Marple Website - Fighting To Keep Our Heritage Safe


Update 3 August 2003:
We've not made much progress in finding someone prepared to help with the design of a weatherproof structure to house Oldknow's memorial yet, but have certainly not given up hope.

Back in June this year Peter was interviewed by Pete Liggins of Stockport's Pure Radio about the campaign. As we've just received a copy of the interview, we thought we'd add it to the site to remind visitors that we're seeking someone to help us with this. Click the link below to hear Peter speaking about Oldknow, our campaign to create a public memorial to him, and also a little about the web site in general.

Pure Radio Interview 18 June 2003 (MP3 - File size 658k)

Pure Radio is a community radio station supported by the European Social Fund (ESF). They are trying to use radio to help unemployed and disadvantaged people to build the skills and confidence to get back into employment, and bring together employed people who want to use their skills and time in a voluntary capacity to support the project. The station, which operates with a Restricted Service Licence, broadcast for the first time in May this year. They're planning to be back on air between 3rd and 30th November 2003. We wish them good luck with their project and we support their aim to obtain a full time broadcasting licence. For more information visit

Update 9 May 2003:
This project has been on the back burner for a while following the set-back of learning that Oldknow's marble plaque is not suitable for outdoor use. However, it has been suggested, by Marple Community Council, that the plaque could be housed inside a purpose built weatherproof structure, behind plate glass, to protect it from rain, frost and vandalism. We think this is a great idea and one that should enable the project to regain its momentum.

The following extract from the Marple Area Committee minutes of 19 February 2003 shows the Committee's response to the report presented to them regarding the improvements to Memorial Park, with item (4) demonstrating their support for our proposal:


The Director of Environment and Economic Development Services submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the responses received to the proposals to improve the entrance to the Marple Memorial Park.

RESOLVED – (1) That the Director of Environment and Economic Development Services be requested to consult Marple Community Council and Marple Civic Society confirming that they have no comments on the proposals and circulate any comments received to members of this Area Committee.

(2) That the Director of Environment and Economic Development Services be requested to consider amending the proposals to accommodate comments received.

(3) That the Executive Councillor (Infrastructure) be recommended to approve the final scheme.

(4) That the proposal to display the Oldknow Memorial Plaque in a suitable and prominent public place be supported.

We believe that the next step is to try and develop a suitable design for the weatherproof structure and determine the best location for it to be positioned in the park. Due to the limited availability of funds for projects such as this we need find a way to create a design at minimal, if not zero, cost.

We would therefore like to appeal for any ideas that local people may have regarding this and hope to find someone with suitable skills to be able to help produce a design that can be costed and put forward for Area Committee approval. Perhaps an architectural student who needs to find a practical project to undertake as part of their studies, or a local architect or engineer with sufficient interest in preserving Marple's heritage to offer their services for free.

If you are such a person, or if you have any comments and ideas to offer regarding this matter, please get in touch with Peter or Mark using our contact us page.

For anyone wishing to give this some thought, the memorial plaque's dimensions are: 

1500mm high (1800mm including mounting feet not shown in picture) x 1300mm wide x approximately 200mm deep.

Oldknow's Memorial in the Old Church Tower

Update 1 March 2003:
We were pleased to learn that All Saints' Parochial Church Council met last week and voted unanimously for Oldknow's plaque to be released for use as a public memorial. This decision will have to be approved by the Chester Diocese and an application for a faculty - giving permission for its release - will need to be made.

We also learnt that the marble from which the plaque is carved is not suitable for outdoor use in this country, as it is not frost-proof. This is a blow to our initial plan of placing it at the entrance to Memorial Park but certainly not an end to the idea of creating a memorial to Samuel Oldknow.

The Church Council are still prepared, subject to a faculty being granted, to release the plaque for public display if a suitable interior location can be agreed. They are also happy to permit a replica to be created, providing the process does not damage the original.

The responses to the consultation in the library were reported to the Marple Area Committee on Tuesday 25 February and the idea of a memorial to Oldknow was very well received. The committee were asked to note and comment on the report and the suggestions made by those who had responded to the questionnaire. The report presented to the committee can be viewed by clicking this link. Once the minutes of the meeting are available we will endeavor to provide a link to these too.

There are now two lines of enquiry to pursue. A suitable indoor location where Oldknow's plaque can be viewed by the public needs to found and the possibilities of creating a replica, or brand new memorial, for placing in a prominent outdoor location, also need to be investigated. We would welcome any ideas and suggestions on these issues, especially if there is anyone out there who can give practical advice on creating a replica by making a mould from the existing plaque.

Many thanks to Stockport Express and Times reporter Lisa Cooper for picking up on our ideas and giving support to the campaign in the local papers. Watch this space - we'll keep you up-to-date with progress.

Report to Marple Area Committee.


Proposals for improvements to the entrance of Memorial Park on Stockport Road were recently displayed in Marple Library. This has brought forward a project that The Marple Website has been keeping 'on the back-burner' for some time because of our current commitments to the Iron Bridge Restoration Campaign. However, the publication of the proposals for improvements to the park entrance presents a perfect opportunity to implement the idea we had been saving as our next project.

Oldknow's Memorial in the Old Church Tower

Wouldn't this look good here?

Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Oldknow, Esq.,
of Mellor in the County of Derby,
who died September 18th 1828, aged 72"

This is to create a public memorial to Samuel Oldknow, Marple's greatest benefactor and the man who laid the foundations upon which the Marple of today is built. Even now, nearly 200 years after his death, Oldknow's legacy can be found in almost every aspect of our town, from the route of our roads, the canals and aqueduct, Roman Lakes and numerous fine buildings that survive from his day.

Yet, despite the incredible impact this man had on Marple, there is not a single public acknowledgement - no statue or monument - no blue plaque - no memorial in his name. This is a massive over-sight by the local community and the improvements to the entrance of Memorial Park are an ideal opportunity for this omission to be rectified.

Although there isn't a public memorial to Samuel Oldknow today, there once was. It was in the Georgian Chapel at All Saints', which was built largely as a result of his enthusiasm and money. When he died, in 1828, a large marble plaque was commissioned by his contemporaries in his memory and set in a prime spot in the church. When the old church was demolished, in 1969, Oldknow's memorial and several others were preserved by moving them into the old church bell-tower, which was left free-standing to house the church's bells.

The current resting place of
Oldknow's Memorial plaque

Today Oldknow's memorial remains in the tower, seen only by the bell ringers and perhaps the occasional visitor. It actually sits under the stairs, so it cannot be viewed or even photographed properly. The last time Peter and I visited for this purpose we had to move all kinds of equipment from in front of it before it could even be seen. It is truly an insult to this great man and a disgrace that we 'honour' him in this way.

We have written to All Saint's Church asking if they will consider releasing Oldknow's plaque for use as a public memorial to him. We have written to the Head of Regeneration at SMBC asking that our ideas be incorporated within the proposals for the improvements to the park entrance. We have put our ideas forward to the Marple Centre Regeneration Partnership, a group that we have recently joined, and we have written to all our local councillors and members of the Marple Area Committee in the hope that this idea can be brought to fruition.

The proposals, and the feedback received from the consultation display were reviewed at the  Marple Area Committee meeting on 25 February at the Town Hall.

As we've done with the Iron Bridge Campaign, we will publish all our correspondence on the site and keep you up-to-date with progress as it's made. We would be delighted to learn your comments by e-mail or in the forum and notice board on the web site.

"Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark,
which they of old time have set in thine inheritance."
Deuteronomy 19:14


Letter to Local Councillors. - 3rd February 2003

Letter to Head of Regeneration SMBC. - 28th January 2003

Letter to All Saints' Church - 18th December 2002


The Plans for the Park Entrance can be viewed as a PDF file on the Stockport MBC web site. Unfortunately this is a very large file and will take a long time to download with an ordinary 56k modem connection. It works great if you have a broadband connection. Click here to give it a try.


"He was the zealous promoter of every useful and benevolent measure calculated to aid the progress of general civilisation and local improvement, to encourage the pursuits of honest industry, to increase the comforts, amend the morals, and enlarge the happiness of the people among whom he dwelt. Animated with the most dutiful attachment to his King and a rooted veneration for our glorious constitution in church and state, he remained firm and unchanged in his principles under every political vicissitude. And when his country was threatened with invasion by a foreign foe, he held a distinguished command among those who voluntarily armed themselves in defence of their native land. Nor let this monument fail to record that to his unwearied exertions and generous munificence the inhabitants of this chapelry are chiefly indebted for the erection of this sacred edifice. A blessing which he rendered still more valuable by the influence of his example in constantly attending both the morning and evening services of Divine worship on every Sabbath day."