Why do you value your Countryside?



A survey hosted for Stockport MBC
by The Marple Website

What are we doing?
Stockport MBC wants to ensure that your Countryside is protected and improved. To do this it needs to know what people value about their local countryside. The Council can use this information to guide decision making - for example the control of development and the management of land.

The Council wishes to work with local people and groups to carry out this Landscape Character Assessment, in order to establish your views.

Landscape Character Assessment
A Preliminary Landscape Assessment has previously been carried out, and thirteen Character Areas were identified within the Borough. All the areas fall within the open space of the Borough, they include all the areas currently covered by designations such as the Green Belt and River valley areas. The aim is not to replace these designations but to use the Landscape Character Approach to reinforce the importance of our open space.

The Character Assessment process aims to enhance the protection of our Countryside by valuing all of it, not just the areas currently seen as fit to be designated. Not only does it aim to establish the physical make up of our countryside but also the aesthetic and perceptual aspects of each individual character area.

Why are we doing it?
Landscape is more than just the physical, it is also about the relationships between people and place; it is the result of many different components. These components can be important views, historical features, features of ecological importance or detail such as a dry stonewalls or particular tree. The important thing is, that it is people who make Landscape.

"People's perceptions turn land into the concept of landscape"
(The Countryside Agency, 2002)

The Council does not wish to impose "landscape solutions", but wants to work in partnership with people who are interested in developing the Landscape Character Approach within the Borough.

Why get involved?
People who work, live and use the area are the experts on the area itself. By living, working or using the countryside for recreation you are the expert on what is there and more importantly what makes that area different from others.

The benefits of getting involved works both ways, not only does it work as a way of us learning why you value your area but is an opportunity for you to inform. Your input into this process is valuable, as the contributions made will be used to inform development control and land management.

What can you do?
The collection of this information will be through individuals or groups. By going to the areas and completing surveys, taking photographs or recording what you feel in whatever manor you wish (photographic information is highly valuable as it is illustrative as well as informative). If you would like to carry out the formal surveying, then please download the survey pack and the map using the links below. You can send them to us by FREEPOST using the address at the bottom of this page:

Survey Pack


However, this is by no means the only way to let us know what it is you value and why you value it. If you feel that you would simply like to contribute one or two photographs, or bring to our attention an interesting feature, then this is also of great value.

You can do this using the FREEPOST address below, or you can email your information (with photographs attached if desired) to liz.newton@stockport.gov.uk

Please read through the next section for some general guidance, whatever way you decide to contribute.

Carry out a survey - Good Practice Principals

Planning the exercise
Conducting a field survey needs careful planning and routes should be planned before setting out.

If you are carrying out the formal survey, then the survey locations should be selected well within the character area prior to embarking on the task. The aim is to collect information that represents the whole of the area and gives an impression of the area and records the important detail.

Even though panoramic views are good to give an overall impression of the area, you must be careful that you are surveying only one character area, as this will only confuse the results.

It is also important that each viewpoint is publicly accessible, and that your safety is the highest priority.

Tackling it as a team
Surveys are best being carried out by a minimum of two people for several reasons. It has advantages in regard to managing, navigating and recording, whilst also giving the opportunity to discuss any issues raised whilst on site. There are also the safety benefits of conducting the surveying in groups or with friends.

Recording the information
Recording the information out on location has the major purpose of:

Describing the area's character and identifying what it is that makes the area special.

This information can be recorded in a systematic way on the survey sheet provided, or in anyway you wish. The survey sheet has been designed especially for this exercise, and contains sections for all relevant information that is required. Please feel free to include any information that does not appear on the survey sheet in any way you find appropriate (Also note that if you want to inform us of any specific knowledge or information then separate written comments are also welcome).

The map provided in the pack should be used to record the location of where the survey forms were filled in. It can also be used to mark on the location of any particularly important features. This map should be return with any other information collected, as it is vital in telling us the location of these characteristics.

There is no set way of conducting this survey and therefore there are no right and wrong answers. The main aim is for you to let us know what you value in the Landscape Character Areas and why you value these things. If you are interested and would like more information, or if you require a hard copy of the survey pack, please contact us at Stockport Borough Council via:

Email: liz.newton@stockport.gov.uk or telephone Liz Newton on 0161 4744595





2nd Floor, Hygarth House

103 Wellington Road South




This web page is provided free of charge by The Marple Website