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Archive => Archived Boards => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: george on December 17, 2006, 10:31:22 PM

Title: see the space shuttle fly over
Post by: george on December 17, 2006, 10:31:22 PM
<font color='#000000'>Hi, just a had a nice pint of robin up in the ring o bells, very nice. well thats the hard sell over! The space shuttle is now docked with the International Space Station (ISS), a British astronaut ( Nick Patrick) is on board. Due to probs and additional spacewalk requiremnts the mission is extended a bit. Now th US have 3 potential landing sites marked up (extended mission-extended weather risk, cant stretch time longer re oxygen remaining etc). However, on 22 & 23 Dec the ISS is visible from marple. The shuttle should be undocked and possibly both will be visible naked eye-very bright. I have put the times for the ISS on my site-I will put shuttle times on once nasa decide on final timeline for mission-if we are luckty both should be visible chasing each other across the sky. I will update later this wek as soon as info is available. Star charts showing details are (as always) on my website.