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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Issues => Topic started by: CTCREP on February 05, 2016, 05:16:43 PM

Title: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: CTCREP on February 05, 2016, 05:16:43 PM
I received the following. No doubt others would have an opinion.

Good Afternoon,
I write to inform you that Marple Area Committee will be holding the first of a number of Open Forum discussions throughout 2016 at their next meeting on Wednesday 10 February 2016 – Marple Senior Citizens Hall at 6.00pm
The first topic is Traffic Congestion and Parking in the District Centre. Sue Stevenson, Transportation Manager at the Council will attend the meeting and make a short presentation, however the main purpose of the forum in to enable you and other residents to air their views. Comments made and any decisions by the Area Committee made as a result of the debate will be referred to the Executive Councillor (Supporting Places) and the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration for consideration.
Please feel free to pass on this email alert.
Many Thanks
Stephen Fox
CSS Manager (Democratic Services)
Legal and Democratic Governance
Corporate and Support Services
Town Hall
Tel: 0161 474 3206
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: admin on February 06, 2016, 06:56:43 AM
Related to this and other threads on the forum about parking at Marple Station, there is an on-line survey being conducted about parking around the Marple Bridge area.

Some of our users may wish to contribute to this:
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: CTCREP on February 09, 2016, 05:25:09 PM
Unfortunately I shall be unable to attend the Car Parking and Congestion meeting. However I believe that both subjects cannot be considered fully without considering the affect on pedestrians, and their effect on the problem. Take one area  - Marple Station and Brabyns Park.  Providing much better pedestrian access through the Park from Compstall and Grosvenor Rd could encourage more people to leave their cars at home thus reducing congestion and relieving some of the parking problems. Creating another car park just below the sports hall for the dog walkers and footballers would provide more space at the main car park.  Although initially this doesn't seem attractive, that section is often flooded so is not regularly used, and if surrounded by trees that would soak up some of the water, they would hide the cars and make the  remainder of the land more useable. I hope others will offer similar solutions.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: My login is Henrietta on February 09, 2016, 06:33:45 PM
I received the following. No doubt others would have an opinion.

Good Afternoon,
I write to inform you that Marple Area Committee will be holding the first of a number of Open Forum discussions throughout 2016 at their next meeting on Wednesday 10 February 2016 – Marple Senior Citizens Hall at 6.00pm
The first topic is Traffic Congestion and Parking in the District Centre. Sue Stevenson, Transportation Manager at the Council will attend the meeting and make a short presentation, however the main purpose of the forum in to enable you and other residents to air their views. Comments made and any decisions by the Area Committee made as a result of the debate will be referred to the Executive Councillor (Supporting Places) and the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration for consideration.
Please feel free to pass on this email alert.
Many Thanks
Stephen Fox
CSS Manager (Democratic Services)
Legal and Democratic Governance
Corporate and Support Services
Town Hall
Tel: 0161 474 3206
Can't attend this as I have a funeral in Nottingham first thing on Thursday morning and have to go over there on Wednesday night.

As far as congestion is concerned - which loony tune decided that the "new" road (the extension of Hibbert Lane to Stockport Road) should be the only way of getting from the Church Lane/Hibbert Lane junction to Stockport Road and the rest of the centre of Marple and all other routes blocked off. Never mind the time wasted in the queue - I recently walked into the village (Ok, just for the nit-pickers - the "town") from Stoke Lacey in the middle of the morning and got to the roundabout before some of the cars that I'd pass which had been backing up on Hibbert Lane (and I'm nearly seventy with a duff hip)! There were long queues of cars trying to get through to Stockport Road from both ends of Church Lane.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: marplerambler on February 09, 2016, 10:41:56 PM
As far as congestion is concerned - which loony tune decided that the "new" road (the extension of Hibbert Lane to Stockport Road) should be the only way of getting from the Church Lane/Hibbert Lane junction to Stockport Road and the rest of the centre of Marple and all other routes blocked off. Never mind the time wasted in the queue - I recently walked into the village (Ok, just for the nit-pickers - the "town") from Stoke Lacey in the middle of the morning and got to the roundabout before some of the cars that I'd pass which had been backing up on Hibbert Lane (and I'm nearly seventy with a duff hip)! There were long queues of cars trying to get through to Stockport Road from both ends of Church Lane.
Don't forget that if the traffic jam goes all the way back to Stoke Lacey, drivers who know the area who are heading for Dan Bank will go down Woodville Drive or Buxton Lane so there would also probably be a tailback of traffic trying to get onto Stockport Rd from Cross Lane.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Lily on February 09, 2016, 11:41:37 PM
Where, in Marple, is Stoke Lacey?
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: admin on February 10, 2016, 06:13:40 AM
Stoke Lacy is (or was but I think it's still there) a house on Hibbert Lane between Woodville Drive and Links Road.

You can see it named on the Cheshire Tithe Maps on the 1910 map:

Nearby in the direction of Hawk Green was another large house called Beamsmoor, which is no longer there.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Lily on February 10, 2016, 07:43:22 AM
Thanks Mark.
I continue to learn something new every day!
I'll have to have a look for Stoke Lacey when I'm next up that way.

Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Howard on February 10, 2016, 09:05:23 AM
I believe that these are the gates for what was called Stoke Lacey:

And this is the house. It's the large section on the right. I think the property has been split into two with the one on the left now being named Manor Lodge:
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Jay on February 10, 2016, 09:23:33 AM
It's three property's now 118 to 122 hibbert lane and beamsmoor is now its own little close with beamsmoor cottage at the top end just before the mill as your leaving Marple.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: marplerambler on February 10, 2016, 12:00:35 PM
Stoke Lacey is the name of the bus stop/stage on the 394 bus ticket when you board at the top of Woodville Drive.

Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: CTCREP on February 10, 2016, 01:58:05 PM
There has now been an interesting discussion about Stoke Lacey. However can I bring the readers back to the original subject which is about congestion and car parking in Marple. We all know and understand the motorists points of view, but unless pedestrians and other users  present their problems and the probable affect on their lives then only the motorists opinion will be considered.  There are so many other alternatives - giving equal rights to motorists and pedestrians similar to what has been done in Poynton could reduce the congestion problems. How often are motorists and pedestrians waiting at traffic lights when there is no real reason to do so. It only requires courtesy and consideration by both parties to make Marple an even more attractive place to shop (and drive through). It works in other countries, so why not here?  I hope those who can attend this meeting will do so and ensure this doesn't become a consultation solely for the benefit of motorists but include the whole society.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: ringi on February 10, 2016, 02:59:22 PM
There are so many other alternatives - giving equal rights to motorists and pedestrians similar to what has been done in Poynton could reduce the congestion problems. How often are motorists and pedestrians waiting at traffic lights when there is no real reason to do so. It only requires courtesy and consideration by both parties to make Marple an even more attractive place to shop (and drive through). It works in other countries, so why not here?

It does not work well in Poynton, but may start working when the Poynton bypass is built.   Both as a pedestrian (my wife shouts at me if I walk into a road before the cars have stopped) and a driver a few ENFORCED zebra crossings would be better.   However given the police can’t even be bothered to enforce the advanced stop lines at traffic lights….

In most counties that have “shared spaces” there are routes round them, so only drivers that wish to access a shop/home within the “shared spaces” enters them.

I have not used my bike since I moved from Cambridge, partly due to my wife having CP and therefore not being able to use a normal bike, but also due to the roads and the hills.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Dave on February 11, 2016, 10:02:00 AM
I went to the open forum on traffic and parking yesterday evening, which preceded the Marple Area Committee meeting.  It was very disappointing.  There was a good turnout.  Various people stood up and raised issues which concerned them.  There were two officers from the Highways Department present, and they were defensive and unhelpful.  I didn't catch their names, but I think one was the Head of the Highways Department.  His stock response was to just bat issues straight back to the questioner.  When someone expressed concern about parking on double yellow lines, and asked whether restrictions could be enforced more strictly, he said 'well it's you, the local community, who are doing the parking - enforce it yourselves!'.  And it was the same with speeding - 'you are doing the speeding, so just stop it!'  or words to that effect.

Someone else raised the issue of the lack of parking at Marple Station and in and around Marple Bridge, and suggested that the car park across the road from the station (behind the Purple Pakora) might be extended.   The response was 'it may be green belt' (which is true, but that didn't prevent the existing car park from being made), and a pointless lecture on why people should walk or cycle to the station rather than drive. 

The officers seemed to have no constructive ideas as to how to tackle any of the issues raised.  It was a frustrating and depressing experience.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Cookie on February 11, 2016, 10:22:22 AM
I too went to the meeting and found it extremely depressing and very unhelpful.  I have previously put a post on about the speeding at Church Lane - my partner put his hand up endless times but was not chosen so was unable to bring up the speeding problem.  Also they kept saying that any questions asked had to be generic and not specific which I thought was pointless!  First time I have been to this meeting - not sure I would go again!
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: CTCREP on February 11, 2016, 12:40:51 PM
Regrettably the reports we have had are as I would have expected. Also regrettably is the natural response - I won't go again. This only plays into the Council's hands. They offer to consult, often only publicise in the most obscure way, and then demoralise those residents willing to make a contribution. We must not let this continue.

As for the Poynton facility unfortunately Ringi's wife's reaction, and she isn't the only one, is the reason it is not fully functional. Pedestrians in this country are too accustomed to having to give way to motorists, and many motorists assume their journey is more important than anyone else's so will rarely give way. The Highways Department only consider how they can keep the motorists happy by keeping the traffic flowing and ignore the effect their policies have everyone else.  A few years ago we were in Norway where even looking at a pedestrian crossing was enough for the traffic to stop, and only recently this was also our experience in Madeira. No doubt some will exclaim that there is a culture difference in these countries, but a few years ago I saw the same reaction at a pedestrian crossing outside a tube station in London. So it is possible to change the way people behave and it is time Stockport Council recognised this.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Lily on February 11, 2016, 03:35:31 PM
I was also at the meeting and agree with the comments that both Dave and Cookie made.  The representatives from council had stock answers to questions and nothing helpful or constructive.
I noticed a chap who had his hand up several times and was acknowledged by one of the people on the committee - but then was chosen to ignored. In my opinion, not a nice way to treat people!
One of the things that was brought up by the committee was the work that took place on Dan Bank some years back.  Goodness knows why that needed to be mentioned - I thought we were there for current and possible future problems!
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: ringi on February 11, 2016, 03:50:18 PM
but a few years ago I saw the same reaction at a pedestrian crossing outside a tube station in London.

So lets have zaba crossings as driver do seem to keep to them, and it is defined in law that the driver must stop if a pedestrian is waiting to cross.

(I also have a blind friend that can no longer get to the shops on his own, as his dog needs well defined curbs.)
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: ringi on February 11, 2016, 03:52:37 PM
Do the Stockport council staff even think of Marple as being part of Stockport?    Clearly the wardens etc will not walk to market to check the double yellow lines, unlike the center of Stockport.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: JohnBates on February 11, 2016, 06:55:04 PM
I agree the open forum was not perfect, and the officers where somewhat defensive. The Dan Bank bit was also irrelevant.

It was encouraging to get a much bigger turnout at the meeting, and in particular I think the points raised re station parking did make an impression, even if not acknowledged as such.
As this was the first of these events I think we should give them a little appreciation in attempting it, and hopefully future ones get better.

I also was somewhat disappointed in the assumption that walking and cycling are only options.

I think that more enforcement of parking restrictions is needed, and we do need to stop station parking from choking Marple Bridge. Hopefully, once reflected on, we may get some ideas back in future from the officers.

I also appreciate people being upset at not being called upon. At least this is a positive sign that people do want to engage. For a first event I did feel there was a genuine attempt to field as many questions as possible with in the time constraints.

Thoughts on how it could be better done in future can be fed back.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: shambles on February 11, 2016, 07:31:07 PM
The traffic in Marple has certainly increased over the last few months. This raises several questions.

Stockport Road traffic is solid in the morning but where does it all come from. Are people using Marple as a rat run to avoid other congested areas.
Is the increase in traffic partially due to road works on the A6 for the airport link road ?

When the air port link is completed are we going to see even more traffic in Marple as people look for easier routes to get to the M56 / M6. Otterspool will certainly get worse.

We see a large number of BIG lorries passing through but where are they going ?

And then there is asda. I will post my comments elsewhere !
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Condate on February 11, 2016, 08:17:58 PM
So lets have zaba crossings as driver do seem to keep to them, and it is defined in law that the driver must stop if a pedestrian is waiting to cross.

Some drivers do seem to really resent people using the crossings, but at least they do usually stop. Not so it some countries. I remember being on holiday in northern Italy with my wife a few years ago. We soon learned to play "spot the German" when it came to using crossings. If the car coming towards you was Italian, it was not safe to cross. If it had a German registration, we knew it would actually stop and let us across.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: marplerambler on February 11, 2016, 08:20:01 PM
The traffic in Marple has certainly increased over the last few months. ....Stockport Road traffic is solid in the morning ... Are people using Marple as a rat run to avoid other congested areas...more traffic in Marple as people look for easier routes to get to the M56 / M6. Otterspool will certainly get worse..large number of BIG lorries...And then there is asda.
As the population of Marple and the proportion of population owning a car increases, the rush hour traffic jam which has been there for decades gets worse. I cannot see how the road to Stockport can take more traffic but at the end of the day a large proportion of the population of Marple work in Stockport. The solution lies not just on the road: it also lies on the rails. An important part in the solution of the problem of traffic congestion in Marple is a train or tram to Stockport full stop.

And ASDA???? The replacement of the nameplate on the Co-op improved nothing! We needed a proper supermarket when the College site was available but the ostriches with their heads firmly buried in the sands of the 1950s shopping 9 till 5 and pursuing a campaign of ensuring Marple remained in the middle ages while the rest of us worked succeeded in ensuring that we have to do our main shop in Stockport/Bredbury.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Middle wood on February 11, 2016, 08:26:02 PM
Indeed Marple is being used to avoid congestion elsewhere. My colleague in Stalybridge diverts through Marple and the rat run through to Marple Hall to join Stockport Road.

Stockport/Hazel Grove is a nightmare to travel to whatever direction you go in some mornings. Unfortunately the lack of a train route makes car travel the only viable option for many.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: amazon on February 11, 2016, 08:38:25 PM
As the population of Marple and the proportion of population owning a car increases, the rush hour traffic jam which has been there for decades gets worse. I cannot see how the road to Stockport can take more traffic but at the end of the day a large proportion of the population of Marple work in Stockport. The solution lies not just on the road: it also lies on the rails. An important part in the solution of the problem of traffic congestion in Marple is a train or tram to Stockport full stop.

And ASDA???? The replacement of the nameplate on the Co-op improved nothing! We needed a proper supermarket when the College site was available but the ostriches with their heads firmly buried in the sands of the 1950s shopping 9 till 5 and pursuing a campaign of ensuring Marple remained in the middle ages while the rest of us worked succeeded in ensuring that we have to do our main shop in Stockport/Bredbury.
good posting someone on my side for once .And we do need the Bredbury bypass
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: JohnBates on February 11, 2016, 09:38:16 PM
And we do need the Bredbury bypass


An important part in the solution of the problem of traffic congestion in Marple is a train or tram to Stockport full stop.

Agreed  :)
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: corium on February 11, 2016, 11:40:34 PM
The solution lies not just on the road: it also lies on the rails. An important part in the solution of the problem of traffic congestion in Marple is a train or tram to Stockport full stop.

I wish I was so certain this were true; I've a nasty feeling it may just draw more cars to park near the stations
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: hatter76 on February 12, 2016, 06:28:37 PM
In terms of Stockport Road would mini roundabouts at the 3 traffic lights not speed up traffic flow? Also there is a complete in balance in traffic going towards Stockport due to the Church Lane one way system and the Nationwide exit.

For pedestrians they need to sort out the crossings, it takes ages for the green man and the junction near the swimming pool hasn't even got one.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: CTCREP on February 12, 2016, 07:22:49 PM
Two re-quotes from John Bates' post.
An important part in the solution of the problem of traffic congestion in Marple is a train or tram to Stockport full stop.
And we do need the Bredbury bypass
, but do not ignore cycling. Cycling has been proven many times to be the fastest form of transport in an urban environment but Stockport MBC ignores this. They put off starting on the Connect2 route from Marple to Chadkirk as long as they could, and profess to be considering another bridge into Vernon Park to complete the route into Stockport. Have you seen any pigs flying  recently?  Upgrading the track from Otterspool Bridge through to Pear Mill and beyond would probably cost less than they spent on catering for a few motorists going to the Kennels in Mill Lane, and probably less than any other change they may consider.  Everyone must have noticed the increase in cycling recently and I can assure you there are many rural cafes and pubs that benefit from their custom. Upgrading the route from Marple to Stockport would enable many to cycle to work or shop, and Marple businesses could benefit from cyclists coming from Stockport to access the countryside. As the saying goes     " there are more ways than one to skin a cat"
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: ringi on February 12, 2016, 08:02:09 PM
The Connect2 route from Marple to Chadkirk is of a very low quality, it has no lighting,  it has a lose surface so it not safe on a “fast” bike, has bend where you can’t see someone coming and will leave normal office cloths too dirty to use if you cycle in them.     (It even has lots of gates that are designed to make it hard for anyone in a wheelchair to use it that goes against the council policies.)

I very glad it was build, as it is nice for a walk into the country site and is used by lots of dog owners, but can in no way be consider as a “transport” option.

Commuting bikes have less suspension then cars, therefore bike tracks should be built and maintained to a higher standard then motorways, if they are to be a reasonable option for commuting.   The tacks also needs to be segregated from walkers and dogs, otherwise it is not safe to cycle at a useful speed.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: CTCREP on February 13, 2016, 09:27:35 AM
I can't agree more with ringli's comments, however it has taken over 20 years of complaining to get Stockport Council to bring the MIddlewood Way up to its present barely acceptable standard. This is what we are up against. As one who has cycled to work from the suburbs into the centre of London, Birmingham and Manchester I would dearly love to to see cyclists treated as equal partners on the road in order to cycle to work, but the reality is that things have changed. If we can get some people cycling into Stockport via this route then eventually we may get a decent surface and ease or travel.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: elpram on February 15, 2016, 08:37:21 PM
I have completed the survey and commented thus...

More parking is needed for rail users. There is obviously demand and all those people are using rail rather than clogging up the roads out of Marple to other destinations.

I drive down to M Bridge in the morning to drop my children at Ludworth then board the 9.09 train to Manchester. I have to make sure I arrive at the P4 car park at 8.15 (even though my children don't need to be at school until 8.50) to ensure I can get a space...recently I arrived at 8.22 and couldn't!  Even Brabyns park car park is pretty busy then and during winter months I am reluctant to park there as it's muddy and poorly lit for then I'm coming back to my car at 6-7pm.
It seems that many people drive from New Mills to park at Marple to take advantage of lower train fares and this adversely affects available parking. Mostly, during winter months I have to end up parking on Winnington Road, walking up from the station in the evening and I am not alone as there are often up to 10 cars similarly parked.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: ringi on February 15, 2016, 09:23:58 PM
It seems that many people drive from New Mills to park at Marple to take advantage of lower train fares

There are also more trains from Marple then New Mills.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Harry on February 15, 2016, 10:11:23 PM
I drive down to M Bridge in the morning .........

Marple is geographically quite small. If you are not physically disabled, have you thought of walking?

Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Dave on February 15, 2016, 11:22:05 PM
Marple is geographically quite small. If you are not physically disabled, have you thought of walking?

I don't know how Harry defines Marple, but AFAIK it is the local authority wards of Marple North and Marple South, which extend from Dan Bank to Mellor, and from High Lane to Compstall.  Most of that area is not within sensible walking distance of Marple station.

Speaking for myself, I live about 25 minutes rather hilly walk from Marple station.  On a fine day its a pleasant walk.  On a wet day or a dark night, it certainly isn't, especially if I'm carrying a suitcase or a heavy briefcase.  And I don't see why we should put up with being lectured at about how we ought to walk or cycle to the station - which we also were at last week's open forum meeting. 

Hazel Grove station has a huge park-and-ride car park, and that's what we need in Marple - and there is plenty more space that could be used at the back of the car park across the road from the station. 
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: shambles on February 15, 2016, 11:33:11 PM
People like elpram parking at the end of Winnington Road are making life difficult for those of us who actually live on Winningtonn Road. The junctions around Winnington, Bradshaw, and Station roads are becoming more and more difficult due to the number of cars parked too close to the actual junctions. I took the council several years to restrict some of this parking by painting yellow lines, but they just park farther down.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: simonesaffron on February 16, 2016, 10:42:36 AM
The decision to prevent Asda from building a 25,000 sf supermarket on Hibbert Lane was in my opinion the right one. Such an operation would have only served to take business away from local traders because of its 'out of town' location and would have caused even more traffic congestion than we have now.

Every year that passes sees another 1/2 Million cars on the roads in England. Marple was built for horse and cart not for cars. There is no answer to the traffic congestion, not one that I have.

What isn't an answer is to provide more facilities to accommodate the car. More car parks, by passes etc. We should think around more facilities to accommodate the cyclist/pedestrian.  One of my neighbours travels into Manchester regularly and he always goes in his car because he gets free parking, yet he gets free travel on the train. Another neighbour takes her kids to school in her car then comes home immediately after, it's a round trip of less than a mile, she could easily walk. You have only got to stand outside any school gates at opening/closing time and you will see all the cars picking up/ dropping off.

People will just not get out of their cars and until we solve that, all the car parks, by passes, will just fill up as quickly as we open them.   
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: marplerambler on February 16, 2016, 05:17:15 PM
I wish I was so certain this were true; I've a nasty feeling it may just draw more cars to park near the stations
I am sure that you are right but the solution at Rose Hill is to build a car park on the allotment site. Digging for Victory was all very well in 1939 but the allotments are an expensive anachronism which truly are a waste of Council land providing land on the cheap for those with green fingers who choose not to dig up their own front and rear gardens to plant vegetables. Build a two storey car park and let those who wish to plant and dig occupy nearly the same surface area on the flat roof and up and down the walls to disguise the new car park.

Simonesaffron fails to grasp the point that we cannot do anything about many people who will not get out of their cars. We may walk or cycle past them as they sit in solid traffic and chuckle that we are moving but the motorists quite simply think that the walkers/ cyclists/ bus passengers are quite mad because they chose not to sit in solid traffic in the warm and dry of their own little box on four wheels even though the engine ticks over not to provide propulsion but to provide warmth and music. Many people have never walked in their lives and never will and feel that they have paid a lot of money to use the road so they might as well use it even though they sometimes get nowhere fast.

Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: simonesaffron on February 16, 2016, 05:36:01 PM
I am sure that you are right but the solution at Rose Hill is to build a car park on the allotment site. Digging for Victory was all very well in 1939 but the allotments are an expensive anachronism which truly are a waste of Council land providing land on the cheap for those with green fingers who choose not to dig up their own front and rear gardens to plant vegetables. Build a two storey car park and let those who wish to plant and dig occupy nearly the same surface area on the flat roof and up and down the walls to disguise the new car park.

Simonesaffron fails to grasp the point that we cannot do anything about many people who will not get out of their cars. We may walk or cycle past them as they sit in solid traffic and chuckle that we are moving but the motorists quite simply think that the walkers/ cyclists/ bus passengers are quite mad because they chose not to sit in solid traffic in the warm and dry of their own little box on four wheels even though the engine ticks over not to provide propulsion but to provide warmth and music. Many people have never walked in their lives and never will and feel that they have paid a lot of money to use the road so they might as well use it even though they sometimes get nowhere fast.

I don't think the cyclists are the only one's who are having a 'chuckle' Rambler. I think that you are having a little chortle yourself, with this post.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: marplerambler on February 16, 2016, 05:43:15 PM
I can't agree more with ringli's comments, however it has taken over 20 years of complaining to get Stockport Council to bring the MIddlewood Way up to its present barely acceptable standard. This is what we are up against. As one who has cycled to work from the suburbs into the centre of London, Birmingham and Manchester I would dearly love to to see cyclists treated as equal partners on the road in order to cycle to work, but the reality is that things have changed. If we can get some people cycling into Stockport via this route then eventually we may get a decent surface and ease or travel.
What on earth is the link between usage of the Middlewood Way and commuting from Marple? If you are on the Middlewood Way, Marple ends half a mile away from Rose Hill at Wood Lane. From there to Macclesfield you are talking about cycling for pleasure, not addressing commuting problems to and from Stockport. Connect2 directly addresses the problem of commuting by providing a largely traffic free cycle route to Stockport and it is this that should be prioritised (and, by heavens, if this route were to be established, you really would have a strong argument for action for renovation of Rollins Lane to justify a through cycle route  from Compstall to Stockport).
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Dave on February 19, 2016, 12:24:19 PM
There is no answer to the traffic congestion, not one that I have....... What isn't an answer is to provide more facilities to accommodate the car..... People will just not get out of their cars and until we solve that, all the car parks, by passes, will just fill up as quickly as we open them.

There's Planet Simone, and then there's the real world!   People who live a mile or more from Marple station will not walk or cycle there in the wind and rain, carrying their briefcases.  This is not Cambridge or York or Amsterdam (flat, with a relatively dry climate), it's hilly and rainy round here!

If stations have adequate car parking people will use it, and that reduces traffic congestion.   Every car parked at Marple station is one less car clogging up Dan Bank or Bents Lane Bredbury (a nightmare!), or Werneth Low.  Park-and-ride works, and it is used all over the developed world as a successful antidote to traffic congestion. 
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Melancholyflower on February 19, 2016, 05:57:35 PM
I can see arguments for both sides.  I have sympathy with Simone's views that there are lazy motorists - like rambler said a certain element always will be, and will refuse to be educated on the benefits of other modes of transport.

Yes, the hilly terrain doesn't make Marple easy to walk to for some residents - surely a free bus service linking hawk green / ridge / compstall or something like the one already in Stockport town centre could be an option?

More car parking would be good in some respects but it isn't the only answer. Regional ticketing issues mean that some new mills residents are driving to Marple, which is an unnecessary, and ridiculous, situation. I'd be interested to know how many do this, and if ticket prices between Derbyshire and greater Manchester can't be sorted out to stop this.

More cycling should be encouraged and routes to Stockport actively campaigned for, especially this connect2 idea.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: amazon on February 19, 2016, 09:42:48 PM
What on earth is the link between usage of the Middlewood Way and commuting from Marple? If you are on the Middlewood Way, Marple ends half a mile away from Rose Hill at Wood Lane. From there to Macclesfield you are talking about cycling for pleasure, not addressing commuting problems to and from Stockport. Connect2 directly addresses the problem of commuting by providing a largely traffic free cycle route to Stockport and it is this that should be prioritised (and, by heavens, if this route were to be established, you really would have a strong argument for action for renovation of Rollins Lane to justify a through cycle route  from Compstall to Stockport).
Not Rollins lane again .i can just see someone going for early morning train with his suite on , drk morning winter .Going down Rollins lane .
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Dave on February 19, 2016, 10:57:12 PM
Regional ticketing issues mean that some new mills residents are driving to Marple, which is an unnecessary, and ridiculous, situation. I'd be interested to know how many do this, and if ticket prices between Derbyshire and greater Manchester can't be sorted out to stop this.

It's not just ticket prices, it's also the relatively infrequent train service from New Mills, and the lack of car parking at that station. 
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: rsh on February 23, 2016, 04:05:24 PM
It's not just ticket prices, it's also the relatively infrequent train service from New Mills, and the lack of car parking at that station.
The frequency from New Mills is mostly the same as Marple these days Mon-Fri, but car parking is the major problem. Why even attempt that eye watering hill down to the station there when you can drive 5 minutes to Marple, get a space AND pay over a third less for your ticket each day.

One idea I'd like to see explored is to give Strines a much better service, at least hourly, and encourage people to stop there instead. There's plenty of space to expand the car park and ticket prices are only about 20p higher than Marple. If people knew they could actually get a train and a parking space there with much less hassle than the "Brabyns bunfight" of multiple car parks, it could have an effect.

For a very "wishful thinking" solution, how about a new New Mills station near their Co-op and the industrial units behind, which are level with the railway line and could provide a large area for parking. Or re-open the line to Hayfield (where I'm sure a lot of Marple patronage must also come from) and use that as the terminus for tram-trains...  :o

Sadly Derbyshire and High Peak don't seem concerned whatsoever in the problems of ticket prices and parking there, never mind the effect it's having on neighbouring boroughs. A vast swathe of land next to Newtown station which could have been a Hazel Grove style park and ride is due to be an Aldi, with them giving a token gesture of about 10 overflow station parking spaces for the already useless car park.
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: ringi on February 23, 2016, 05:12:45 PM
What would it take to make most of the car part at the station “residents only” and would people be happy to pay £30 a year to get the residents permit to park there?
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: Melancholyflower on February 23, 2016, 11:01:36 PM

One idea I'd like to see explored is to give Strines a much better service, at least hourly, and encourage people to stop there instead. There's plenty of space to expand the car park and ticket prices are only about 20p higher than Marple. If people knew they could actually get a train and a parking space there with much less hassle than the "Brabyns bunfight" of multiple car parks, it could have an effect.

For a very "wishful thinking" solution, how about a new New Mills station near their Co-op and the industrial units behind, which are level with the railway line and could provide a large area for parking. Or re-open the line to Hayfield (where I'm sure a lot of Marple patronage must also come from) and use that as the terminus for tram-trains...  :o

Interesting ideas, rsh.  I'd not realised about the land behind the New Mills Co-Op. 
Though I think it's a good idea, I can't ever see the Hayfield line re-opening. There seems to be a lack of enthusiasm to actively explore these options.

Who are the best people to contact?
Title: Re: Traffic Congestion in Marple
Post by: elpram on February 25, 2016, 08:34:28 PM
Marple is geographically quite small. If you are not physically disabled, have you thought of walking?

Harry, I positively dream of the day when my children can take themselves off to school and I can stroll 5 mins to Rose Hill for my train to work in Manchester. Even better coming back at 7pm and popping into The Railway for a G&T before sauntering home   :)