturalists Meeting: May 01, 2024
  • Marple Naturalists Meeting: June 05, 2024

Author Topic: Marple Naturalists [1st Wednesday each month]  (Read 21521 times)

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Re: Marple Naturalists [1st Wednesday each month]
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2023, 07:39:03 AM »
MARPLE NATURALISTS PROGRAMME: 2023-2024 is our 55th season!

Are you interested in the Natural World?
Do you want to learn more about the fascinating plants and animals around us?

Please join us for indoor meetings at the United Reformed Church, Hibbert Lane, Marple at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of every month. Non-members £5.00 on the door.

Autumn-Winter 2023

6 September 2023: Jane Morris: Native & Naturalising Trees of Britain: In her talk, Jane will explore the good & not so good characteristics of some naturalised and naturalising trees. She will tell us how trees can play a part in nature recovery, secure food production & improve climate resilience. She has been closely involved with the Forest Garden in Birchfields which contains many harvestable products and where she regularly conducts walks. She extols the importance to biodiversity of having a great variety of trees and shrubs in an area.

4 October 2023: Judith Wilshaw: Antarctica & Patagonia: Adventures at the Bottom of the World. In February 2017 after a lifelong fascination with Antarctica, Judith with her husband and daughter decided to splash out to go there on the trip of a lifetime. Judith’s talk tells the story of their 5 week long odyssey including travelling half way around the world to the bottom of South America and it also involved a trekking adventure in Patagonia.

1 November 2023: Dr John Bright: Microbes – The Most Important Organisms on the Planet? John challenges us to think about microbes. What are they? Can we see them? Are they mostly good or bad for us? Are they highly evolved or not? Can microbes influence the environment? And the big question, are microbes the most important group of organisms on the planet? These are some of the questions he will be asking so be prepared to be engaged

6 December 2023: Christmas Party with a Quiz and Member’s Talks by Alastair Bewsher.

Winter-Summer 2024

3 January 2024: Dr Rachel Hacking: Being an Ecologist for Business and Pleasure. We look forward to Rachel taking a look at the life of a professional ecologist and the ecologist outside of work! They say if you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life. Recording species is what she does to keep the bills paid & she also constantly record species when not at work, from commuting to rambling in urban and rural areas and being on her allotment. ‘Ecology never stops!’

7 February 2024: Gordon McKay: Wildlife Associated with Shellfish Farming on Mull. How sustainable mussel & oyster farming is carried out: For many years Gordon owned and managed a shellfish farm on the Island of Mull in the Inner Hebrides. His inspiration for the venture came from wishing to produce food from the sea which wasn't going to denude local wild populations. His talk describes how mussel farming and oyster farming is carried out and he will look at the myriad of marine creatures associated with the farm, their life cycles and interrelationships.

6 March 2024: Annual General Meeting followed by a talk from Eric Stead, who will talk to us about a year in the life of an ordinary field showing its extraordinary biodiversity as it changes throughout the year.

3 April 2024: Jane Allison: Banquets for Bees & Butterflies. Jane of Mayfield Plants will give us expert advice on what to plant in our gardens in order to provide for bees and butterflies through all the seasons. The talk includes an identification of our common bee and butterfly visitors and the specific food and nectar plants they need. Lists of plants will be provided after the talk.

1 May 2024: Jo Kennedy: Greater Manchester Wetlands Project:  Jo will give us a wide ranging talk about the work of The Great Manchester Wetlands project. It is a unique and diverse landscape of water, fen, wet grassland, wet woodland & lowland raised bog. It is a Nature Improvement Area covering some 48,000 hectares, including the wetlands of Wigan (The Flashes), the peatlands of Chat Moss & Risley Moss to the west & Southwest of Manchester, & the Mersey wetlands corridor stretching from Rixton to Warrington.

5 June 2024: Dr Luke Blazejewski: The Amazing Biodiversity of the River Irwell in Greater Manchester: Luke is passionate about the revitalisation of the river Irwell. In ‘Stories of the river Irwell’ he will tell us about his experiences through photos and videos of the amazing biodiversity to be found along the course of the river Irwell today. This wildlife oasis is so remarkable when you consider that in the 19th century it was considered to be one of the most polluted rivers in the world which killed anything that fell into it.

July and August 2024: Summer walks. Details will be announced nearer the time.

For further information please contact either Jane Michael on 07917 434598 or Deb Cavanagh on 07810 450764 or go to The Naturalists at the Marple Website:

Or follow us on Facebook:

Membership £25 (payable 1/9/23).
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Naturalists [1st Wednesday each month]
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2022, 07:09:56 AM »
MARPLE NATURALISTS PROGRAMME: 2022-2023 is our 54th season!

Autumn-Winter 2022

Are you interested in the Natural World? Do you want to learn more about the fascinating plants and animals around us? Please join us for indoor meetings at the United Reformed Church, Hibbert Lane, Marple at 8.00pm on the first Wednesday of every month. Non-members £5.00 on the door.

7 September: Eric Stead: East of the Wallace Line: We are very pleased to open our new season with what we know will be a very interesting talk by Eric Stead, entitled East of the Wallace Line. In 1858 Alfred Russell Wallace co-authored a scientific paper with Darwin, outlining the theory of evolution by natural selection. How did Wallace come to his idea independently of Darwin?
This talk uses personal photos of examples of fauna and some flora from trips to Asia and Australasia, to examine the differences either side of the imaginary Wallace line.

5 October: Mike Price: Raptors in the Peak District: Mike Price will talk about the work of The Peak District Raptor Monitoring Group, a small but dedicated group of volunteer field workers, who, under licence from the BTO and Natural England, monitor and ring birds of prey and owls in the Peak District and surrounding areas, its aims being to monitor the birds, participate in national surveys and identify real and potential threats as they arise.

2 November: Mike Roberts: Ardnamurchan: Wildlife in the West Scottish Highlands: Ardnamurchan is almost an Island and this talk by returning speaker Mike Roberts covers the wildlife of Britain's most westerly part of the mainland and includes a wide variety of birds and other wildlife including otters, dolphins, basking sharks and Scottish Wildcats.

7 December: Christmas Party Member’s Talks: Christmas Party: with a Quiz and Member’s Talks by Jane Michael on Orton and the Limestone area and Graeme Mould who will talk about Leopard Seals.

Winter-Summer 2023

4 January: David Tolliday: Wildlife of Cheshire Peaks, Plains and Coast We welcome David Tolliday as a new speaker to our group. He is a wildlife and sports photographer and lives in Cheshire so is well placed to give his talk on wildlife in different habitats of this area.

1 February: Heather James: Flora and Fauna of New Zealand Heather James has given a number of interesting and lively talks to our group so we look forward to learning a lot about the wildlife of New Zealand.

1 March: AGM & Members Talks: Member’s Talks to follow after the AGM.

5 April: Dr Michael Leach: Owls of the world Dr. Leach is a full time wildlife author and photographer and the author of 39 books. Of the 250 species of owl alive today he has encountered more than half - this talk looks at many of these and we learn of his adventures with them over 20 years. He will introduce us to great horned, snowy, pygmy, great grey and spectacled owls. Also the biggest of them all – the deer-stalking eagle owl.

3 May: Judith Lovelady: France - From the Mediterranean to the Mountains Judith returns to our group to give us another interesting talk which is ‘An exploration of the plants and a little of the other wildlife of a range of habitats in France’. The Camargue, Les Alpilles in Provence, The high plateau of the Vercors and Font D’Urle a ski station in the Vercors are examples of the places featured.

7 June: Rachael Nellist: Rewilding Stockport – A Cheshire Wildlife Trust Project is an exciting two year project for our area funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. It is looking to create 1,000 spaces for nature across Stockport. We look forward Rachael Nellist’s talk to hear what it entails and how we can be involved.

July and August: Summer walks: These popular walks are still to be arranged.

For more information please contact Jane Michael: 07917434598 or Derek Clifford: 0161 427 4611 or go to The Naturalists at the Marple Website:

Or follow us on Facebook:
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Marple Naturalists [1st Wednesday each month]
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 06:21:30 PM »
This thread contains the latest programme for Marple Naturalists.

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website